functional unit of breast
what are lobules composed of?
clusters of epithelium lined ductules or acini
each terminal duct and its ductules compose?
terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU)
about 6 to 10 duct systems are subdivided into?
each duct system drains how?
through a main excretory duct or lactiferous sinus (nipple)
when do lobules arise?
after menarche
areola, nipple, ostia of main lactiferous ducts are covered by?
stratified squamous epithelium
major and distal ducts lined by how many layers and called?
double layered
inner and outer layer
what layer is this?
cuboidal epithelium, normally responsive
inner layer
what layer is this?
flattened, contractile epithelium oriented parallel to long axis of ducts (myoepithelium)
outer layer
lack of myoepithelium is malignancy
what stroma is this
composed of delicate,
loose, myxomatous stroma with scattered lymphocytes
Intralobular stroma
what stroma is this
dense fibrous connective tissue admixed with adipose tissue
Interlobular stroma
this phase involves estrogen and quiescent lobules
proliferative phase
this phase involves both estrogen and progesterone
• Epithelial proliferation with increasing acini per
• Vacuolization of basal epithelial cells
• Marked intralobular stromal edema
Secretory phase
what is important about 3rd trimester pregnancy?
secretory vacuoles (lipid)
Breast composed almost entirely of acini filled with
foamy, secretory cytoplasm is also known as?
incomplete lobular regression and atrophy
Cessation of lactation
atrophy of lobular acini and
intralobular stroma with progressive replacement of interlobular stroma with adipose tissue