progressive loss of body fat and lean body mass accompanied by profound weakness, anorexia and anemia, unlike starvation, weight loss results equally from loss of fat and lean muscle
cancer cachexia
decreases appetite, mobilizes fats from tissue stores which inhibits lipoprotein lipase activity
causes breakdown of skeletal muscle protein (loss of muscle tone)
proteolytic inducing factor
symptoms not readily explained by either local or distant spread of the tumor, or the elaboration of hormones indigenous to tissue from which the tumor arose
occurs in 10-15% of patients with malignancy
paraneoplastic syndromes
most common endocrinopathy
cushing syndrome`
occurs by 2 mechanism that occurs non-paraneoplastic and paraneoplastic
name this type of hypercalcemia
osteolysis by either primary bone cancer or metastasis due to the direct effects of metastatic tumor
non paraneoplastic
name this type of hypercalcemia
production of PTH, PTH related hormone, TGF-alpha, TNF, IL-1 by tumor
gray black patches of verruncous hyperkeratosis of the skin, associated with cancer 50%
acanthosis nigricans
some neural antigens are ectopically expressed by visceral cancers and immune system recognizes these antigens as foreign and mounts an immune response
neuromyopathic paraneoplasias
may be encountered in association with deep seated cancers like of the pancreas or lung; thrombi appear asynchronously in several veins
migratory thrombophlebitis
name this type of tumor antigen?
present only on tumor cells, not on normal cells
tumor specific antigens (TSA)
name this type of tumor antigen?
present on tumor cells and on some normal cells
tumor associated antigens (TAA)
is the dominant antitumor mechanism in vivo
cell mediated immunity
specifically sensitized cytotoxic T-cells
cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
lymphocytes capable of destroying tumor cells without prior sensitization
natural killer cells
activated macrophages exhibit selective cytotoxicity against tumor cells in vitro
although there is no evidence for the protective effects of anti humor antibodies against spontaneous tumors, administration of monoclonal antibodies against tumor cells can be therapeutically effective
humoral mechanisms (antibodies)