what is the purpose of normal hemostasis?
maintenance of the blood in a fluid clot free state in normal vessels
poised to induce a rapid and localized hemostatic plug at a site of vascular injury
what are the components used in normal hemostasis?
vascular wall
coagulation cascade
thrombosis has the potential to?
decrease vascular flow
obstruct blood flow
what are the three primary abnormalities that lead to thrombus formation (Virchow’s triad)?
endothelial injury
changes in laminar blood flow
what are examples of endothelial injury?
ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque
myocardial infarction
inflammatory cardiac valve disease
what are the examples of changes in laminar blood flow?
name this type of laminar blood flow?
activation of platelets
slowed rate of flow retards dilution and hepatic clearance of activated factors
retards inflow of inhibitors
name this type of laminar blood flow?
activation of platelets
endothelial injury
retards inflow of inhibitors
what are the two types of hypercoagulability?
primary (genetic)
secondary (acquired)
what is the morphology of thrombi?
premortem thrombus
post mortem thrombus
mural thrombus
arterial thrombus
venous thrombus
what is the fate of the thrombus?
what are the types of venous thrombus?
superficial (local problems) and deep (more likely to embolize)
what are the examples of arterial thrombosis?
occlusive (MI, stroke)
heart (mural) thrombi embolize peripherally to brain, kidneys, and spleen
what are the types of embolism?
pulmonary embolism systemic thromboembolism fat embolism air embolism amniotic fluid embolus
what re the types of pulmonary embolism?
saddle embouls
small pulmonary emboli
acute and chromic decompression sickness are what types of embolism?
air embolism
name this embolism:
sudden severe dyspnea, cyanosis, and hypotensive shock
seizures and coma
pulmonary edema, diffuse alveolar damage
hemolytic disease
amniotic fluid embolus
what are the two types of infarcts?
red infarcts (hemorrhagic occur with venous occlusions)
white infarcts (anemic and occurs with arterial occlusion)
morphology of infarcts?
wedge shaped margins become better defined with time rim of hyperemia inflammation scarring
what are the factors influencing the development of infarct?
anatomic pattern of vascular supply
rate of development of the occlusion
vulnerability of a given tissue to hypoxia
general status of CV system and blood (anemia)