present in the spaces between cells in connective tissue between epithelia and supporting vascular and smooth muscle
interstitial matrix
found around epithelial cells, endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells
basement membrane
most common fibrous structural protein
name this fibrillar collagen type?
ligaments, bone, skin and just about everywhere
type I
name this fibrillar collagen type?
articular cartilage
type II
name this fibrillar collagen type?
initial collagen for repair until type I collagen replaces it
type III
name this nonfibrillar collagen type?
basement membranes
type IV
large multifunctional glycoprotein
most abundant glycoprotein in basement membrane
major cell surface receptors that mediate cellular attachment to the ECM and also mediate cell cell interactions
protein core linked to polysaccharides
binds to collagen, fibronectin and thrombospondin to modulate GF activity
found in ECM, serves as ligand for core protein
blood supply key to healing
name this type of scar (early or mature)
lots of tiny leaky immature blood vessels with few collagen fibers separated by edema
early scar
name this type of scar (early or mature)
lots of collagen fiber deposition with little/no edema with decrease number of new blood vessels as compared to early scar
mature scar
occurs with granulation tissue framework, excessive deposition of collagen and other ECM components in the event of chronic disease (chronic inflammation)
rupture of a wound
wound dehiscence
occurs due to inadequate intrinsic blood supply (inadequate vascularization)
aberration of cell growth (increased collagen deposition, genetic)
keloid and hypertrophic scar
this scar (keloid or hypertrophic) stay within boundaries of the original wound and generally develop after thermal or traumatic injury that involves deep layers of the dermis
hypertrophic scars
this scar (keloid or hypertrophic) extends beyond site of original wound and do not regress spontaneously
hypertrophic scar
this scar (keloid or hypertrophic) extends beyond site of original wound and does not regress spontaneously
this is exuberant growth (proud flesh) of granulation tissue which protrudes above surface of skin blocking basal layer to prevent re-epithelization
exuberant granulation
these are desmoids that lie in the interface between benign proliferation and low grade malignant tumors
aggressive fibromatoses (desmoids)
exaggeration of the process of wound contracture in secondary union resulting in deformities of the would and the surrounding tissue
- compromises the movement of joints
- palms, soles, burns
name this intention?
minimal tissu loss
narrow defect
clean-no significant bacterial contamination
1st intention (primary union)
name this intention?
larger tissue defect
more intense inflammtory reaction
larger amounts of granulation tissue
wound contraction-myofibroblasts pull edges of wound trying to make it smaller, appears as puckering
2nd intention (secondary union)