TERMS Flashcards
o Reactive changes induced by microbiologic agents, cellular debris or foreigncells
• Enlarged, prominent large germinal centers
• Histiocytes containing debris
• Neutrophils may be present
Acute Nonspecific Lymphadenitis
name this chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis
caused by inflammatory processthat activates B-cells
• Prominent germinal centers
• Tingible body macrophages(starry-sky appearance) - also assoc. with Burkitt’slymphoma
• Causes: RA, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, earlyHIV
• Differentiation from lymphoma:
▪ Preservation of architecture
Follicular hyperplasia
name this chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis
reactive changesin T-cell areas
• Hypertrophy of sinusoidal and vascular endothelium
• Mixed cellular infiltrate (immunoblasts)
• Causes: drug reactions, infectious mono, CMV, vaccinations (smallpox)
paracortical lymphoid hyperplasia
name this chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis
- Sinuses engorged with histocytes
- Causes: lymph nodes draining carcinoma
Sinus histiocytosis
malignant neoplasms characterized by the proliferation of cells native to lymphoid tissues
what is this type of lymphoma?
arises in lymph nodes
potential for spread to other lymph nodes or organs
B-cell origin (80-85%)
nodular, diffuse
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - NHL
what is this type of NHL lymphoma?
most common NHL in US(40%)
middle age, M=F
Neoplastic cells closely resemble normal germinal center B-cells
- Nodular or diffuse & nodular
- two types
- -Small cleaved cells
- -Centroblasts
CD19, CD20, CD10 and BCL6
Painlesslymphadenopathy* Extranodal involvement is uncommon waxing and waning course unaffected by aggressive chemotherapy Assoc. with mutations in TP53 -Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma
what is this type of NHL lymphoma?
cells resembling the naïve B cells
men over the age of 50
- cyclin D1 gene to the IgH locus
- Tumor cells usually coexpress surface IgM and IgD, pan B-cell antigens CD19 and CD20 as well as CD5
Bone marrow
▪ Fatigue ▪ Lymphadenopathy ▪ Disease is generalized, involving the spleen, liver, bone marrow and often the GI tract ▪ Moderately aggressive ▪ Median survival is 3 – 5 years
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
what is this type of NHL lymphoma?
most common form of NHL in adults(50%)
large cell size, diffuse growth pattern
express CD19 and CD20
Body cavity
60 years
Rapidly enlarging, often symptomatic mass at a single nodal or extranodalsite
aggressive tumors
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
what is this type of NHL lymphoma?
▪ Diffuse infiltrate of intermediate-sized lymphoid cells
▪ Round nucleus with prominent membrane, coarse chromatin and prominentnucleoli
• Starry sky pattern - tingible bodymacrophages*
▪ African (endemic) type: ALL latently infected with EBV*
▪ Sporadic (non-endemic) type: 20% latently infected with EBV*
occurs in patients with HIV
Burkitt Lymphoma
what is this type of burkitt lymphoma?
mass at mandible and involvement of abdominal viscera*
african burkitt lymphoma
what is this type of burkitt lymphoma?
abdominal massinvolving ileocecum and peritoneum (not mediastinal*)
Sporadic burkitt lymphoma
a group of disorders which differs from NHL in several respects
bimodal age incidence curve: 15-34 years & 50 years*
Reed-Sternberg cell - considered to be the true neoplastic element in HD* Contiguous Spread
classic: large, binucleate or bilobed nucleus, owl-like nucleoli surrounded by a clear halo*
Hodgkin lymphoma/disease
name this Hodgkin lymphoma?
most common form (65-75% F>M)
Lacunar cell and collagen bands
Express CD15 & CD30 (negative for T & B-cellmarkers)
Stage I or II most common
Excellent prognosis
Nodular sclerosis
name this Hodgkin lymphoma?
Diffuse effacement of nodes by a heterogeneous cellular infiltrate
Immunophenotype identical to NS: express CD15
Mixed cellularity (25%)
name this Hodgkin lymphoma?
uncommon, EBV assoc. 40%
○ Reactive lymphocytes make up the vast majority of cells
○ Lymph node architecture diffusely effaced,
occasionally a vague nodularity remains
○ Frequent mononuclear and classic RS cells
name this Hodgkin lymphoma?
least common form, observed in older
patients; assoc. with EBV
○ Paucity (lack) of lymphocytes
○ Abundant RS cells or pleomorphic variants
Lymphocyte depletion
name this Hodgkin lymphoma?
non-classical; uncommon (5%)
RS variant: L+H cell
Follicular B-cell origin in contrast to other forms of HD Express
CD45 & CD20 and BCL6 - negative for CD15 and CD30
Lymphocyte Predominance