increased fluid in the interstitial tissues (60% of lean body weight is water- 2/3 intracellular, 1/3 extracellular)
abnormal accumulation of fluid within interstitial spaces or body cavities (inflammatory or non-inflammatory)
reduced plasma oncotic pressure
severe generalized edema
collection of fluid in abdominal cavity seen with liver cirrhosis
collection of fluid in pleural cavity
pleural effusion (hydrothorax)
collection of fluid in the pericardial sac
pericardial effusion (hydropericardium)
edema fluid occurring with volume or fluid overload, or with reduced plasma protein (SG<1.012)
edema fluid seen in inflammation,high in protein due to increased vascular permeability SG>1.020
can be diffuse or more conspicuous in regions with high hydrostatic pressures
located subcutaneous and seen on lower extremities, fluid build up
pitting edema
located subcutaneous with fluid build up seen in lower parts of body only when patient is standing (gravity assisted)
dependent edema
edema seen with LV failure, renal failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary infection
pulmonary edema
edema that is localized or generalized depending on the nature and extent of the pathologic process or injury
brain edema
active process in which arteriolar dilation leads to increased blood flow like blushing, exercise
the engorgement of vessels with oxygenated blood
a passive process resulting from reduced outflow of blood from a tissue (venous stasis)
central vein and sinusoids distended, centrilobular hepatocytes are ischemic while periportal hepatocytes may only develop fatty change (steatosis)
acute hepatic congestion
extravasation of blood due to rupture of the vessel
minute (1-2 mm) hemorrhages into skin, mucus membranes, or serial surfaces causing thrombocytopenia, defective platelet function and loss of vascular wall support
slightly larger hemorrhages caused by same ones that cause petachiae, in addition to, trauma, vascular inflammation and increased vascular fragility
(1-2cm) subcutaneous hemorrhages, bruises
systemic hypo perfusion owing to a reduction in either cardiac output or in the effective circulating blood volume, resulting in hypoxic injury to cells
final common pathway for a number of potentially lethal events
severe hemorrhage extensive trauma or burns large MI masive pulmonary embolus microbial sepsis
name this type of shock:
results from cardiac pump failure
intrinsic myocardial damage
ventricular arrhythmia
extrinsic compression
outflow obstruction
cardiogenic shock
name this type of shock:
loss of blood or plasma volume
caused by hemorrhage or fluid loss, trauma or severe burns
hypovolemic shock
name this type of shock:
systemic microbial infection, most commonly caused by gram negative infection
septic shock
name this type of shock:
anesthetic accident or spinal injury, loss of vascular tone with peripheral blood pooling
neurogenic shock
name this type of shock:
initiated by a generalized IgE mediated type I hypersensitivity response
-systemic vasodilation and increased vascular permeability
anaphylactic shock
weak rapid pulse