Invasive Carcinoma: Good Prognosis
- 2% incidence; women in their 50s-60s
- Small (1 cm), angular, infiltrating tubules with open lumens and lowgrade nuclei
- > 90 % tubules
- Excellent prognosis even with positive lymph nodes
Tubular carcinoma
Invasive Carcinoma: Good Prognosis
- 2% incidence, older women
- Well-circumscribed, round, soft, gelatinous lesion
- Pools of extravasated mucin with floating ductal cells
- > 80% 10 year survival
Colloid/Mucinous carcinoma
Invasive Carcinoma: Good Prognosis
• 1-7% incidence, younger women (<50 yo)
• Well-circumscribed mass that can be mistaken for
• Well-defined margins with pushing borders
• Large pleomorphic cells with solid, syncytial growth
pattern (>75 % syncytial formation)
• Dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate
• No desmoplasia
Carcinoma with medullary features
Invasive Carcinoma: Poor Prognosis
- Uncommon, poorly differentiated ductal carcinoma
- Well-circumscribed mass
- Metaplastic changes include squamous metaplasia, chondroid or osteoid metaplasia
- Spindle cell proliferation or sarcomatous changes
Metaplastic carcinoma
• Clinical term for acute swelling, redness and tenderness of the breast • Aggressive lesion with poor prognosis • Histology: Tumor cells plugging dermal lymphatics
Associated with high
incidence of systemic
Inflammatory Carcinoma
• Clinical term for thickened skin due to lymphedema • Histology: Tumor cells within dermal lymphatics with subsequent blockage of skin drainage
Peau d’orange
- Presents as an ulcerated, oozing lesion on skin of nipple or areola
- Subtype of ductal CA arising in main lactiferous duct and extending into overlying epidermis
- Large atypical cells with abundant cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli within epidermis
- Invariably associated with underlying DCIS or invasive ductal CA
Paget’s Disease of the Nipple
spread of ductal carcinoma how?
lymph nodes in axillary tail
distant metastases
spread of breast cancer can be described as?
lobular carcinoma
prognostic indicators for carcinoma of the breast?
*tumor stage
size of tumor
number of LN
distant metastasis
- histologic grade and subtype
- ER,PR,HER2 receptor status
poor prognostic indicators for carcinoma of the breast?
- Increased proliferative rate and degree of aneuploidy
- Triple negative tumors (ER, PR, and HER2)
- Tumor angiogenesis
Early detection
Local resection, mastectomy, LN dissection, chemotherapy, radiation