this cell derived mediator transmits pain, regulates vessel tone, modulates vascular permeability
substance P, a neuropeptides
these complement members make up the membrane attack complex?
this limits formation of C3 and C5
decay accelerating factor (DAF)
these complement system anaphylactoxins induce degranulation of mast cells and basophils
these activate leukocytes to lesser extent
C5a & C3a
this anaphylactoxin activates 5-lipooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism
this type of kinin is part of the kinin system?
increases vascular permeability
smooth muscle contraction
dilation of blood vessel
this is part of the clotting system that induces increased leukocyte adhesion and fibroblast proliferation
this factor of the clotting system increases vascular permeability and leukocyte emigration
factor Xa
this factor of the clotting system activates kinin cascade (Hageman factor)
factor XIIa
distinct type of chronic inflammation with activated macrophage with epitheloid appearance, multinucleate giant cells
granulomatous inflammation
incited by relatively inert foreign bodies (suture material)
foreign body granulomas
seen with cases necrosis in TB
immune granulomas
thin fluid with few cells (blister-focal collection of serous effusion)
serous inflammation
contains large amounts of fibrin, fibrinous exudate characteristics of inflammation in the lining of body cavities (meninges, pericardium, pleura)
fibrinous inflammation
purulent exudate consisting of neutrophils, liquefactive necrosis and edema fluid, oven produced by pyogenic (pus producing) bacteria
suppurative/purulent inflammation
localized collections of purulent inflammatory tissue
local defect, or excavation, of the surface of an organ or tissue produced by the sloughing off of inflamed necrotic tissue