name this type of inflammation?
- vasodilation
- structural changes resulting in increased vascular permeability
vascular inflammation
name this type of inflammation?
- emigration of leukocytes from the circulation
- accumulation of leukocytes at the point of injury
cellular inflammation
excess interstitial or serous cavity fluid
inflammatory exudate rich in leukocytes and cellular debris
purulent exudate
inflammatory extravascular fluid with a high protein content and SG>1.020
as extravascular fluid with a low protein content and a SG>1.012
phagocytes, dendritic cells and many other cels express receptors that are designed to recognize the presence of infectious pathogens as well as substance released from dead cells
pattern recognition sensors
name this class of receptor
- microbial sensors
- located in the plasma membrane and endosomes
- complemented by cytoplasmic and membrane molecules
toll-like receptors (TLRs)
name this class of receptor
- cytosolic receptors
- recognize a wide variety of substances
- several of these NRL receptors signal via the inflammasome
nod-like receptors and the inflammasome
name this class of receptor
- multiprotein cytoplasmic complex
- triggering of inflammasome results in activation of caspase-1
name this class of receptor`
- cleaves precursor forms of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1B into its active form
- IL-1 is the mediator
name this receptor
expressed on leukocytes and endothelium
mediates rolling
extracellular domain
expressed on endothelial cells
name this protein
mediates adhesion of the leukocytes to endothelial surfaces
this is the process where we see locomotion move along a chemical gradient
name this chemotactic agents
bacterial products
name this chemotactic agents
components of the complement system
products of lipoxygenase pathway
chemotactic agents
these are extracellular fibrillar network’s produced by neutrophils in response to infectious pathogens and inflammatory mediators
neutrophils extracellular traps