Poultry Top Topics - Top 20 Poultry Diseases Part 2 Flashcards
what is the classic case presentation of gumboro (infectious bursal disease) in young chicks under 3 weeks old? what about older chicks?
less than 3 weeks - usually subclinical but causes chronic immune suppression
older - watery diarrhea, dehydration, & prostration
what is the etiology of gumboro?
how is gumboro diagnosed?
reverse transcriptase PCR on bursal tissue is most common, virus isolation, & serological tests
what is seen on necropsy of birds with infectious bursal disease?
swollen cloacal bursa of fabricius, usually yellowish but can be hemorrhagic (subclinical & recovered chickens have cloacal bursa atrophy)
how is gumboro treated?
no treatment - depopulate & disinfect
how is gumboro in chickens prevented?
vaccinate flocks to provide maternal antibodies & antibiotics provided to prevent secondary infections
what is the bursa of fabricius?
lymphoid structure in birds that is an out-pouching of the cloaca
T/F: gumboro, caused by birnavirus, has a worldwide distribution, is highly contagious, & is a reportable disease
T/F: pullorum disease has a high mortality rate
what is the classic case presentation of pullorum disease?
acute onset depression/death usually in chicks
death in adults with no preceding clinical signs
white diarrhea/pasting of the vent - may disseminate to other organs & cause grayish nodules
what other birds can be affected by pullorum disease?
turkey poults
what is the etiology of pullorum disease?
salmonella pullorum
what necropsy lesions may be seen on a bird with pullorum disease?
gray nodules on the liver, spleen, lungs, intestines, gizzard, & heart
cecal cores - caseous material in the cecum
how is pullorum disease diagnosed?
serology in adult birds
isolate & serotype from feces/fecal swabs or necropsy specimens
what is the treatment for pullorum disease?
none - cull & disinfect
could use sulfas/fluoroquinolones in valuable birds
how is pullorum disease prevented?
periodic serologic testing
how is pullorum disease transmitted?
vertical or horizontal transmission - carried by some wild birds
T/F: pullorum disease is rare in commercial poultry operations