Bovine Flash Notes - Flank Anesthesia Flashcards
local anesthesia done on the flank of cows is concerned with what spinal nerves?
T13, L1, & L2
what is a line block?
infiltration of the intended incision line
what is the most common nerve block done on ruminants for flank anesthesia?
line block
what is an inverted L block?
injections are done in the abdominal wall from the subcutaneous area to the peritoneum in an ‘L’ or backwards 7 pattern
what is the purpose of using any type of paravertebral block?
to be able to perform standing flank surgery by opening the paralumbar fossa
what is a magda/distal paralumbar analgesia block?
blocks only the ventral & lateral dorsal branches of spinal nerves
what are the advantages & disadvantages of using a line block for flank anesthesia?
advantages - easy to do, disadvantages - edema in the incision site & possible interference with healing
how is an inverted L block done?
line infiltration Is done cranial & dorsal to the intended incision site - two lines are laid down, one caudal to the last rib & one ventral to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae - up to 100mL are injected, wait 10-15 minutes
what are the advantages & disadvantages of an inverted L block?
advantages - easy to do & away from incision site, disadvantages - large amount of anesthetic required
what nerves are desensitized when using a proximal paravertebral block?
dorsal & ventral nerve branches of T13, L1, & L2 as they emerge from the intervertebral foramina
where is a proximal paravertebral block performed?
injection sites are 1-2 inches lateral to the dorsal midline over the cranial edge of the transverse processes of L1 & L2 - for T13, pass the needle ventrally to contact the transverse process of L1 & walk needle off the cranial edge of the transverse process & through the intertranverse fascia below the transverse process for the ventral branch, withdraw the needle back a bit to get the dorsal branch, & repeat the process for L1 & L2
what nerves are desensitized with a distal paravertebral block?
T13, L1, & L2 - dorsal & ventral branches
where is a distal paravertebral nerve block performed?
done at the distal end of the transverse processes of L1, L2, & L4
what are the advantages of using a distal paravertebral nerve block over a proximal one?
advantages - no scoliosis because not all branches of the dorsal branches are blocked, minimum pelvic limb paresis, no danger of hitting abdominal vessels, & uses standard needles sizes
what are the disadvantages of using a distal paravertebral nerve block?
disadvantages - more anesthetic needed, effectiveness can vary especially if the nerves vary
where is a lumbosacral epidural performed on a cow? what is it?
anesthetic is administered into the epidural space between the first & second lumbar vertebrae - locate spinous processes of L1 & L2 by palpating the transverse processes of L1 & L2 - desensitization of the nerve roots as they leave the spinal cord
what are the advantages of using a lumbosacral epidural over a proximal or distal paravertebral nerve block?
advantages - only one injection, small amount of anesthetic, & uniform analgesia
what are the disadvantages of using a lumbosacral epidural over a proximal or distal paravertebral nerve block?
disadvantages - difficult technique, motor loss to hind limbs, & possibility of damage to the spinal cord & venous sinuses