Bovine Top 20 Diseases - Part 1 Flashcards
what is the classic case presentation of bovine lymphosarcoma affecting the CNS?
paraplegia, tetraplegia, paraparesis, tetraparesis, head tilt, facial paralysis, & dysphagia
what is the classic case presentation of bovine lymphosarcoma affecting the gi system?
free gas bloat, bagal indigestion, palpably enlarged abdominal lymph nodes, melena, & thickened rectum
what is the classic case presentation of bovine lymphosarcoma affecting the lymph nodes?
lymphadenopathy, exophthalmos, & weight loss
what is the classic case presentation of bovine lymphosarcoma affecting the heart?
unexpected/sudden collapse, death, CHF, jugular pulse, distended jugular/mammary veins, arrhythmia, tachycardia, weak pulse, & subcutaneous edema
what is the etiology of bovine lymphosarcoma?
bovine leukemia virus - oncogenic retrovirus
how is bovine lymphosarcoma diagnosed?
lymph node biopsy, positive antibodies on ELISA?AGID to BLV or PCR/antigen capture using ELISA for BLV
what treatment is used for bovine lymphosarcoma?
no effective or legal treatment - d-penicillamine has been given to affected pregnant cattle to save a valuable calf but questionable!!!!
T/F: cattle affected with bovine lymphosarcoma will not pass inspection for slaughter
in cows with BLV, what percentages are asymptomatic/symptomatic?
most are asymptomatic, 5-10% get lymphosarcoma, & 30% will have a persistent lymphocytosis
what are the 3 types of ketosis seen in cattle?
type I - thin cow up to 45 days post partum, type II - obese cows peripartum, & type III/silage type - too much silage at any stage of lactation
what is the most common case presentation of ketosis in a cow?
dairy cow 1-4 weeks post-partum with mild anorexia, low milk production, malodorous breath, pica/paresthesia, aggressive behavior, & mild proprioceptive deficits with hepatic failure
how is ketosis in a cow diagnosed?
measure beta-hydroxybutyric acid in blood (best), milk or urine, diagnostic is greater than 14.4 mg/dl in whole blood, look for acetoacetic acid in urine with dipstick, & thorough dental exam
how is type I ketosis in a cow treated?
simple/short term treatment: oral propylene glycol, IV dextrose, corticosteroids, oral potassium, & calcium salts
how is type II ketosis in a cow treated?
difficult/longer term treatment: transfaunate, force feed, IV dextrose, oral potassium, calcium salts, & insulin
how is silage type ketosis in a cow treated/prevented?
don’t feed silage with high concentration of butyric acid to pre & post-fresh partum cows!!!
what is the prognosis of type I ketosis?
excellent - prevent with low protein diet, maximize energy in early lactation, & monensin
what is the prognosis of type II ketosis in a cow?
poor prognosis - cull obese cows
why is ketosis economically impactful?
causes higher culling rates, more retained placentas, & decreased pregnancy rates/milk production in obese cows
what is the typical case presentation of a cow with BVD?
unvaccinated younger cow with acute diarrhea, nasal discharge, ptyalism, ocular discharge, oral ulcers, fever, anorexia, & coronitis