This class was created by Brainscape user Madeleine Swindell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (178)

Canine Top 20 Diseases - Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
30  cards
Cross Species Top 10 Reportable Diseases - Part 1
What species are affected by foot...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
T f situation determines what dia...
80  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Proptosed Eye
What is the usual presentation of...,
What are 2 positive prognostic in...,
What does a dilated unresponsive ...
10  cards
Canine Top Twenty Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is seen on thoracic radiogra...,
What is seen on echocardiogram in...
54  cards
Cross Species Top 10 Reportable Diseases - Part 2
What diseases are involved in equ...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
55  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Dilated Cardiomyopathy
What is the common signalment of ...,
What dog breed is known to have a...,
What are signs of congestive hear...
17  cards
Canine Top Twenty Diseases - Part 3
What is the classic case presenta...,
When can an ethylene glycol test ...,
What crystals shown in the photo ...
46  cards
Cross Species - Cranial Nerves Part 1
What is the name function of cran...,
What is the name function of cran...,
What is the name function of cran...
31  cards
Cross Species - Cranial Nerves Part 2
What is horner s syndrome 1,
What are the 3 main risk factors ...,
What is important to remember abo...
38  cards
Cross Species - Top 10 Tickborne Diseases Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the breeds that are pred...
53  cards
Cross Species - Top 10 Tickborne Diseases Part 2
What is the signalment of animals...,
What is another name for epizooti...,
What is the classic case presenta...
46  cards
ECG Part 1 - Obtaining & Reading an ECG
What is an ecg 1,
What is the standard electrode pl...,
What is einthoven s triangle 3
38  cards
ECG Part 2 - Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias
What are the two basic mechanisms...,
What is an ectopic pacemaker 2,
Where do ectopic pacemakers usual...
20  cards
ECG Part 3 - Common Cardiac Arrhythmias
Why do bradyarrhythmias often occ...,
What is sinus bradycardia what ca...,
What is a respiratory sinus arrhy...
36  cards
Feline Flash Notes - Feline Pancreatitis
What is triaditis 1,
T f it is common for cats with pa...,
What is the classic presentation ...
11  cards
Feline Flash Notes - Injection Site Sarcoma
What is the common signalment of ...,
What are injection site sarcomas ...,
What is the biological behavior o...
12  cards
Feline Flash Notes - Feline HCM
What cats may be predisposed to h...,
What are the clinical signs assoc...,
What are the 4 p s of saddle thro...
17  cards
Feline Flash Notes - FLUTD
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the 2 main scenarios in ...,
What is the common signalment of ...
14  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Hip Dysplasia
What is the signalment of dog usu...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
11  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Otitis Media/Interna
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What animals are most commonly af...
9  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Lumbar Disc Disease
What is the classic presentation ...,
What is the test of choice for di...,
When is the only time that medica...
13  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Horner's Syndrome
What is the common clinical prese...,
What clinical signs are seen in h...,
What clinical signs are seen in c...
13  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Heartworm Disease
What is the most common clinical ...,
What is the common clinical prese...,
What is the preferred test for di...
10  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Lyme Disease
What is lyme nephropathy likely d...,
What is the agent that causes lym...,
What is the incubation period of ...
15  cards
Canine Flash Notes - GDV
What are 3 ways to prevent gdv in...,
Higher mortality rates associated...,
T f in patients with gdv mortalit...
8  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Myasthenia Gravis
A 6 year old female spayed gsd pr...,
What treatment should be utilized...,
What communication should be made...
12  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease
What are 3 physical exam findings...,
What are 3 radiographic findings ...,
What are 5 surgical techniques th...
9  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Urolithiasis
What is the classic case presenta...,
What signalment of cat is affecte...,
What dog breeds are predisposed t...
14  cards
Canine Top 20 Diseases - Part 4
What is the classic case presenta...,
What dog breed is over represente...,
How is pancreatitis in a dog diag...
56  cards
Canine Top 10 Neurological Diseases - Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
What breed of dog is most commonl...,
What is the best way to diagnose ...
29  cards
Canine Top 10 Neurological Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
What dog breeds are over represen...,
How is fce diagnosed 3
32  cards
Canine Top Cardiac Diseases - Part 1
What dog breeds are most commonly...,
What are the early signs of dcm 2,
What are the signs of chf in a do...
43  cards
Canine Top Cardiac Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the possible etiologies ...,
What is seen on throacic rads for...
43  cards
Canine Top Cardiac Diseases - Part 3
What breeds are predisposed to hcm 1,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is seen on rads of a cat wit...
73  cards
Canine Top Endocrine Diseases
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of hypothyro...,
What initial screening is done wh...
40  cards
Feline Top 20 Diseases - Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
What diagnostics are run for a po...,
What is seen on rads of an felv c...
32  cards
Feline Top 20 Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is feline injection site sarc...,
How is feline injection site sarc...
25  cards
Feline Top 20 Diseases - Part 3
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of fip 2,
How is fip diagnosed 3
64  cards
Feline Top 20 Diseases - Part 4
What is the classic case presenta...,
What cat breeds have a genetic pr...,
What is seen on thoracic rads of ...
43  cards
Feline Top 10 Neurologic Diseases - Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is hypokalemic myopathy in a ...,
What treatment is used for hypoka...
25  cards
Feline Top 10 Neurologic Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is diabetic neuropathy in a c...,
How is diabetic neuropathy in a c...
20  cards
Feline Top 5 Genetic Conditions
What breeds are predisposed to hcm 1,
What clinical signs can be seen w...,
What is seen on thoracic rads of ...
29  cards
Feline Top 5 Genetic Diseases
What breeds are predisposed to hcm 1,
What clinical signs can be seen w...,
What is seen on thoracic rads of ...
29  cards
Top Feline Shelter Medicine Diseases
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of otodectic...,
How are ear mites diagnosed 3
50  cards
Feline Flash Notes - Vaccinations
What are core vaccines when are t...,
What makes up the fvrcp vaccine 2,
What is the preferred vaccine typ...
14  cards
Feline Flash Notes - Hyperthyroidism
What s the number one endocrine d...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is feline hyperthyroidism dia...
15  cards
Cross Species - Red Blood Cell Parameters
What are the 3 cell types evaluat...,
What is hematopoiesis 2,
What does the bone marrow contain...
58  cards
Cross Species - White Blood Cell Parameters
What cells are granulocytes 1,
What cells are mononuclear cells 2,
What is the half life of neutroph...
42  cards
Cross Species - Chemistry Energy & Metabolism
What are some non pathological fa...,
What medications are know to caus...,
What is the primary cellular ener...
42  cards
Canine Top 5 Genetic Diseases
What dog breeds are affected by v...,
What is the classical clinical pr...,
What is the most common type of v...
45  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Heat Stroke
What are some risks for heat stro...,
T f heat stroke is a life threate...,
What are the main symptoms of hea...
12  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Prostatic Disease
What is the common signalment of ...,
What clinical signs are seen with...,
What signs are seen with squamous...
16  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Ethylene Glycol Toxicity
What animals are susceptible to e...,
What clinical signs are associate...,
What is the test of choice for di...
15  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Canine Parvovirus
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is seen on a cbc from a dog ...,
How is parvo diagnosed 3
15  cards
Canine Top Shelter Diseases
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
79  cards
Cross Species - Chemistry Electrolytes
What electrolytes are included on...,
What minerals are included on a b...,
What is the predominant extracell...
59  cards
Equine Top 20 Diseases - Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is a corneal ulcer diagnosed 2,
What surgery can be done for seve...
38  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis
What is the classic case presenta...,
What two age groups predominate i...,
What clinical signs are seen in h...
12  cards
Equine Top 20 Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
44  cards
Equine Top 20 Diseases - Part 3
What cinical signs are associated...,
What clinical signs are associate...,
What clinical signs are associate...
55  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Failure of Passive Transfer
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the tests that can be us...,
When may you use a mare side test...
11  cards
Cross Species - Chemistry, Kidneys & Pancreas
What components from lab work sho...,
What do bun creatinine represent 2,
A decrease in grf causes an incre...
23  cards
Bovine Top 20 Diseases - Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
49  cards
Bovine Top 20 Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is polioencephalomalacia diag...,
Why take a whole blood sample on ...
51  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Listeriosis
What is another name for listerio...,
What is the classic presentation ...,
What clinical signs are associate...
12  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Johne's Disease
What is the classic case presenta...,
Hat are the main clinical signs s...,
What are the main clinical signs ...
14  cards
Bovine Top 20 Diseases - Part 3
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is selenium deficiency diagno...
62  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Foot & Mouth Disease
What is the classic case presenta...,
T f foot mouth disease is reporta...,
What are the main clinical signs ...
13  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Abomasal Displacement
What is the classic case presenta...,
T f signs from a displaced abomas...,
What is the test of choice for di...
12  cards
Cross Species - Chemistry, Liver & Muscle
What on a chemistry panel provide...,
What on a chemistry panel provide...,
What on a chemistry panel provide...
71  cards
Equine Top 20 Diseases - Part 4
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is atrial fibrillation in a h...,
T f in a horse with atrial fibril...
38  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Colic
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the main goals of your p...,
What labs should be done on a hor...
10  cards
Equine Flash Notes - West Nile Virus
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the test of choice for we...,
What is the gold standard diagnos...
13  cards
Equine Top 15 Neurologic Diseases - Part 1
What horses are most often affect...,
What is the classic clinical pres...,
What is mayhew s grading scale fo...
59  cards
Equine Top 15 Neurologic Diseases - Part 2
What is seen in other horses in t...,
What is the etiology of herpes my...,
How is herpes myeloencephalopathy...
37  cards
Equine Top 15 Neurologic Diseases - Part 3
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of rabies 2,
How is rabies diagnosed 3
58  cards
Bovine Top 20 Diseases - Part 4
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is listriosis in a cow diagno...,
How is listeriosis in a cow treat...
45  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Botulism
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are some differentials for b...,
T f there is no test of choice fo...
12  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Bloat & Choke
What is the most dangerous type o...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are some causes of choke in ...
14  cards
Bovine Top Topics - Anatomy & Physiology
How many hours a day does a cow s...,
What is the poll 2,
What are the withers 3
32  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Is pruritus a feature of bse 1,
What is the classic presentation ...,
What diagnostic testing is used f...
13  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - BLV
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the 2 syndromes seen of ...,
What is sporadic blv 3
12  cards
Cross Species - Urinalysis
With what other results should yo...,
What lab results will you look at...,
T f normal neonates on milk diets...
54  cards
Equine Top 5 - Foal Diarrhea
How old are foals that are affect...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of clostridi...
44  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Equine Infectious Anemia
What are the classic clinical sig...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
10  cards
Equine Lameness - Overview
What are some common presentation...,
What are some differentials for t...,
What are some differentials for c...
32  cards
Equine Lameness - Top 6 Lameness Causes
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are some possible etiologies...,
How is a subsolar abscess diagnos...
60  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Recurrent Airway Obstruction
What is the classic signalment of...,
What is the etiology of rao how i...,
What are 4 ways to treat prevent ...
19  cards
Cross Species - Coagulation Panels & Blood Transfusions
What is primary hemostasis 1,
What test evaluates platelet func...,
What are some examples of how pla...
43  cards
Cross Species - Blood Gas Analysis
What is the difference in informa...,
Po2 is only evaluated on what typ...,
How should a sample be collected ...
55  cards
Bovine Top Topics - Bovine Abortion Key Agents
When does brucellosis cause abort...,
What is the difference in vaccine...,
T f brucellosis is a reportable d...
75  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Abortion
What causes infectious bovine rhi...,
T f clinical signs are seldom see...,
What does an aborted fetus due to...
44  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Flank Anesthesia
Local anesthesia done on the flan...,
What is a line block 2,
What is the most common nerve blo...
18  cards
Bovine Top Topics - Abortion Overview
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are some clues you can use t...
50  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Polioencephalomalacia
What is the classic presentation ...,
What is the presumed pathogenesis...,
What clinical signs are often see...
11  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Scrapie
What animals are most commonly af...,
T f death will occur within month...,
What clinical signs are seen with...
12  cards
Bovine Top 20 Reproductive Diseases - Part 1
How are vaginal prolapses graded ...,
What cows are often affected by v...,
When will a uterine prolapse occu...
55  cards
Bovine Top 20 Reproductive Diseases - Part 1
How are vaginal prolapses graded ...,
What cows are often affected by v...,
When will a uterine prolapse occu...
55  cards
Bovine Top 20 Reproductive Diseases - Part 2
What cows are most often affected...,
When does milk fever occur in cows 2,
What are the three stages of milk...
49  cards
Porcine Top Diarrhea - Part 1
What are the 6 most common causes...,
T f when treating neonatal pigs f...,
What vaccines are available for n...
32  cards
Porcine Top Diarrhea - Part 2
Where are ascaris suum found in t...,
Where are trichuris suis found in...,
What are the clinical signs assoc...
29  cards
Equine Top Topic - Colic
What is the most important factor...,
T f horses that are repeatedly re...,
How is serum vs peritoneal lactat...
43  cards
Porcine Top Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Diseases
What is the classic case of pigs ...,
What is the classic case of pigs ...,
What gross lesions are seen with ...
82  cards
Porcine Top Respiratory Diseases
What clinical signs are seen with...,
What clinical signs are seen with...,
What is the etiology of porcine r...
54  cards
Porcine Top Topics - Miscellaneous
What is another name for classica...,
What clinical signs are seen with...,
What is the etiology of hog chole...
77  cards
Bovine Top Topic - Mastitis
T f 30 40 of mastitis milk cultur...,
How is mastitis in cpws character...,
What are the different clinical s...
38  cards
Porcine Flash - Trichinellosis
Trichinella spiralis has a predil...,
What causes trichinellosis in pigs 2,
What clinical signs are seen in p...
15  cards
Porcine Flash - Classical Swine Fever
Severity of classical swine fever...,
What are the main sources of infe...,
What is the morbidity mortality o...
13  cards
Equine Flash Notes - EDM & NAD
What breeds have a genetic predis...,
What is the typical age of a hors...,
What are two preventative measure...
13  cards
Porcine Flash - Porcine Stress Syndrome
What is the underlying cause of m...,
What are the clinical signs of po...,
How do you treat malignant hypert...
8  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Joint & Nerve Blocks
What is a point block 1,
What is a line block 2,
What is a ring block field block 3
29  cards
Bovine Top 6 Genetic Diseases
What is the classic case presenta...,
When do cows with blad die 2,
How is blad diagnosed what is see...
36  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Pyometra
What are the 3 classic case prese...,
What are common clinical signs se...,
What type of pyometra is a surgic...
9  cards
Cross Species - Top 20 Toxicosis Part 1
What animals are most often affec...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
52  cards
Cross Species - Top 20 Toxicosis Part 2
What companion animals are most o...,
What organs are affected by grape...,
What clinical signs are seen with...
109  cards
Cross Species - Top 20 Toxicosis Part 3
What crotalids are often involved...,
What body systems are affected by...,
What clinical signs are seen with...
65  cards
Cross Species - Top 20 Toxicosis Part 4
What animals are most often affec...,
What body systems are affected by...,
What are the toxic principles in ...
73  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a common endocr...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What clinical signs are often see...
15  cards
Ruminant Top 15 Small Ruminant Diseases - Part 1
What lesions are typically seen w...,
What other additional locations c...,
What is another name for orf virus 3
80  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Blood Gas Evaluation
T f evaluation of a b status inte...,
What 3 parameters are measured sp...,
What all is measured to evaluate ...
10  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Suture Knots & Patterns
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the differences in needl...,
When are eyed needles not used 3
36  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Wound Classification
What are some examples of closed ...,
What are some examples of open wo...,
What is included in a clean wound 3
20  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Fluid Therapy
What is osmolarity what is osmola...,
What is tonicity 2,
What is isotonic hypotonic hypert...
56  cards
Top Topics Exotics - Top 6 Cervid Diseases
What animals are affected by chro...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of cwd 3
53  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Acid Base Disorders
What is a simple acidosis alkalos...,
What changes are seen in ph h pri...,
What changes are seen in ph h pri...
26  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Acid Base Basics
What is an acid acidosis acidemia 1,
What is a base alkalosis alkalemia 2,
What is a buffer why are they imp...
38  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Camelids Overview
Why do south american camelids sp...,
What is a quick dirty pregnancy t...,
What usually precedes spitting in...
21  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Camelids Top 6 Diseases
What are the most common congenit...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
50  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Top 10 Guinea Pig Diseases Part 1
What is another name for slobbers 1,
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is slobbers diagnosed in guin...
30  cards
Ruminant Top 15 Small Ruminant Diseases - Part 2
What is the classic case of cae i...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of cae 3
67  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Tetanus
What is the common history of tet...,
What are the main clinical signs ...,
How is tetanus diagnosed 3
8  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Rabies
What are the 3 basic forms of rab...,
What is important to remember whe...,
What are the main reservoir anima...
13  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Colibacillosis
What is the common case presentat...,
What is the number one colibacill...,
What is the classic case presenta...
14  cards
Ruminant Top 15 Small Ruminant Diseases - Part 3
T f cases of polioencephalomalaci...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
56  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Vesicular Stomatitis
What is the classic case of vesic...,
What are the main clinical signs ...,
What other diseases can vesicular...
13  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Parelaphostrongylus Tenuis
What animals are often affected b...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is seen on csf fluid from an...
11  cards
Flash Notes Miscellaneous - Chronic Wasting Disease
What animals are affected by chro...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What tests are used to diagnose c...
12  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Theiler's & Tyzzer's
What is theiler s disease 1,
When is theiler s disease seen in...,
What is the common presentation o...
26  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Lower Leg Lameness
What are some other common names ...,
What is the number one cause of l...,
What are the lesions seen with do...
73  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Top 10 Guinea Pig Diseases Part 2
What are the 2 types of ascariasi...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
38  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Top 10 Reptile Diseases Part 1
Bent iguana is another name for w...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
How is metabolic bone disease dia...
35  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Laminitis vs Navicular Disease
What is laminitis 1,
What are the main causes of lamin...,
What are the 4 types of laminitis 3
26  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Top 10 Reptile Diseases Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of cryptospo...,
How is cryptosporidiosis diagnosed 3
34  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Infectious Aquatic Diseases Part 1
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of columnari...,
How is columnaris disease diagnos...
42  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Equine Aging
When do foals get their deciduous...,
When do horses get their permanen...,
When do cups disappear on the low...
6  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Equine Colic Exam & Key Colics
What is the basic mechanism of co...,
What are the 2 manifestations of ...,
What are some examples of severe ...
121  cards
Cross Species - Top 30 Zoonotic Diseases Part 1
What animals are affected by anth...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
How does anthrax present in humans 3
43  cards
Cross Species - Top 30 Zoonotic Diseases Part 2
T f 75 of emerging human infectio...,
What is the classic case pr psitt...,
What are some other names for psi...
32  cards
Cross Species - Top 30 Zoonotic Diseases Part 3
What zoonotic diseases are classi...,
T f since 2003 when the first us ...,
What is the common case presentat...
50  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Vaccines
What are core vaccines what are t...,
What is the law on rabies vaccines 2,
What is important to remember abo...
44  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Idiopathic Epilepsy
What is the classic presentation ...,
How is idiopathic epilepsy diagno...,
What is the acute treatment of ch...
11  cards
Porcine Flash - Streptococcal Infections
What are 4 predisposing factors f...,
What are 5 common clinical signs ...,
What are 4 common findings on nec...
13  cards
Porcine Flash - Pseudorabies
What is another name for pseudora...,
What does the presentation of a p...,
What pigs after often affected wi...
13  cards
Porcine Flash - African Swine Fever
What is the most common form of a...,
What animals have no clinical sig...,
How do we think feeding practices...
10  cards
Poultry Flash - Newcastle Disease
What are the 5 forms of newcastle...,
What is the classic presentation ...,
What clinical signs are seen in t...
13  cards
Poultry Flash - Fowl Cholera
What agent causes fowl cholera 1,
What animals are most often affec...,
What happens if a bird survives t...
12  cards
Poultry Flash - Marek's Disease
What is the classic case presenta...,
What birds are commonly affected ...,
What clinical signs are seen with...
10  cards
Poultry Flash - Infectious Coryza
What are the only animals affecte...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is seen at necropsy from an ...
10  cards
Poultry Flash - Infectious Bronchitis Virus
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the main clinical signs ...,
T f infectious bronchitis virus i...
12  cards
Poultry Flash - Infectious Laryngotracheitis
What animals are at risk for infe...,
T f infectious laryngotracheitis ...,
What is seen on necropsy of a chi...
10  cards
Poultry Flash - Avian Influenza
What is lpai what is the classic ...,
What is another name for hpai wha...,
What subtypes of hpai are most co...
11  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Distemper
What is the general course of dis...,
What is a classic initial symptom...,
What measures can be taken to pre...
13  cards
Canine Flash Notes - OCD
What dogs are predisposed to deve...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What lab test is not helpful for ...
14  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Pancreatitis
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are some examples of causes ...,
What are the tests of choice for ...
6  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Renal Physiology
What is azotemia what are the dif...,
What is uremia 2,
What is pre renal azotemia what i...
118  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Cardiology Review
What are some examples of valvula...,
What is s1 2,
What is s2 3
75  cards
Canine Flash Notes - Canine Stifle Problems
What animals are most often affec...,
What are the different grades of ...,
What are the differentials that s...
17  cards
Equine Flash Notes - Lameness Review
What is the number one site of la...,
Where are most lameness in the hi...,
Why do most lamenesses in horses ...
62  cards
Bovine Flash Notes - Ocular/Dehorning Anesthesia
What are the 4 main blocks used f...,
What nerves are blocked by the pe...,
What nerves are blocked by the au...
10  cards
Cross Species - Top 30 Zoonotic Diseases Part 4
What rodents can be infected with...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What are the 3 forms of plague se...
45  cards
Cross Species - Top 30 Zoonotic Diseases Part 5
Animals with larval migrans typic...,
What are the 3 clinical syndromes...,
What parasites can cause larval m...
41  cards
Cross Species - Top 30 Zoonotic Diseases Part 6
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the classic case presenta...
52  cards
Poultry Top Topics - Top 20 Poultry Diseases Part 1
What is the other name for newcas...,
What is the classic case presenta...,
What respiratory signs are seen i...
67  cards
Poultry Top Topics - Top 20 Poultry Diseases Part 2
What is the classic case presenta...,
What is the etiology of gumboro 2,
How is gumboro diagnosed 3
45  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Infectious Aquatic Diseases Part 2
What is the classic case of koi h...,
What is the etiology of koi herpe...,
How is koi herpes virus diagnosed 3
54  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Reportable Aquatic Diseases
What government entity is the mai...,
How many aquatic questions should...,
T f most of the reportable aquati...
29  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Aquatic Pharmacology
What entity ensures the health sa...,
What are the different methods of...,
How are drugs administered to fis...
37  cards
Exotics Top Topics - Environmental Aquatic Disorders
Key health issues related to envi...,
T f most health problems in fish ...,
What is critical in preventing en...
50  cards

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