Bovine Top 20 Diseases - Part 4 Flashcards
what is the classic case presentation of listeriosis in a cow?
weaned-to-adult silage fed cow with an acute onset of pyrexia, depression, anorexia, & unilateral neurological signs such as propulsive circling, proprioceptive deficits, unilateral tongue weakness, facial nerve paralysis, ear droop, head tilt, nystagmus, strabismus, & drooling
how is listriosis in a cow diagnosed?
increased mononuclear cells & high protein on CSF tap & a culture showing l. monocytogenes in food or brain tissue
how is listeriosis in a cow treated?
IV tetracycline, supportive care with tube feeding, oral rehydration, & electrolyte supplementation (potassium & bicarbonate lost in saliva)
what is the prognosis of a cow with listeriosis?
fair to good if the patient is ambulatory at the onset of signs, but poor if the patient is recumbent at onset
where does l. monocytogenes grow in the environment?
grows in rotting vegetation with a high pH
what is the pathogenesis of listeriosis?
ascends up the facial nerve to the brainstem - animal also becomes bacteremic
why is listeriosis zoonotic?
contaminates the milk
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with a retained placenta?
happens if not passed by 12 hours post partum, may see decomposing placenta hanging from vulva with a foul smell, & a delayed return to estrus
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with metritis?
happens 3 days to 2 weeks post partum - large, fluid-filled uterus palpable per rectum, purulent malodorous discharge from the vulva that is matted on the tail, & shortened estrous cycles
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with a pyometra?
similar to metritis, but no estrous cycles or follicular waves occur!!
what are the big bacterial etiologies of metritis in a cow?
brucellosis, leptospirosis, campylobacter spp., & trichomoniasis
how is a retained placenta diagnosed?
you can see it
how is metritis & pyometra in a cow diagnosed?
palpation per rectum - may feel enlarged, fluid-filled uterus & may have a retained corpus luteum with pyometra
how is a retained placenta treated?
manual removal is potentially harmful!!! trim excess tissue for hygiene, cows expel the membranes in 2-11 days without treatment, & intrauterine antimicrobials are usually not helpful
how is metritis treated in a cow?
prostaglandins, if cow is septic, systemic antibiotics, NSAIDS, & IV fluids
how is pyometra in a cow treated?
none, cull it
what is the prognosis of a cow with a retained placenta? metritis? pyometra?
retained placenta & metritis - good to excellent, poor for pyometra
how does metritis & retained placentas affected reproductive efficiency in cows?
increases calving intervals & number of inseminations required for conception
how are metritis & retained placentas prevented in cattle?
good dry cow management
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with uterine prolapse?
multiparous cow or first-calf beef heifer within hours of calving at most - one or both uterine horns everted from vagina/vulva, caruncles & often retained placenta are visible, & +/- hypotensive, hemorrhagic shock, & milk fever
how is a uterine prolapse diagnosed in a cow?
usually evident on physical exam - labwork done for IV fluid plan to assess serum ionized calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, PCV, & total protein
how is a uterine prolapse in a cow treated?
physically difficult - address shock, cleanse uterus, give epidural, push uterine tip up & in working between bouts of straining, & once replaced, fill uterus with clean warm water & siphon it out or fully evert tips using disinfected bottle or plastic baseball bat
what is the prognosis for cows with a uterine prolapse?
good to excellent for mature heifers, but poor for first-calf beef heifers
T/F: properly replaced uterine prolapses don’t recur or only recur infrequently
how can you prevent uterine prolapses in cows?
minimizing the amount of cows affected by milk fever
what cows get bloat?
pasture cows recently put on legume pasture (past 2 weeks), feedlot cows with the cause unclear but suspected slime-producing rumen bacteria/fine particulate feed, & free gas bloat due to obstruction of normal free gas eructation
what is the classic case of frothy bloat?
acute abdominal distension mainly on the left side, tachycardia, stable frothy green rumen ingesta where the bubbles don’t pop & cows can’t eructate to blow off rumen gas, & cows may be found acutely dead & bloated on the left
how is frothy bloat diagnosed?
see that the cow is bloated - pass a tube to determine if it is frothy or free gas, for frothy - a little frothy green rumen ingesta oozes out and not much relief provided, for free gas - a lot of gas blows off and cow is relieved
how is mild/early bloat treated?
antifoaming agents to help with froth/foam bubbles, vegetable/mineral oil (250-500cc), dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate commonly combined with oils, & poloxalene for legume bloat not feed lot bloat
how is severe, life-threatening frothy bloat in a cow treated?
emergency rumenotomy, short of surgery, large bore (2.5cm) rumen trocar or cannula to give anti-foaming agents through it & allow gas to blow off
how is frothy pasture bloat prevented?
ionophores (monensin, lasalocid), feed hay prior to pasture access, & gradually introduce cows to lush legume pastures
how is frothy feedlot bloat prevented?
add 10-15% coarse chopped roughage to feed & ionophore supplement (lasalocid)
what is the prognosis of frothy bloat?
good for mild to early cases
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with a for a left displaced abomasum?
high-pitched tympanic ping over the ribs - pinch on line between left elbow & left tuber coxae - multiparous dairy cow within 30 days of giving birth with partial anorexia/gradual weight loss, scant stool with a different consistency than herdmates, & ribs pulled outwards
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with a right displaced abomasum?
high-pitched tympanic ping over the ribs on the right side on the line between the right elbow & tuber coxae for RDA/RTA - multiparous dairy cow within 30 days of giving birth with partial anorexia/gradual weight loss, scant stool with a different consistency than herdmates, & ribs pulled outwards, tachycardia, papple shape (pear on left & apple on right), colic, & dehydration
what is the classic case presentation of a cow with a right torsed abomasum?
multiparous dairy cow within 30 days of giving birth, same as RDA + tachycardia, papple shape (pear on left & apple on right), colic, & dehydration
how is a RDA/RTA diagnosed?
ping on exam is usually diagnostic & may be able to palpate convex muscular organ in the right abdominal quadrant on rectal exam
what would you expect to see for acid-base status in a cow with a displaced abomasum? why?
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis - twisted abomasum sequesters acid (HCl) but possible acidosis if the animal has progressed to circulatory failure
what medical treatment is used for a cow with a displaced abomasum?
roll & toggle, blind stitch, & supportive care (calcium, transfaunation, & gastric stimulants)
what surgical treatment is used for a cow with a displaced abomasum?
what is the prognosis of a cow with a displaced abomasum?
excellent for life & return to productivity
T/F: LDA are not emergencies while RDA/RTA are
when should you intervene in a herd with increased prevalence levels of displaced abomasums?
when prevalence is over 1%
what is a good practice that maintains abomasal motility and prevents most displaced abomasums?
good pre-partum feeding practices that maintain abomasal motility
what is the liptak test?
when you insert a 4.5-inch spinal needle transabdominally just ventral to ping - if acidic fluid, it’s abomasal fluid