Mindfulness Skills - Video 13 - Flashcard Set
What is the relationship between you and monkey mind?
It is important to have a good relationship with monkey mind, treating it neither as a boss nor an enemy, but as a friend.
What are the consequences of treating monkey mind as a crazy boss?
Having a restless and crazy boss is not desirable.
What happens if you try to fight with monkey mind?
Monkey mind becomes your enemy and will always be there in your mind.
How can monkey mind be transformed?
Monkey mind can be transformed into wisdom, love, compassion, and awareness.
What is the importance of getting to know monkey mind well?
It is important to make friends with monkey mind and getting to know each other well is key to doing so.
What are ‘gossipy neurons’?
Gossipy neurons are brain neurons that love to gossip and talk to each other.
What do gossipy neurons do?
Gossipy neurons come together and form a group that becomes bigger and bigger.
What is the key point in working with monkey mind?
The key point is to free monkey mind in a skillful way by making friends with it.
What is the skillful way to make friends with monkey mind?
Giving it a job through meditation techniques.
What happens when you give a job to monkey mind?
You become the boss and monkey mind becomes your employee, leading to a calmer and more peaceful mind.
What are the benefits of having a good relationship with monkey mind?
Monkey mind becomes better, nicer, wiser, and kind, leading to beneficial outcomes.
Is monkey mind inherently good or bad?
Monkey mind is neither inherently good nor bad.