Feeling "Fearful" - Flashcard set (with images)
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: feeling fear
He plays the role of a timid and fearful clerk.
fearful [=afraid] of danger
He was fearful of being left behind.
She was fearful for their safety. [=she was afraid that they were not safe]
: showing or caused by fear
a fearful glance
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: afraid of something : nervous or frightened
The rabbit looked scared.
I am really scared about speaking in front of the class.
He was scared that his mother wouldn’t let him go to the movies with his friends.
She’s scared to walk alone at night.
The children got scared [=became frightened] and ran away.
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: afraid or nervous especially about what may happen : feeling anxiety
She feels anxious and depressed.
They are anxious [=worried, concerned] about their son’s health.
People are anxious about the future.
They were anxious for their daughter. [=they were worried about what might happen to their daughter]
He was anxious that the weather would not improve in time for the party.
: causing or showing fear or nervousness
We experienced a few anxious moments as we waited to hear the results of the test.
It was an anxious night as she waited for her children to come home.
an anxious moment
He was waiting at the door with an anxious expression/look on his face.
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: not protected : not able to defend yourself
a helpless little baby
The civilians were helpless against their attackers.
: unable to do something to make a situation, task, etc., better or easier
Firefighters were helpless against the blaze.
I feel helpless. Isn’t there anything I can do?
: not able to be controlled
helpless laughter/rage
: not able to control something (such as laughter or anger)
The crowd was helpless with laughter.
He was helpless with rage.
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: to cause (someone) to become afraid
The story really frightened me.
The child was badly frightened by the mask.
The story nearly frightened me to death. = The story nearly frightened the life out of me. [=the story frightened me very badly]
: to become afraid
She doesn’t frighten easily.
frighten away/off [phrasal verb]
frighten (someone or something) away/off
: to cause (someone or something) to go away or stay away because of fear
The dog frightened the prowler away.
Tourists have been frightened off by the violence in the city.
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: to affect (someone) very strongly
Grief overwhelmed her. = She was overwhelmed by grief. [=she felt grief so strongly that she was unable to think or act in a normal way]
Her neighbor’s kindness overwhelmed her. [=moved her deeply]
: to cause (someone) to have too many things to deal with
The many requests for assistance overwhelmed them. = They were overwhelmed by the many requests for assistance. [=they could not respond to the many requests for assistance because there were too many]
Don’t overwhelm him with facts.
They were overwhelmed with work.
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: feeling or showing fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen
Her parents became worried when she didn’t come home by dark.
We were worried that we would arrive late.
She’s always worried about money.
I’m not worried at all about the weather.
She had a worried look on her face.
I’m very worried about the test results.
He has plenty to be worried about.
We’ve been worried sick [=extremely worried] about you!
You had me worried there for a moment—I thought that you really hurt yourself.
Oh, I’m so glad you’re not quitting! You really had me worried.
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: not enough or not good enough : not adequate
These supplies are inadequate to meet our needs.
We were given very/woefully/wholly inadequate information.
an inadequate leader
I felt inadequate to the task.
Her brother’s success and popularity always made her feel inadequate.
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: of poor quality : low or lower in quality
inferior goods/materials/products
an inferior performer/performance
These pearls are of inferior quality.
These pearls are inferior (in quality) to others I have seen.
: of little or less importance or value
They were considered a socially inferior group.
He always felt inferior around his brother.
He always felt inferior to his brother.
: low or lower in rank
The judges voted to overturn a ruling made by an inferior court.
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: having no financial value
worthless coins/stocks
: having no use, importance, or effect
This land is worthless [=useless] for agriculture.
The boots may be nice, but they’re worthless if they don’t fit you.
a worthless guarantee
an uninformed, worthless opinion
: having no good qualities
a worthless coward
She’s depressed and believes that she’s worthless.
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: small or unimportant : not significant
They lost an insignificant amount of money.
insignificant details
Looking up at the stars always makes me feel so small and insignificant.
These problems are not insignificant.
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: to prevent (someone) from doing something or being a part of a group
You can share files with some people on the network while excluding others.
Don’t exclude your little sister from the game.
Until 1920, women were excluded from the right to vote in the U.S.
: to leave out (something) : to not include (something)
The prices on the menu exclude tax.
Certain words should be excluded from polite conversation. [=should not be used in polite conversation]
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: to treat (someone) cruelly or unfairly especially because of race or religious or political beliefs
The country’s leaders relentlessly persecuted those who fought against the regime.
They were persecuted for their beliefs.
a persecuted minority/people
: to constantly annoy or bother (someone)
He complained about being persecuted [=harassed] by the media.
They were victims of religious persecution.
He was forced to flee the country to avoid persecution.
the persecutions of ethnic minorities
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: having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen
She is/feels nervous about her job interview.
All this waiting is making me nervous.
He gave a nervous glance at the clock.
: often or easily becoming worried and afraid about what might happen
His nervous mother is always worrying that something terrible will happen to him.
He has a nervous disposition.
: causing someone to feel worried and afraid : making someone nervous
It was a very nervous situation.
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: to reveal (something hidden, dishonest, etc.)
Undercover investigators exposed the scam.
: to reveal the crimes or faults of (someone)
They threatened to expose him.
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: worried that something will cause pain or injury
Don’t be afraid [=frightened, scared]—the dog won’t hurt you.
I don’t like tall buildings because I’m afraid of heights. [=of being high up in the air]
He’s afraid of snakes.
All the kids at school were afraid of him.
: nervous about doing something
She’s afraid of failing/failure.
He wasn’t afraid of saying what he thought.
Don’t be afraid of [=don’t worry about] what everyone else thinks.
He wasn’t afraid to say what he thought.
I wanted to visit her, but I was afraid to ask.
Don’t be afraid to take risks.
: nervous or worried that something might happen
She’s afraid (that) she might fail.
We were all afraid (that) she wouldn’t live.
I’m afraid (that) everyone will laugh at me.
I was afraid (that) you would say “no.”
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: afraid that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
: feeling or showing fear or apprehension about the future
He was quite apprehensive [=fearful, uneasy] about the surgery.
She gave me an apprehensive [=anxious] look.
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: feeling very worried or anxious
He was feeling pretty stressed about the deadline.
They were stressed out.
: having a lot of physical pressure or force on it
stressed beams
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: unable to understand or think clearly
I’ve never been so confused.
We’re confused about what to do next.
: difficult to understand : not clearly organized, expressed, etc.
He gave a confused speech denying the accusations.
My feelings were hopelessly confused. [=jumbled]
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: to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to make someone do what you want
The mugger threatened him with a gun.
He threatened to tell their boss. = He threatened that he would tell their boss.
She threatened to quit if they didn’t give her a raise, but no one believed her.
He tried to get what he wanted by threatening people (with violence).
The workers have threatened to strike if their demands are not met. = The workers have threatened a strike if their demands are not met.
The kidnapper threatened to kill her. = The kidnapper threatened her life.
: to be a threat to (someone or something)
Civil war has been threatening the country for years.
A marriage threatened by financial problems
Overfishing threatens the survival of certain fish species.
She felt (emotionally) threatened by his friendships with female coworkers.
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: feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence
She’s very timid and shy when meeting strangers.
He gave her a timid smile.
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: very sad and upset because of having little or no hope
: feeling or showing despair
The collapse of her business had made her desperate.
As the supply of food ran out, people became desperate.
We could hear their desperate cries for help.
a desperate phone call
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: to cause (someone) to feel a sense of danger
: to worry or frighten (someone)
I didn’t mean to alarm you.
The rapid spread of the disease has alarmed many people.
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: not confident about yourself or your ability to do things well
: nervous and uncomfortable
I feel shy and insecure around strangers.
She used to be insecure about her height.
He felt insecure about the idea of becoming a father.
Many young people are insecure about the future.
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: to cause (someone) to be worried or upset
It perturbed him that his son was thinking about leaving school.
— perturbed adjective [more perturbed; most perturbed]
She was so perturbed that she forgot to say goodbye.
He looked very perturbed when he heard the news.
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: to confuse (someone) very much
His decision bewildered [=puzzled, perplexed] her.
— often used as (be) bewildered
She was bewildered by his decision.
I was completely/utterly bewildered by the complex instructions.
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: to make (someone) afraid
He tries to intimidate his opponents.
You shouldn’t allow his reputation to intimidate you.
— often used as (be) intimidated
Many people are intimidated by new technology.
Some people are easily intimidated.
She was intimidated by the size of the campus.
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: having no power : unable to do something or to stop something
Powerless victims
She felt powerless [=helpless] lying in the hospital bed.
He felt powerless against the rumors that people were spreading about him.
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