Cycle 7 - Flashcard Set 3
What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?
A disorder where people tend to see others as all good or all bad, and relationships are often seen in black or white, all or nothing terms.
What is splitting?
A defense mechanism commonly used by people with BPD, where they separate people into either all good or all bad.
How do people in relationships with those who use splitting often see the BPD person?
Hurtful and bad, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What can splitting lead to?
Self-sabotage, as it pushes people away and leads to isolation and loneliness.
What is one of the main symptoms of BPD?
Fear of abandonment, which can lead to splitting as a way to protect oneself from getting hurt or feeling abandoned.
Why is recognizing the urge to split and managing it important?
To reduce self-harm and hatred towards oneself.
What are some emotion regulation techniques that can help reduce vulnerability to emotional triggers?
Check the facts or using HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired).
Why is it important to learn to recognize when one is triggered and wants to split someone into all good or all bad?
To determine if someone is toxic or if one is splitting.
What can paying attention to what upsets and triggers splitting help one become?
More aware and better manage the defense mechanism.
Why is it important to manage splitting?
Splitting can lead to self-sabotage, isolation, and loneliness, and can cause harm to relationships.