Cycle 2 - Flashcard Set 2
What is reactive attachment disorder and how does it relate to BPD?
Individuals with BPD often have a history of attachment difficulties, which may contribute to their symptoms
How do individuals with a history of BPD learn to approach others in relationships?
In a way that is defensive and mistrustful
What can you do to gain insight into your attachment to others?
Learn more about attachment disorders
What is the essential feature of reactive attachment disorder?
An absent or poorly developed attachment between the child and supposed caregiving adults
What are the characteristics of a child with reactive attachment disorder?
A pattern of noticeably distressed and developmentally inappropriate attachment behaviors in which the child rarely or minimally turns to an attachment figure to comfort, support, protect, and to get nurturance
What is the difference between a child with reactive attachment disorder and one without the disorder?
That the former has the capacity to form selective attachments, but due to limited opportunities during early development, they fail to learn and show the behavioral manifestations of selective attachments
How might children with reactive attachment disorder interact with caregivers?
They show diminished or absent expression of positive emotions during routine interactions with caregivers, and they tend to be standoffish
What can change attachment styles in adulthood?
Experiences and personal growth
What is the relationship between BPD and attachment styles?
BPD is associated with attachment disorders
Why is treatment for BPD often difficult?
Because of the back and forth between wanting to be close and feeling fear of rejection or abandonment
What are the consequences of having an attachment disorder?
Uncertainty, abandonment, and rejection sensitivity
What is the goal of therapy for those with BPD?
To develop a sense of attachment
How can attachment be scary for those with BPD?
They may have had bad experiences in the past with attachment figures
Why is it important to have a consistent, caring relationship with a therapist?
It can help the individual with BPD feel safe and understood
What are some of the challenges that people with reactive attachment disorder or borderline personality disorder face when receiving treatment?
The development of maladaptive patterns
What might happen if you become easily frightened during therapy?
You may feel intense fear of rejection or abandonment by your therapist
What are some things that can trigger BPD patterns?
Feeling abandoned or feeling like you’re not good enough
Why is it important to be open and honest about thoughts and feelings in therapy?
It can help to lessen the strength of maladaptive BPD patterns
How can changing your attachment pattern help with BPD?
By providing a more positive and healthy model for relationships
What is the classic core content of BPD?
Abandonment, emptiness, loneliness, rejection, fears
How does discussing feelings help the therapeutic relationship?
By creating safety and trust
Why is it important to feel safe with your therapist?
It allows you to address the core content of BPD