Feeling "Vulnerable" - Flashcard Set (w/o images)
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: to cause (someone) to experience something or to be influenced or affected by something
He wants to expose his students to great works of literature.
The workers were exposed to dangerous chemicals. [=they were placed in conditions that left them unprotected from dangerous chemicals]
She hasn’t yet been exposed to measles.
Children are being exposed to violence on television.
His mistakes have exposed him to ridicule. [=he has been ridiculed because of his mistakes]
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: to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller or weaker person) : to act like a bully toward (someone)
A group of girls were bullying [=picking on] her at the playground.
He bullied his younger brothers.
: to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force
His boss bullied him into working overtime.
The kids were often bullied [=forced] into giving up their lunch money.
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: to gather and put into a corral
— often used figuratively
He corralled us all into his office for a quick meeting.
corralling [=collecting, gathering] votes for next month’s election
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: foolish or ashamed
He’s just trying to make you feel small.
He felt very small to be caught cheating.
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: easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something
The virus can infect susceptible individuals.
He is very susceptible to colds. [=he catches colds easily]
A surface highly susceptible to scratches
He is susceptible to flattery.
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: easily replaced : not worth saving
Employees whose jobs are considered expendable
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: not having a covering
— sometimes used figuratively
He laid bare his soul. = He laid his soul bare. [=he revealed his most private thoughts and feelings]
The book is an attempt to lay bare [=reveal, uncover] the secrets of this very powerful political family.
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: damaged and painful from harsh conditions, rubbing, etc.
— sometimes used figuratively
The article touched/struck/hit a raw nerve. [=the article hurt or upset the people who read it]
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: easily disturbed or upset
Many people struggle to maintain the delicate balance between work and family.
The violence in the film offended her delicate sensibilities.
The movie is not for delicate [=squeamish] people.
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: having an advantage over someone : in a position that is better than someone else’s position
He’s a good artist, which puts him one up on most of his classmates.
You’re one up on me.
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: not able to make good decisions or deal with difficult situations
Some see compromise as a sign of a weak character.
In a weak moment [=during a brief time when I had bad judgment] I told them my secret.
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: to make (something) difficult to understand or know : to make (something) obscure
The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.
They accused the company of trying to obscure the fact that the product poses a health risk.
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: not easily seen, heard, etc.
He gave her a little smile.
She made a little wave with her hand.
She spoke in a quiet little voice.
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: to do or be much better than (someone or something)
Her sister’s accomplishments always seemed to eclipse [=outshine] her own.
The new runner’s time eclipsed [=surpassed] the old record.
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: done or organized according to certain rules, instructions, or procedures
The test was done under controlled conditions.
The polar bears at the zoo live in a controlled environment.
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: to deceive or to trick (someone) : to persuade (someone) by telling lies
We don’t like being conned. [=swindled]
They are accused of conning retirees out of their savings. [=of deceiving retired people in order to take their savings]
She was conned into volunteering.
He conned his way into the job. [=he lied about his qualifications to get the job]
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: very easy to see or notice
There were a number of conspicuous changes to the building.
The sign was placed in a very conspicuous spot/position.
The bird has a conspicuous red head.
She felt very conspicuous in her pink coat.
He was uncomfortable about his conspicuous weight gain.
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: easily upset by the things that people think or say about you
a moody, sensitive teenager
He acts like a tough guy, but he’s really very sensitive to criticism.
She’s painfully/overly sensitive about her looks. [=she cares very/too much about what people say or think about her looks]
A sensitive soul [=a person who is easily hurt emotionally]
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: not done or happening naturally
It was obvious from his constrained [=forced] smile that he was not enjoying himself.
Constrained behavior
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: unable to notice or judge something
He is blind to his son’s faults.
Each party was blind to the other’s concerns.
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: outwit or get the better of (someone).
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: lacking confidence and feeling unsure of what to do
When she first moved to the city she felt a bit lost and out of her depth.
I don’t know how I ever managed without my computer: I’d be totally lost without it!
I depend on her for everything. I’d be lost without her.
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: without hope or strength because of having suffered very much
A broken spirit
The failure of his business left him a broken man.
A broken heart
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: having conceded an advantage or lead to someone or something.
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: expressing thoughts and feelings in a direct and honest way
Be open [=candid, frank] with each other about your feelings.
She encourages open communication between family members.
An open discussion about religion
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: forced to watch or listen to something because you cannot leave
The passengers on the plane were a captive audience. [=the passengers on the plane could not leave and had to listen to what was being said]
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