Types and methods or practice Flashcards
What is part practice?
Each sub-routine is practiced in isolation and perfected then the whole skill is put back together (Franctionisation)
When is part practice useful?
in low organisation skill the perceptual load is high the skill is complex dangerous performer is beginner used to increase confidence practing a weak area NOT KINASTHETIC
What is whole practice?
The skill is taught without breaking it down into sub-routines (in its entirety)
When is whole practice useful?
Giving a true feel (kinaesthetic sense) for the movement of the skill
encouraging positive transfer from practice to the real situation
encouraging the relationship between each part of the skill
the skill is a rapid or ballistic action
encouraging the establishment of a motor programme
more natural
What is whole- part-whole?
The performer attempts the whole skill first and then the weak elements of the skill are practiced in isolation before being put back into the whole skill
When is whole-part-whole practice useful?
Practing serial skills
Low organisation
correcting errors or reinforcing removements within a skill
encouraging and initial feel or fluency of the skill
what is progressive-part practice?
Each sub routine is practiced in isolation, the subroutine is then linked to the previous subroutine to form larger parts of the skill eventually become whole (segmentation)
When is progressive useful?
Practicing serial skills
low organisation skills
encouraging and udnertsandig of the links
between sub routines
Examples of part
gymnastics routine
examples of whole
football pass
Whole-part-whole examples?
A football coach observing errors in a game and then analysing weak areas
Progressive part practice example?
Triple jump
What is massed practice?
Involves very short, or no rest intervals within the session. continuous practice period
When is massed practice used?
Learning discrete skills which are relatively short in duration
Disadavnatges of massed practice
Lead to poor performance and hinder learning due to fatigue and demotivation
What is distributed practice?
Practice that involves relatively long rest intervals between attempts at skill. May use mental rehearsal during rest breaks
When is distributed practice used?
Leanring continous skills, where the performer quickly tires
Learning dangerous skills where fatigue may cause harm of injury
Disadvantges of distributed practice?
Perfomers must avoid activities in the rest periods that could lead to negative transfer
What is varied practice?
Practice that gives a range of experience where the practice conditions aren’t constant
When is varied practice used?
Learning open skills to help develop motor programmes stored in long terms memory, gives performer a range of strategies to draw on upon competition situation
What is fixed practice?
Practice that involves a stable and predictable environment with practice conditions that remain unchanged
When is fixed practice useful?
practicing closed skills to encourage habitual movement