Developing flexibility Flashcards
Static stretching in developing flexibility?
Holding 10-30 seconds, remaining still repeating 3-6 times
What are the advantages of static stretching?
Safe and effective
Maintaining flexilibiy
Good in cool downs for venous return
Muscle relaxation
What are the disadvantages of static stretching?
Not good for warm ups as doesn’t increase heart rate or get blood to working muscles
Not sport specific
What is isometric?
Isometrically contracting muscle (doesn’t use motion), uses tensing for 10-20 seconds
Can be active/passive
Then relax
What are the advantages of isometric?
Muscle spindle is a stretch relax, making sure to too long, muscles pushing back making sure there’s no injury (allows greater ROM)
Helps strength
What are the disadvantages of isometric?
Higher risk injury
limited to once every 36 hours
What is propriorecptive euro muscular?
Static passive (Partner stretches leg for you, no movement) 30 seconds
Isometric- Contraction against partner
Partner increases ROM
Partner increases ROM, repeating static passive stretch (less fight back) Increases muscle
Increase length by stretch reflex
What are the advantages of propriorecptive neuromuscular?
Delays stretch reflex to length muscle
Increased muscle length
Used in cool down
Good for developing flexibility around joints with limited movement
Wha are the disadvantages of propriorececptive neuromuscular?
most uncomfortable
What is the ballistic stretch?
Swinging/bouncing, use momentum to move joint to end rom
Used in gymnastics, martial acts
What are the advantages of ballistic stretch?
Develops speed/power
Higher injury risk
Activate stretch- reflex
What is the dynamic stretch?
Take joint through all ROM, slower and controlled
arm circles, lunges, squats
What are the advantages of dynamic?
Less risk of injury
Good for warm up recreate specific sports
8-12 repetitions
What are maintenance stretches ad how do they improve flexility?
Return muscle to pre exercise length. within a war up prepare muscles for the exercise to follow
What are developmental stretches and how do they improve felibltiy?
Stretches that increase the elasticity/ length of muscles improving the joints range of motion
What is static active?
Moving the muscle to its farthest point then maintaining or holding psoitibion
What is static active?
Moving the muscle to its farthest point then maintaining or holding psoitibion
what is static passive?
Partner performs the stretch for you, an external force is created by the partner. You are relaxed
What is pnf stretching?
stretching and contracting of the muscle group
Why is dynamic better for a warm up?
Increases movement and speed power and strength work
Why is pnf best used at the end of a workout?
Aid muscle relaxat90, using maintance- to return to pre exercise length
developmental- increase range of motion