api considerations Flashcards
What should the golfer have going into back swing?
Good base of support, centre of mass belly button which is remaining lower to the ground, better support which remains steady rather than unbalanced through backswing through storage of rotation and flexility. elbow should be flexed and posterior deltoid should be facing the target. Wrist flexors/extensors
What happens if gofers too far away with irons?
extending arms too early, meaning decrease in explosive strength and power, less angle of attack, won’t have as much distance as competitors so will weaken
Hips may go too soon?
Lead to loss of power,
How does angular velocity and inertia relate?
When body is close to the point of axis of rotation with width working as one can increase velocity, decreasing the inertia
why is it good to have your arms together?
Keep it on plane at top of backswing and put it on desired plane helping create a square club face
The law of acceleration?
More storage of power increases the accerlation, increasing distance.
What happens if golfer doesn’t hinge earlier?
Create more of a flat, less angle contacted swing
Why is it better hitting it inside to out?
Create more with create squarer club face
What are the core skills?
course management- putting driving short irons long itons kid irons fairway woods playing from different lies
what are the advanced skills?
course mafnement distance control putting 10 foot/up hill/downhill bunker play flip shot spin contro draw/fade mid draw/fade long ifons fairway woods/hybrids- draw/fade driving/ draw/fade playing from different lies ball above feet
What is the explanar usage?
can aid swing path as weakness
What should the set up phase be?
wide legs not too wide to restrict royation, the length between the performers stance is proportional to the hips. Needs good static strength- the splits or wall sits.
The centre of mass should be lowere to have a better base of support lower to gravity- athletes should bend illopsas and flex the bicep gemiréis aid squats and
What is the phase of the backswing?
The performer rotates their abdominals, torso and left/right hip to ensure this flexible rotation and create a coil strength . this creates strong elastic strength. the force produced will also be dependent on stretch reflex of the hip muscular extensiabilty of the knees illopsas gluteus maximas middle deltoid posterior
His left elbow begins to flex when reaching the 90 degree mark. Because of the flexion at the elbows his biceps brachii concentrically contracts
When taking the club back Ernie‟s‟ left shoulder horizontally adduct to the body and the left abducts
away from his body,
performer will open their knees and move them towards the target to allow more of a abdominal torn
What is the downswing?
The performer produces good shoulder rotation to allow for storage in the elastic strength which will then be driven through the hips and used by the stretch reflex to delay the hands being extended further creating lag. n1 n2 . the torque produced is the shoulders /hipss
the deltoids adduct back to the shoulders towards the ball to uniate the rotation
the connection allows for both arms to addict with the tricep bracho isometricallt contractinf due to tension
biceps concetrically contract
due to the weight distraction the quadriceps flex and isometricaly contract
through the ball both arms are isometriclwly contracting
What is the follow through phase?
The performer slowly decelerates and creates energy onto the ball along with heat and friction
hinging thr wrists are important as it can allow a doh ward pressure exerted into the ball
Applying projectile motion to the ball flight
having a higher ball flight will decrease its velocity over time as it’s getting further away from gravity initially reaching a peak which then the ball will go faster . the greater the initial velocity is the higher the ball travels as it is able to fight the force of gravity and air resistance for a longer period of time
better having a higher projectile force as it’s in the air for longer- done through an increase in angular velocity
What type
of rotation is the backswing?
abduction/adduction, keeping the head still stabilises the swing
What is one of the progressive practices for fleixkbitt?
Developing flexibility is essential in golf and one way is to do 10 seoncds per muscle for 10 minutes, can limit injury and increase elasticity around a joint.
Stretching the adductors in the hip rotation can slow for more of a rotation and an increase in strength being applied through the ball. Increasing the whole velocity and distance.
static stretching- focus on the base of keeping the body still by using walk sits to increase strength
How could plyometric be a plan?
warm up- do a quick jog to loosen the elasticity of the joints and tension. do some static/dynamic lunges
first session- do simple push ups as it would concentrically and eccentrically contrast the biceps and triceps which are good for the back swing structure of having a good flex/hinge
(as long as they are experienced) to delay the stretch reflex similarly needed in golf to delay the effect of the hips
try first jumó onto a shock sorb pad
frog hops with more test
to make it more friendly jumó in the same spot
add some russian twists to aid the rotation in the abduction of the swing repeat these for around 11 times x 3 then increase the intensity next session
1 small box jump each session
second session- delaying the amount of rest periods to stress the performers vbiceps and indicate the lactic acid syste. add in some box jumps to try and stimulate the concentric contraction after the eccentric contraction
good for delaying injuries
start working on broad jumps with measuring each session. using tape
star jumps distance abduction
scissor jumps slowly- hood for the gastrocnemius and bicep femories strength.
later could add weighted vest
increase box jumó distance
third session- forward back jumps lead to better balance and stability as unknown where landing- increasing power and explosives. try and increase the intensity with decreasing of rest breaks
increase box jump height
jumping lunges- to try and engage in the explosive power between strength and weight shift activating core
double leg butt bht kick boost niceto femories contractions
why is it better for a performer to have a shorter projectile path?
to not be affected by the wind and air resistance . Has a more true parobla when there’s more force applied to the ball
why is it better to have a heavy projectile?
the heavier the projectile and the force applied the less air resistance and gravity wikl have an effect and change its direction of motion
Commericialsation playing a part?
Having an increase in rewinding and irregular times for live coverage for other countries to watch golf can increase sponsorship and golden triangle; being payed more by the media
the golfer may be sponsoring titles which is involved in the golden triangle playing a part
increases facilities
cheaper than watching games live; developing equipment
why am i using plyometrics?l
using it to develop strength in the gluteus maximus, minumusnandnillospas to aid a good hip drive
where should your knees be in backswing?
the left knee for a right hander shouldn’t chnage position. shouldn’t straighten should remain flexed; good for wall sits to develop strength in the gluteus maximus
What is a common weakness with the downswing?
Coming over the top to get a slice, the golfer has a good back swing but tends to go over the top and tries to square the club face up by moving their hips through very jerky hand movements hands lead spinning
need to make the grip stronger and may have a pull
goof for cognitive performers initially the feeling
Could use throwing a ball at the ground where the ball would be to get rid of this strike and coming over the top
What is a good sr]trength with the sternum in the downswing/
The sternum should be facing the ball and the hands slightly forward through the wrist extensors
left hand, hip and shoulder are all in line creating a good width release
a poor impact position would be weight in the back foot with the hands back in line with the right hip, hand and shoulder
Why is having an increase in driving distance good for golfers?
Increasing driving distance is essential in national/ worldwide competitions where the golfer is competing against better performers. Psychologically this enables them with an advantage before the competition starts. Going into par 4’s/par 5’s with a smaller club is known to be more accurate and easier to get by the pin to make birdie. Most golfers’ endurance and explosive strength lacks this is why driving distance lacks.
How can the performer maximise their driving distance?
Hitting up on the golf ball with driver to make the balll go as high as it can with little spin
maximise the golfers hitting area, rather than coming down too steep which increases inertia and decreases the velocity we need to create more of a width and keep creating this constant speed
slight lean in the upper body to the left to hit up on the golf ball
second session - making sure their club head is in the centre through impact- spray through athletes club
use a tennis racket to gain this speed maximising width through to create centerness of strike
check the driver see if it is the right fit for you- to gain optimum upper class performer
What are the progressive practices for getting up and down?
The spiral drill- use a putter and have roughly 10 tee pegs and inbetwen each tee peg is a foot difference go up to 10ft and use this mechanis as a way to cope under pressure
2) the towel dril use a wedge and place it ina radius of where you think the ball needs to land to have a chance of going in or being able to make a good putt, try and aim for 50-70% of landing on the towel at first then reduce the size of the towel. This allows for a harder target and creates a vision for the performer
mental rehearsal
anxiety fine skill high arousal for puttig needs minimal arousal
3) Choose a greenside in practice and place the ball out of any area throw it without improving the lie, do 36 holes of intense pressure and aim to make an up and down on each attempt
Weight transfer for driving- performers should use the ground as a base for power.
Stability- centre of mass in the pelvis to provide a stable base when rotating back
What type of system is the golf swing?
atp pc system- lasts for about 10 seconds. so uses lactic acid system so good to develop explosive power and hit workouts
also aerobic system 4-5 hours type 1 fibres
increase gaseous exchange
Why is a low body fat better with lean muscle?
Provides more force, action plan
What type of joints are in the backswing?
Elbow (joint) hinge,(joint type) flexion( movement), biceps brachial (agonist) oncentric triceps brachia (antagonist)
What re the psychological?
Attributions phases of elarning motivtion positive reinforcement skills- fine/ gross arousal anxiety agression guidance social inhitinon mechanical guidance goal setting
How does the putt/chip/drivign need to be shown?
Visual guidance/ videos create a mental image for the performer aid this mental rehearse develop an kinasetheiss. use massed practice to develop kinaesthesia maintain concentration
use whole practice cant be broken down really as it avoids kinaesthesia; verbal guidance used to talk through the skill
feedback should be given after every session; positive reinforcement to aid s-r bond. motivate performer use tangible rewards remove them
use explanation as mechanical guidance adiifn kinasesthsis
How can under pressure practice create cognitive learning?
Use intervening various and mental reversal assessing the situation as a whole makes the performer a Nach performer a performer who takes risks and appears determined; this performers trying to win. My training program also
How is golf a national governing body?
England golf is the national governing body and a non-profiting organisation with the majority of funding coming from affiliation fees paid by golfers. The members play an annual subscription either to their county for men or county association for women. Sponsored by sport of England which helps to support projects and increase participation.
Why might the performer be of a higher class development?
A lot of golf clubs around however pay more for clubs and must have the money to join a golf club, as they get better need to affordapying for competitors
How is equipment beneficial for performers?
better cubs like timeless are more beneficial to performers as they give the performer a ability to reach their potential
Why is self esteem important?
Mentally controlling game, if self esteem is low they are more likely to have anxiety
How are England golf encouraging play for both genders?
England golf training for both genders in regional squads within golf clubs, increasing the rising of golfer however women golfers don’t earn as much on the European tour not as popular, less sponsors. the golden triangle
to get girls into golf the initiative this girl can
How does the media exploit players?
uses the media, by different companies. Spectators must have income to watch the sport being watched on tb.
how is memory an ehanfement?
One thing i will make sure i do witn my perfotmer is make sure they undertsnar the skill through shallow processing; what the stimunil looks like and gibe tbem enough retention
Why should the spine be tilted for a driver and set up?
Wide width of stance to create a high angle of attack
Why is aiming for a divot good?
Aid mental reversal/ mental image/autonomous performer/cure anxiety levels
What stretching should the performer do?
ncorporating: Seated trapezius stretch, Shoulder stretch, Triceps stretch, Lower back, Hip flexor stretch, Hamstring stretch, Quadriceps stretch, Calf stretch).
How can the schema theory be applied?
Getting used to the same putt, opposite of nach performer
should be varied pravyiv
How can we fix driving distance?
Foucising on overall technique and contact of club, using tennis racket using spray
when this is done, use explanans to develop more fliexilbity
get figures in studi
then see about driver
Why might it aid a performer to inmate hip rotation movement before hitting?
To stimulate first movement, moves his hands forward to aid the impact position with the line of the sternum. Swing around the longitudinal axis abductionally to create a torque antd then weight shift towards target
The hands should be leadi1ng the line of tension through extension in sternum to control the flight and the angular velocity
actiomplan for building power, stenchth and muscle?
micro set goals each week incoporate lower body stength one week focus
3 x workouts a week
increase intensity throughiut the monrhr reasses at the end of the month incease the volume to aid explosihe.
If athlete is in heat how can water be applied?
Hydratin on water every 15 minutes to help avoid cramps/dehydration maintain blood volume level. Hydrate prior to event. little clothing allowing more evaporation of skin deceasing temperature
why is repetion of the same movement food eahc week?
short term memory to long term creating chunks