Pre- industrial Britain Flashcards
What are the seven social and cultural factors?
Social class, Gender, Transport, Time, Money, Law and order, Education and literacy
How did social class influence the characteristics an pastimes of sport for lower class?
Peasants played mob football and took part in prize fighting.
What was mob football for lower class?
It was seen as cruel and violent, little and unwritten rules. Played occasionally on feast days and Holy days
Violent- unchristian
mass game
pigs bladder passed to town
What part did the lower class play in more common sports?
Peasants would fight in prize fighting contests and compete in pedestrianism Races.
Would play cricket and role would be bowler.
knuckle fighting
How did social class influence the characteristics an pastimes of sport for Higher class?
Gentry played real tennis real tennis had expensive equipment often took a few days so the lower class couldn’t compete had complex rules, meant the lower class couldn’t compete as they couldn’t read and write expensive faculties- may have had to travel to hampden court- also why lower class coukdnt particpate
What was real tennis for higher class?
Was sophisticated, had complex written rules (why lower class couldn’t take part). Would take place regularly, used expensive purpose built facilities
What part did the Higher class play in more common sports?
Gentry would act as patrons or sponsors for the participating peasants, contributed ‘purse’ (prize money.
Gentry played cricket their role was batsman
pedestrianisem- they were the betters on their foot men who used to run along side them
How and why did the higher class develop real tennis?
They were wealthy and educated and had transport and more free time, which allowed them to develop more sophisticated activities like real tennis so lower class couldn’t particpate- had a lot of free time
How did Gender influence the characteristics and pastimes of sport?
expected to fulfil traditional roles of women- stay at home and care
Women were seen as the weaker sex, they were expected to behave in a certain way.
only really modest sports they could take part in that didn’t reveal themselves in anyway.
for lower class women- took part in smock racing
the higher class women- took part in archery, thinfs which took precision and less strength more elegant
What activities did some women do?
Peasant women could take part in activities such as smock racing at country wakes/fairs. upper class women could participate in archery/ horse riding
How did Law and order influence the characteristics an pastimes of sport?
Limited law and order which is reflected in the activities.
Peasants more likely took part in violent sport, mob football and shin kicking
Cruel blood sports such as animal baiting with dogs attacking other animals
no law- nothing was illegal thus meant mob football was still allowed.
no rspca- so animal hunting was still allowed
law and order background?
before the police in 1829 there was little law and order in pre industrial Britain. Law and justice was administered by landowners and upper class gentry. peasants had to obey their land owning masters
How did education and literacy influence the characteristic of pre industrial sports and pastime`?
Rules of the peasants were simple and unsophisticated; mob football. Unlimited playing area and unlimited team sizes. therefore they couldnt participate in other sports like real tennis. Their sports were more cruel and violent. Only rule In mob football; do not murder
The Gentry’s could read and write which meant their sports had more complex rules; real tennis. The gentry played sports which were more civilised.
Education and literacy background?
Education was reserved for the upper class gentry, most peasants were illterate.
How did time effect social class?
the lower class had leas time and worked long hours on land
festivals/ holy days activities- whole village
ones that were based around public houses
activities had to be short in duration less time- as real tennis longer
upper class had more time- longer duration- fox hunting
How did time effect sport for lower class?
Little free time, limitd to festivals on holy days
Other actives were based around the village pub
Not as good
How did time effect the higher class?
More free time, so standard was better and could regularly take part in sports; real tennis and hunting, fox hunting would last all day
How did money effect sport?
Peasants were poor with no income, upper class inherited their wealth and could afford lavish, luxury items. Higher class could pay for expensive equipment; expensive horses
How did little money for peasants effect sport?
Activities like swimming, bathing in lakes rives and mob football were cheap, simple and used the natural environment they would wear everyday clothing when participating
Why was wagering important?
Important for higher and lower class as for gentry’s opportunity to show off their wealth and for the peasants it was an opportunity to make quick money and go from ‘rags to riches’
How did transport effect sport?
Transport was poor as poor road network, no invention of the steam engine. sports and pastimes were local
gentry- horse and carriage
walking- peasants
roads were appalling creating things loval
Transport for lower class?
Mob football was played in local teams, had to walk to events local to their village such as royal Shrovetide football in Derbyshire. As they didn’t travel very far had different rules in every area, teams couldn’t play eachother. It was played between local villages
Transport fr higher class?
Had access to horse and carriage so could travel further, more opportunity
How did transport become the basis of some sports?
Walking became pedestrianism, horse riding became horse racing Upper class built their own facilities at home to avoid travelling on poor roads, built their own real tennis courts (Hampden court in London)
What were some of the characteristics for lower class sports?
Simple activities for simple people
violent and cruel
no rules/non-codifeid only rule do not commit manslaughter
Name some sports that the lower class participated in?
Mob football
prize fighting
dog fighting
What were some of the characteristics of the upper class sports?
Codfied to make sure that the sport essentially only owned to them
expensive equipmenet
sophisticated matching their ethos and aristocracy
violent and cruel-reflection of the time
wagering and gambling
Name some sports the upper class partipcated in?
Fox hunting
prize fighting
real tennis- normally in big arenas so more money
cock fighting- 2 hens attacking each other
What are some sports that both classes participated in?
pedestrianism- the aristocracy butlers and footmen used to race against eahcother cricket- the upper class and lower class used to sometimes meet in the pubs, the lower class were the players and the upper class were the gentlemen ammeters (the upper class saw being paid as vulgar)
How did the gender for the upper class match their characteristics?
Played sports like archery which matched the skillfulness rather than the power, less vigorous
How did gender for the lower class match their characteristic?
the lower class women again were restricted needed money, take prt in smock racing to try and win one of the upper class smocks
How did law and order represent the time?
Executions were normal in those time to be watched, represented the animal baiting sports, shin knuckle, bare knuckle fighting reflects the time
How did education have an impact for the upper class?
As they could read and write and attend schools they had an advantage and often deliebraltey wrote codified rules in their sport so theyncould only participate
How did the characteristics of law and order have an effect on the lower class?
Didn’t read and write if they did only simple verbal use, mob football reflection of this only 1 rule, no schools for the lower class
How did time and money affect participation for the lower class?
as they needed to work non-stop often only played on bank holidays and feast and holy days 2- times a way
peasants worked long and exhausting hours, no appetite to play
How did time and money affect the upper class?
They had lots of free time, landowners didn’t need to work
How did transport make a difference for the upper class?
They could travel to neighbouring or even further villages by horse and carriage as could afford
often road networks were very bad so still at a disadvantage
How did transport have an effect on the lower class?
Walked only to neighbouring billages- keeping local
What were some entertaining sports for the lower class?
Pig catching, often confined with villages as local due to shortage of transport
Name the 4 points that dominant social class?
Sport was divided into class, the upper class and the lower class some activities represented the types of people who would participate in them different classes have different roles within the sport social class was influenced by time and money and free time
What is the main point of gender?
gender was discrimianted there was lots of gender discrimination as sport was male dominated
What is the main point of education and literacy?
Due to the widespread of illertacy the lower class couldn't read and write and had few and simple unwritten rules the upper class were educated had complex, sophisticated and written rules
What are the main points of money?
The lower class were in poverty so had little money to participate this is why their sports were simple , cheap natural and unsophisticated using a lot of environmental faculties the upper class had more money so could afford expensive equipemne , using specialist clothing and purpose built facilities
what are the charterisitcs of upper class sport?
Time bounding- didn’t want lower class to take part
rule bounding
what are the characteristics of lower?
Infrequenet rural agrarian countries occupational sports- pedestrianism unlimited team size force based occasional simple
what are the simple characteristics of pre industrial
Freudal based
again society
2 based system of society
limited middle class