Post industrial revolution Flashcards
What is the background?
Industrialists and governments saw the need for a happier, healthier and more educated workforce so Mae changes to working conditions.
What was the provision?
public baths helped to improv health and hygiene, allowed working class for more participation
Public parks, more space
Purpose built facilities gave people a place
Some professional sports men
What happened in the acts of parliament?
Factory acts- introduction of half day Saturday, a weeks paid holiday and reduce working hours (57).
Education acts- 1870 education act led to a national state education system leading to better literacy
Wash house act
What did the national governing bodies do?
Codification of sport (fixed rules) meant people played sports by the same rules
News papers and match reports spread popularity to more literate population
What happened with time?
Half day Saturday, increased opportunity to play
Reduction in hours of the Working week, more time to play
Weeks paid holiday meant free time and money to spectate.patricipate to go on holiday to seaside
What happened with transport?
Introduction of rail system
Led to devlopement of leagues and cup competitions
Allowed people to take trips to sea side
What happened with social class?
New middle class gave increased wealth to a greater range of sports industrial patronage- factory Owners set up football teams
How did social class influence post 1850 sport? (BACKGROUND)
Society evolved into a 3 class system, upper, middle and working. Professionalism and amateurism
How was sport divided by amateurism and professionalism?
Amateurs were upper/middle. Took part for enjoyment/ love for the sport not for money gain
Professionals were working class, needed to be paid to play as they couldn’t afford to take time off work
What were broken time payments?
Compensation payments for missing work in order to play (however for upper class being paid to play went against the ammeter principles seen In crickeT)
How did the middle classes taste and manners influence the more respectable nature of sport?
Middle class boys attended public schools, not wealthy by birth
Took up authority and became professionals, industrialist ad managers
Had money and time
became patrons of sport
Influenced society to become much more respectable
What happened in cricket for classes?
Captain and opening batsman was always amateur never working class
A working class professional could never captain for the nation side
Had different travel arrangements
Entered the field from different doors
Amateurs had letters ‘esq’ written after their first name whereas wc had just their surname
Some of these weren’t abolished till 1963
How did gender influence the characteristics of post 1850 sports and pastimes?
Victorian women were restricted by victorian ehtics
Little opportunity to take part in sports
WC women had the least opportunity
Schooling for girls was limited and seen as pointless
How did gender gradually change for women?
During the latter half of the 19th century, more relaxed for women
Lawn tennis, most popular for upper/ middle class (women played doubles) still remaining lady like
In 1880 there was the first singles wimbelodn championship (Maud Watson)
What is the ‘holistic approach’?
Good health through exercise, better clothing allowed for freer movement (procreation)
Law and order?
Introduction of the metropolitan police force in 1829 meant cruel and violent games such as bare knuckle fighting was gone
Rspca- put an end to animal bating
Lawmakers were the middle and upper class, had influence over defined laws being introduced
Fox hunting remained
Education and literacy?
1891, introduced free education for all- increased literacy
Increased literacy for WC meant greater oppurtunites in sport. Could now read and write, and understand rules (football and rugby)
Wc could now read sports papers, so could contribute in football matches and horse racing
Education and literacy? for higher
Increased their literacy, codified sport; Middle and upper class men established the national governing of these sports; Fa. Had a list of rules and regulations
Working hours reduced from 72-57.
Sports team like Man Utd started to develop
Meant rise of spectators
Money? LC
Increased Wc wages meant they could watch football games, afford gate money for local football team
Afford a trip to the seaside
Watch rugby away matches
Could now afford to take part in football
Money? HC
Could afford a lawn tennis set
Continued their country sports, hunting , shooting
Could travel abroad
Teams could now travel further (railway system) internationally and nationally in less time
Led to leagues, team etc
Touring cricket teams William X1
Wc could afford train tickets, rise in spectatorism
Major impact on horse racing as horses could now be transported to next rave
Variety of sports increased, became globalised
Who was William Clarke?
A touring team, paid players £4-6 for playing in the national team
Took it as a national success
who were the middle class?
professionals, factory owners ones who weren’t born into astricocracy
more time and more money to be able to participate
went to public schools
what are the chsratersitics of 1850?
Lower class lost their rights large scale mirgratiom middle class developed own customs upper class carried on lie before
what is the industrial revolution?
Urbanisation landscapes,
becomes less rural, urban scoiety
start of post revolution 72 hours in factories
factories owned by upper class- owner land, introduce factory manager
the factory manager becomes middle class
railways developing- transportation of people, greater sea side
male dominated
public schools- codify of games all middle class boys com from schools
what is codify?
Middle class take part rules to public schools from villages
what did factory owners do with the coded game?
instilled coded games, and banned mob football to let the players work
how many hours are reduced?
reduced to 52 hours, factory, half day saturday
factory owners would pay their staff to take part to play factory
what happens in 1870 forest?
Introduction of pe act in school