injury rehabiliatio Flashcards
What are the intrinsic risk factorsfactors?
not allowing for breathing time physical make up posture inadequate range of moement indeauqte nutrition lack of recovery time
what are the extrinsic risk factors?
improper technqiue incorrect clothing rapid overhead in trining over use/indequate variance in trining inadequate warm up/cool down
how to reduce the extrinsic factors?
ensure the protective clothing they wear goes with the regulations of the sport, nod efcts
footwear should fit the performer well and provide correct absoription/ankle protection for sport
what is the iniative saltaps?
assessment protocol for assessing whether an athlete should continue or be removed from the acitivy after a sporting injury
What is the first S of saltaps?
Stop, play and see whats happened; ankle twisted
What is the first A of saltaps?
Ask questions about the injury, how did it haoooeb, where is the pain, did you hear a noise, any other pain
What is the L of saltaps?
Look, look and evaluate the sign/symptons. breaks/deformity bleeding, bruising, swellin, stress anxiety
What is the T of saltaps?
Touch, touch area to see carefully, which area is hurt, feel for inflammation nd observe for signs of pain
What is the second A for saltaps?
active movement- 1st by the patient
ask if they can, move and check joint by the rom, feel area to feel for clicks/grinding.
compare opposite side if they cant,
What is the p of saltaps?
passive movement, by the therapist, gently ove/assist the range of motion evaluate the pain/range of motion of other side
what is the final S of saltaps?
Strength test; can person stand, put pressure on injury sufficiently to play on?
can they move on their own, can they play, do they think they can, watch for pain or are they denying the extent of the injure
What is the response to injury for price?
It is a 5 step protocol for the treating of acute (3 days) soft tissue injuries
when should price be used?
Should be used immediately when an injury has been sustained and while further medical attention is soight
reduces the effects of the acute injury (swelling/pain/bruising/bleeding) and preventing further damage
earlier price is administered, increases the reduction in acute symptoms and increases the speed of the healing/revovery process
when should the performer stop performing price?
if theres any sign of pain, stop immediately and seek further medical treatment
follow price 2/3 days post injury
What does the first p stand for in price?
protect- protect the injury.person and also try and protect yourself; stoping the game
What does the r sand for in price?
rest- rest for 2/3 days to allow an injury to heal as playing through the pain causes increased damage and decreases recovery
gradual increase in movement to reduce muscle strength lost/atrophy
What does the I mean in price?
Ice- applying ice reduces the pain and inflammation (10-15 min every 1-3 hours)
Optimum 10-15 c temp to decrease inflammation without cell damage
melted ice water preferable to ice packs/sprays
dont apply directly to skin to prevent cld burns (wrap in cloth)
repeated rather than continuous ice applications most effective
What does the c stand for in price?
Compression- of the injured area helps reduce swelling using stretch bandage/tape.crepe
monitor tightness a the injury can continue to swell an or during sleeping
What does the e stand for in price?
elevation- elevate injured area above the heart to decrease blood flow to injury and decrease swelling
and dont elevate an injured area if it causes too much pain
What are the world rugbys 6 rs?
A protocol for the treatment of concussion
What is the first r? of recognise
Recognise- parents, players, coaches and officials should all learn th signs of symptoms of cousin so they can understand when an athlete might have had a suspected concussion
What is the second r- remove?
Any suspected/concussed performer must be removed from play immediately
What is the third r?- refer
once removed from play, performers should be referred immediate to a qualified healthcare professional who is trained in evaluating and treating
What is the fourthr r rest?
Players must rest from exercise until sympton free (accompanied for 1st 24 hours) and then start a graduated return to play (a more conservative return ti Olay is recommended for children and adolescents
What is the fifth r- recover?
Full recovery from concussion is required before return to play is authorised, this includes being symptom free
rest and specific treatment options are critical for the health of the injured participant
What is the 6th r- return?
In order for safe return to play the performer must be symptom free and cleared in writing by a qualify health professional who is trained in evaluating and treating concussions (adults min 1 week and u18 min 2 weeks)
athletes must perform a grtp protocol (graduated return to play)
What is rehabilitation?
A programme to restore full physical functioning post injury in the shortest time
What are the 3 rehabilitation stages?
Early acute stage immediate (48/72 hours) - light/active exercise still allowing healing (week 3/sub acute)
sub acute stage- mid stage progressive overload gradually increasing strength/rom to prepare fir full functioning (week 4)
late functional- gradual increase in intensity and strength development to full activity functioning (week 5 plus)
What is the mid sub acute stage (repair stage)
3-6 weeks/ early stage
decreases inflammation/bruisng/pain
increasing nsaids/cold/heat/contrast/physio/sretching.massage
What is the late rehbilation modelling?
gradual increase of intensity and strength development to full activity functioning
What is the sequence of events in an injure?
Injury, saltaps, remove and treat
What are the 6 treatment methods that can be administered though all 3 stages acute, sub acute and rehabilitation stages?
Strecthing massage heat/cold and contrast anti-inflammatory drugs/nsaids physio surgery
How is stretching used in the acute stage of an injury?
Price at rest
2/3 days post
pending upon the severity of the injury
What are the benefits of stretching in the acute stage?
No stretching or anything in acute for stretching as it allows healing!
no activty/strecthig (prevents further damage)
What is the sub acute stage for stretching?
Light/gradual static (active/passive) stretching and heat therapy
3 days-2 weeks
gradual increase in number of sessions
increasing tension/stretch]increases range of motion
What are the benefits of sub acute stretching post?
Inflammation and pain decrease
reinstates/lengthens elastic properties of muscles and ct’s
joint range of motion which increase recovery
but… dont use ballistic/dynamic, pnf, isometric!
What is the early mid rehab stage for stretching?
Contined static (active/passive) and use pnf streching week 3-4 range of motion, strength and co-ordination exercises (agonist/antagonist are focussed on)
What are the benefits of early mid stretching?
Pnf decreases stretch reflex mechanism
gradual increase in range of motioon
decreases tissue scarring which decreases elasticity
decreases pain sensation
gradual; increase of strengths of muscles without loosing strength
but no full functioning activities exercises yet
What is the full and last stage rehabilitation for stretching?
Increase developmental stretching (trying to increase range of motion/length) using static andpnf streching
increases functional focus via avtive/dynamic syrecjing or injured joint
week 4-5
increase range of motion and strength exercises
increase strength exercises
What are the benefits of full and last stage stretching of rehailatio?
Developmetal stretching increases the range of motion and strength of muscle/cts than that previously existing before the injury
decreases risk of injure reoccuring
fully functioning activity/exercise prior to inclusion back into full competitive activity/training