Leadership Flashcards
What is leadership?
The behavioural process influencing individuals and groups towards set goals (barrow 1977)
Whatr are some of the qualites of leadership?
Determined- has a drive to suceed
communicator- able to express themselves clearly
perceptual- able to identify potential problems and put in place strategies to address them
empatheitc- able to put themseles in the positons of others and undderstand how they feel
good persona
clear goals- working towards the goals
excellent technical knowledge
charisma and presence
What are the 2 types of leaders?
Emergent and perscribed
What is an emergent leader?
A player or performer becomes a manager within the group
prescribed from within the group
is often he caretaker
experienced performer becomes a a coach
What is a perscribed leader?
A leader from outside the group; a manager
teacher prescribes player from outside who becomes leader
non-native coach of a national team
What are the positives of having an emergent leader?
They have good knowledge of the other team memevbr
What are the 3 styles of leadership?
Autocratic, democratic, laissez, faire
What is the autocratic leadership?
Foucssed on the tsk leader makes all the decisions goal/task and outcome orientated does not delagte responsibility get the job done engage in little consultation
when is autocratic good?
Good for male leaders male participants large groups clear message leader seems confident imposes conformity- important in dangerous sitations good for beginners- throwing a javelin time is short danger notion
What is a democaratic leader?
person orientated about relationships rather than job
building relationships
shared decisions- members swell as leader share deciisons
consultation- members have their say
When is a democratic performer best used?
the leader is female the group is female females prefer democracy group is friendly towards on another good relationships develops ownerships works if there is time good for wider opinions and ideas good for experienced performers good for members who prefer democracy good for older members
What is a laissez faire leader?
lets things happen
dont take action
allows actions to develop stands aside
When is a laissez faire best for leading?
used specfically useful in team building
useful for oaa- outside adventure activities
discovery activities
What Is the multi stage dimensional model?
Assess how congruent a performance is and group satisfaction/performance
What are the characteristics?
member charsctersitics
leader characteristics
What are the situation characteristics- favourable?
the nature, size of the group, the danger of the environment an recent results which brings about a required behaviour. Leadership has to react in a stye that is relevant to the situation
What are the leaders characteristics?
preferred style of the leader, may have success in the past from autocratic from own experience. have to show adaptability if prefer democracy but needed autocracy
What are the members characteristics?
the nature of the members, what are their experiences whoa re they; age, gender, experience
will have a preference to how they behave to preferred
What are the types of behaviour on the mode?
Preferred heavuour
What is the actual behaviour?
what the leader has chosen to apply the situation to
but strongly influenced by the leader; what their experiences are
What is the preferred behaviour?
what the members want may be autocracy or democracy. elite athletes prefer autocratic maybe, other circumstances; prefer democratic
What is the required behaviour?
what the behaviour should be from the situation that they’re in, if its dangerous, what the situation demands autocrayc/democracy
What do the behaviours and characteristics correspond to?
group performance
group satisfaction
What is the group satisfaction?
The extent to which the performers felt by the group whilst performing
What is the group performance?
the extent to which the group performed successfully or not
What creates a full congruence?
High group performance
high group saisfaction= full congruence
What should always over ride one characteristic in the model?
the required should always over ride the preferred
What did chellandurai recognise as the five dimensions of leadership?
leaders need to be adaptable
situation charactersitis- javelin - required
leader characteristics - actual
members characteristic- preferred
what are the factors that infuence the situation?
The strength of the leader
the relationships
clear tasks
What do novices prefer:
rewarding behaviour
What do experts prefer?
Democrati and social support
What do team members prefer?
Training and instruction behaviour,
what are the characteristics of an effective leader/
clear goal good personana ambitious empathetic compassionate good technical knowledge
what is a prescribed leader?
A leader who has been appointed from outside f the group
non-native manager is appointed as a coach
what is the trait theory?
biological stable trait its male social learning is irrelavent great man theory- traditional belief sons inherit from fathers born characteristics enduring social learning is irrevelant
What is the social learning theory?
vicarious experiences
leadership is learnt from others
access to high status to role models is importnant
copy high status models- strong achieving models
model on successful leadership
male charismatic solve model on that behaviour
embassies social environment and socialisaiton- the su of all experiences
learned better and more likely if reinforced- law of effect- reinforced and
what is the interactionist approach?
the traits and the environment interact
people might be born with leadership characteristics=- empathy and leadership skills, the situation brings them out
interaction hollander present of the behaviours. the situation requiring
passive and more active in different situations
someone would show biological/innate leadership within them who situation demands it
but someone maybe leadership in sport no where else
best current thinking
what is accord?
or known as a consanant where all the groups characteristics correspond are are in aggrememnt which gets group satisfaction autocracy dangerous situation performers prefer autocracu coach had success of autocrayc correspond to group satisfaction
what is discord?
Disonnance, the situation may required democracy, performers may prefer democracy but coach refers autocracy and actual
get a reduction in performance
what are the disadvnatges of lasaiz faire?
provides a lack of direction- lacks leadership skills
members end up with lack of guidance
people may give up
lack of direction reduce
what are the disadvnates of social learning?
Ignores traits