Guidance and Feedback Flashcards
What is visual guidance?
The use of a demonstration; using play book, videos, video, wall chart
What form does visual guidance take?
Videos/demonstrations, charts, books
what are the positives of visual guidance?
Creates a mental image good for cognitive leanring allows the coach to cue- using positive aspects slow motion can see the skill in different stages gives understanding of the requirements- movement requireemtns good for error detection effective if model is a role model encourages obersvationaml
what are the negatives of visual guidance?
demo could be incorrect
demo may be too quick
slow motion can be unclear
images dont show how a movement is produced
what is verbal guidance?
coaching points instructions tactical info team talks q and a sessions
Wha are the adavnates of verbal guidance?
can be direct/clear
good for cueing
good for autonomous stag learners- gig over details
can movitvate
hold attention- visual model
questioning can lead to learning and undertsanding- cognitive learning
useful to explain how- good for meaningful
what are the negatives of verbal guidance?
if inaccurate can lead to errors may cause information overload ineffective with beginners can be boring can be confusing hard to explain
what is manual guidance?
The physical support of a coach spotting in gymnastics coach physically aids the performance physically manipulates the laying of hands
what are the positives of manual guidance?
develops kinaesthesia even for cognitive leanrers
more safe
gives confidence
can experience full range of movement as supported
great for individuals
what are the negatives of manual guidance?
Not effective for groups
does not create a mental image
permission required
What is intrinsic feedback?
Information from within
kinaesthetic- sense of balance/procpriocrepction- equiblirum
What is extrinsic feedback?
information from others
information from the coach
information from the external environment
What is positive feedback?
information about a successful outcomr
can be intrinsic or extrinsic
What is negative feedback?
received when movement is unsuccessful
can be extrinsic or intrinsic
What is knowledge of results?
information about the outcome
terminal feedback
What is knowledge of performance?
known as cop and core
based on the technique
information about the quality of the perfomrnac e
often intrinsic but can be extrinsic
accuracy of the technique not the end achieving of technique
What are the advantages of visual guidance?
Good to form a mental image cues performers enable skill In different images reinforces observational learning needs to be a role model of same gender
What are the advantages of knowledge of results?
important for learning to take place important for beginners good for eveyone gives satisfaction if successful measureable subjective connective with performance
What are the disadvantages of knowledge of results?
can demotivate, lose a lot in sport
loses are negative, judging by results- negative
results dont recognise how we’ve done
can strengthen incorrect s-r bond
might get right result through wrong tehcnique
What are the advantages of knowledge of performance?
good when performing against a strong opposition- judging by winning and losing more likely to lose
can focus on positive aspects even when losing good for self confidence
tells the performer how to improve- nt just statement
essential for skill leanring
helps experts to refine
gives motivation
gives quickly if concurrently, knowledge of tehcnique
where technique is highly relevant
improves kinaesthesia
What is effective feedback?
Should correspond yo level of performer; cognitive, autonomies tc Limit amount of info given feedback should be immediate should relate to the individual try to facilitate internal
Why is negative feedback effective?
Can motivate a learner to get better
Good for beginners to identify what went wrong g
Information about incorrect unsuccessful movement
What is persuasive communication?
Change knowledge/beliefs
Persuader- captain/football role mode
receipteint- needs to want to change and be open tp change
message- the messages needs to be clear
situation- ideal situation/environemnt so a coffee shop
What is mechanical guidance?
use of aids to improve the learning of a skill use stabilisers armbands floats bowling machines
what are the positives of mechanical guidance?
Can develop a kinastehesis
increases safety
allows learners to develop advanced skills
brilliant for closed skills as can repeat
what are the negatives of mechanical?
Can lead to over reliance
equipmenet- costs money
not good for open
not same as real thing
What are the disadvantages of visual?
if incorrect can be wrong
too quick
what are the advantages of verbal?
Good for autonomous performers as already have good mental image
can motivate
can hold attention
questioning techniques can help- intrinsic feedbsck
what are the disadvantages of verbal?
information overload
if not accurate- errors
in affective with beginners
advantages of manual?
gives kinasethis a
can reduce fear
what are the advantages of intrinsic feedback?
constantly available dont need anyone else concurrent- during eprformance allows us to adjust and adapt within performance good for autonomous can self correct never out of the learning environment
what are the disadvantages of intrinsic feedback?
not available for cognitive performers- mechanical guidance
depends own the breadth of experience- narrow experience means little knowing, odnt know
what are the advantages of extrinsic feedback?
provides a different interpreation
experienced people can provide insight
needed and essential for cognitive perfomers
what are the disadvnatges of knowledge of performance?
if inaccurate damaging
some performers only interested in outcome- doesn’t help
can overload- detailed and refinng
can take long time to develop kinateshis
what are the advantages of positive feedback?
can strengthen a s- r bond
can motivate
reinforces skill leanring
good for cognitive learners
what are the disadvantages of positive feedback?
can be used to build an incorrect s-r bond
unspecific- ‘great’ in coaching environment
can be over used leading to feedback ignored
what are the positives about negative feedback?
movtivates some perfomers
good for autonomous- marginal gains
good for reifnrment
provides drive reuction- sets new goals
what ate the disdavnatges of negative feedback?
can be demotivatng
can reduce confidence
might only tell them what got wrong rather than what they need to do
inappropriate for beginners- demotivating
if unforced