Formatives Flashcards
Left gastric artery
Supplies inferior part of oesophagus and lesser curvature of stomach
Inferior portion of lesser stomach curvature blood supply
Inferior portion of lesser stomach curvature blood supply
Left gastric artery
Branch of coaelic trunk
Right gastric artery
Branch of common hepatic
JVP a wave
Atrial contraction- absent in atrial fib
What is JVP c wave?
Closure of tricuspid valve
What is the v wave?
Passive filling of blood in atria against closed tricuspid valve
What is the x descend?
Fall in atrial pressure during ventricular systole
What is the y descent?
Opening of tricuspid valve
Opening of tricuspid valve
Which part of JVP occurs in S1?
A wave and c wave
Which part of JVP occurs in S2?
X descent, v wave and y descent
Synthesis of protein molecules?
1st pharyngeal cleft
External auditory meatus
Thyroid gland germ cell layer
Sotage of renin in juxtaglomerular cells
What forms anterior pituitary in development?
Mouth oral ectoderm from splitting of buccopharyngeal membrnae
CNS cell compoent derivatives
Neural tube
PNS cell component derivatives
Neural crest cells. Also forms pia and ararachnoid mater
Dura mater progentiort
Precurosr to nucleuos pulposus
Notochord from mesoderm
Volume of air in chest after full expiration
Volume of air after normal expiration
Functional residual capacity. This is increased in obstructive disease and reduced in obesity
Used for fatty acid synthesis
TCA intermediate
Source of glutamate and glycine and stimuulates protein syntheeiss
What breaks down cAMP?
Major extracellular ions
Chloride anion and Sodium cation
Major intracellular inons
Phosphate anion and Pottasium cation
Slowest electrical conduction
AV node
Effect of heart failure
luid retention that causes peripjeral oedema
What causes curve to shift to rigght?
Acidosis with low PH- this is to make oxygen more available to hypoxaemic tissue in Bohrr shift. CADET- increase in CO2, arterial pressure, DPG levels, and temp.
What causes curve to shift to left?
Alklalosis with high Ph, low temp, low BP
Majority of CO2 transport
Refernece for JVP
Manubriosternal angle
Isovolumetric ventricular contraction
Time between closure of AV valves and opening of semilunar valves. Reduced coronary blood flow during ventircular systole and increased in diastole.
Blood presssure calculation
Blood pressure= cardiac output x peripherla resistance
Main source of lipase
How do micelles form?
Via bile salts. it becomes a chylomicrone Via binding of apoprotien
Kidney and gonads derivative
intermediate mesoderm
What supplies the fundus and greater curvature of stomach?
Splenic artery
Greater survature of stomach?
Superiorly by splenic and inferiorly by gastroduodenal
Which part of mesoderm becomes continous with the amniotic cavity?
Somatic mesoderm- gives rise to parietal peritoneum and dorsal mesogastrium
Which part of the mesoderm becomes continous twiththe yolk sac?
Sphalnchnic mesoderm which gives rise to the visceral periotenum and ventral mesogastrium
Effect of hypercalcemia
Altered mental state and abomdinal pane due to pancreatitis and constipation
What does vWF bind to?
Factor VIII
Where does antigen bind to antibody?
Direction of translation
5’ to 3’ end
Branches of ascending aorta
Coronary arteries
Structure anterior to thymus gland
Aortic arch
Inferior alveolar and lingual nerve
Branch of mandibular nerve
Where do the mandibular and maxillary nerve originate?
Trigeminal nerve