Formatives Flashcards
Left gastric artery
Supplies inferior part of oesophagus and lesser curvature of stomach
Inferior portion of lesser stomach curvature blood supply
Inferior portion of lesser stomach curvature blood supply
Left gastric artery
Branch of coaelic trunk
Right gastric artery
Branch of common hepatic
JVP a wave
Atrial contraction- absent in atrial fib
What is JVP c wave?
Closure of tricuspid valve
What is the v wave?
Passive filling of blood in atria against closed tricuspid valve
What is the x descend?
Fall in atrial pressure during ventricular systole
What is the y descent?
Opening of tricuspid valve
Opening of tricuspid valve
Which part of JVP occurs in S1?
A wave and c wave
Which part of JVP occurs in S2?
X descent, v wave and y descent
Synthesis of protein molecules?
1st pharyngeal cleft
External auditory meatus
Thyroid gland germ cell layer
Sotage of renin in juxtaglomerular cells
What forms anterior pituitary in development?
Mouth oral ectoderm from splitting of buccopharyngeal membrnae
CNS cell compoent derivatives
Neural tube
PNS cell component derivatives
Neural crest cells. Also forms pia and ararachnoid mater