Anatomy B2 W4 Flashcards
What drains the upper right wall?
Azygous vein
What drains the upper left wall?
Accessory hemiazygous vien
What drains the lower left wall?
Hemiazygous vein
Medial malleolus
Prominent bone on the end of the tibia
Flexor carpi radialis
Long muscle in the forearm
When does the subclavian artery become axillary?
At the border of the first rib
What are the tributaries of the coeliac artery?
Hepatic artery on right side
Left gastric artery and splenic artery on the elft
What does the posterior tibial artery give rise to?
Lateral plantar artery
What does the axillary vein give rise to?
Brachial vein and basilic vein
Cubital fossa
Area in the elbow crease where the brachial vein splits into a radial and ulnar vein
What drains the ovaries or testes?
Gonadal veins arise from the renal vein. There is a left and right gonadal vein which drain into the left/right renal veins.
Where does the phrenic vein come off?
The renal vein to move superiorly
What does the external iliac vein give off?
Femoral vein- this splits into a greater saphenous vein which passes through the fascia lata via the saphenous ring opening and the lesser short saphenous vein
Popliteal fossa order
Popliteal artery, popliteal vein
Femoral artery
Becomes the popliteal artery when it passes through the adductor hiatus, a gap between the femur and the adductor muscle
Where does the dorsalis pedis artery come from?
Anterior tibial artery
What flexes the big toe?
Extensor hallicus tensor
What flexes the toes excluding the big toes?
Extensor digitorum longus
Hepatic portal vein
Comes from the splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein and inferior mesenteric vein
What vein drains the gall bladder?
Cystic vein
What vein drains the pancreas?
Pancreaticoduodenal vein