B5 W1 Flashcards
Mater with squamous and cuboidal cells
Pia mater-it is highly vascularised and supplies oxygen to the spinal cord and has membrane extensions called the denticulate ligaments
Membranous extension of the pia mater
Denticulate ligament which articulates with the arachnoid mater and the dura mater to protect the spinal cord from sudden displacement
Bone morphogenic proteins
Secreted by the overlying ectoderm to induce alar plate to develop sensory neurons
Midbrain and cerebral aqueducts are derived from…
Causes of hypocalcemia
Renal failure, vitamin D deficiency, premature Vitamin D/thyroid gland
Mantle zone
Zone which makes up future grey matter, with neuroblasts surrounding the neuroepithelia
Sensory branch of spinal nerve
Dorsal root
During bone remodelling, which bone types are replaced?
Compact bone replaces spongy bone at the peripheries
Zone of the epiphyseal plate with dead, calcified chondrocytes
Zone of calcified cartilage
Zone in epiphyseal plate with scattered chondrocytes
Zone of resting cartilage
Connective tissue lining the medullary cavity
Reactive phase
Early inflammatory phase where haematoma forms and phagocytes and osteoclasts remove damaged tissue
Division of the nervous system for the special senses
Sensory division of the somatic nervous system
Pharyngeal arch innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve
Arch 3
Axons/collection of nerve fibres in CNS
White matter
Axons/ collection of nerve fibres in PNS
Collection of axons in CNS
Collections of axons in the PNS
Opening in bone which allows blood and lymphatic vessels to pass through
Haversian canal
Hormone released to lower calcium levels in response to high calcium plasma
Calcitonin- from parafollicular c cells of the thyroid gland
Unit of bone with lamallae in concentric circles around Haversian canal
Cranial nerve innervating pharyngeal arch 4 and 6?
Vagus nerve
Mesoderm area which is required for pattern formation along the anterior-posterior axis of limb
Zone of polarising activity
1, 25 (OH)2 D3
Increases osteolysis and osteoclast formation, Increases calcium and phosphate absorption in small intestine.
Formation of a fibrocartilage callus
Reparative phase
Patient moves with short, accelerating steps on tip toe, with flexed trunk
Parkinsonian gait
Mixed cranial nerve
Trigeminal, facial nerve, glossopharyngeal, vagus
Osteomalacia causes
Softening of the bone- Anticonvulsants which cause malabsorption, Calcium/vitamin D deficiency, malnutrition
Limb-bud organising region
Apical limb bud
Intramembranous ossification
Mesenchymal tissue is condensed into bone which forms the flat bones like the scapula and cranium
How is the trabeculae thickened?
Subperiosteal and endosteal proliferation. Cell growth from deep periosteum with collar of active tissue encircling the site
Growth in thickness on peripheral surface
Appositional growth
Becomes motor neuron and ventral horn
Basal plate
Parathyroid hormone related protein
Regulates chondrocyte proliferation and causes excess calcium in blood by acting as endogenous PTH
Patterning genes for vertebrae
Hox genes
Primary bone in both embryological development and the first temporary bone to be laid in fracture reapir
Woven bone
Cranial nerve innervating Pharyngeal Arch 2
Facial nerve
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
to increase osteolysis Response to hypocalcemia
Pharyngeal pouch forming thyroid gland and thymus
3rd pharyngeal pouch
Protein synthesis in neuronal cell bodies
Nissl bodies- clusters of RER
Precursor of Vitamin D in the skin
7-dehydrocholesterol later converted to Vitamin D3
Marginal zone
Future white matter zone with neuroblast axons projections
Spinal cord dervies from…
Neural tube
Osteoclasts are derived from…
Arises from the spinal cord and converges to form roots and then the ganglia
Ectodermal placodes- thickening of the ectoderm
Cranial sensory neurons, olfactory epithelia and eye lens and epithelia
Motor cranial nerves
Oculomotor, abducens, trochlear, accessory and hypoglossal nerve
Pharyngeal pouch which forms the parathyroid glands and C cells
4th pharyngeal pouch
Superior 4th ventricle and Pons and cerebellum
High stepping gait
Neuropathic gait
Transmit blood from the periosteum to the Haversian canals
Gives rise to neurones and glia, somatic ganglia and sensory neurons, suprarenal and chromaffin cells, sympathetic ganglia
Neural crest cells
Neural crest cells
Pia and arachnoid mater, schwann cells, skeletal and connective tissue components of pharyngeal arch
Site of 1-hydroxylation
Site of 25-hydroxylation
Regulates serum phosphate levels
Parathyroid hormone released by chief cells of parathyroid gland in response to low calcium levels
Mater formed of dense irregular connective tissue
Dura mater- continuous with epineurium
Pharyngeal arch for the laryngeal cartilage eg cuneiform
4th pharyngeal arch
Pharyngeal pouch for palatine tonsil lining
Becomes the nucleus pulposus
Layer of hyaline cartilage which allows the bone to elongate
Epiphyseal growth plate
Neural plate
Gives rise to the CNS, somatic motor nuclei and the pre-ganglionic autonomic nerves
Hyaline cartilage is replaced by osteoblasts
Endochondral ossification
Pharyngeal arch for hyoid
3rd pharyngeal arch
Chemoattractant in development for decassation of pain and sensory neuron
Gait with hip dislocation or paralysis
Trendenleburg gait
Becomes dorsal horn
Alar plate
Canals which connect lacunae
Muscles of mastication, maxillary and mandibular prominence and neck muscle
1st pharyngeal arch
Primary hyperthyroidism
Endocrine disease which causes hypercalcemia and leads to bone erosion and kidney stones
Bone of the adult skeleton
Lamellar bone
Cerebral hemispheres and lateral ventricles
Found in the subarachnoid space as shock absorber
Cerebrospinal fluid
Lipofuscin in the soma
Yellow-brown pigment in lysosymes of cardiac myocytes and neurons
Supports bundles of bony fibres in cancellous bone
Trabeculae bone
Progenitor of osteoblasts
Osteoprogenitor cells found in canals and periosteum
Zone which forms pluripotent neuroepithelial cells such as neuroblasts
Matrix zone
Cells in CNS which produce myelin sheath
Cells in PNS which produce myelin sheath
Schwann cells
Inferior 4th ventricle and medulla
Hypercalcemia causes
Hypertyhroidism, hyperparathyroidism, malignancy, less excercise/immobility
Notochord derviative
Decreased femoral neck
Coxa vara
Develops into sensory neurons
Alar plate
Growth zone during development
Pharyngeal pouch of eustachian tube and middle ear
Excessive outward spine curvature
No of sacral vertebrae
Neuron netwrok in GI tract which regulate digestion
Enteric plexus
3rd ventricle, Thalamus and hypothalamus
High stepping gait
Neuropathic gait due to peripheral nerve disease
Pelvis drops to one side due to injury to the gluteal muscles
Trendenleburg gait
Increased angle of the femur
Coxa valga
Decreased angle of femur
Coxa vara which causes duck waddle gait
Tibialis anterior
Excessive outward curvature of the spine
Cavities in bones containing osteocytes
Treatment of osteoporosis
HRT, Vitamin D, calcitonin, raloxifene
Cerebral aqueduct and midbrain
Thalamus, hypothalamus and third ventricle
Cerebral hemispheres and lateral ventricles
Medulla and inferior 4th ventricle
Pons and cerebellum and superior 4th ventricle
Motor cranial nerves
Accessory, hypoglossal, abducens, trochlear, oculomotor
Sensory cranial nerves
Olfactory, vestibulocochlear and optic