Autonomic Nervous System B6 Flashcards
What is the visceral nervous system?
Divison of the prasympathetic system for the control of involuntary smooth muscle and glands
What is the somatic nervous system?
Division of the peripheral nervous system. Consists of the synapse between a lower motor neuron and a motor end plate with an excitatory acetylcholine neurotransmitter to control skeletal muscles
What are the neurotransmitters of the autonomic nervous system?
Acetylcholine is present in both divisions; adrenaline and noradrenaline is present in the sympathetic division only
What are the types of neurons?
Pre-ganglionic neurons which are fast. Post ganglionic neurons which are slow. Sympathetic system has longer pre-ganglionic neurons. Parasympathetic has shorter pre-ganglionic neurons.
What are the principal neurotransmitters of the sympathetic nervous system?
Adrenaline and noradrenaline which acts on adrenergic receptors. It is released following synapse with a post ganglioninc neuron on the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. Acetylcholine is released following synapse with a post ganglionic neuron and acts on cholinergic receptors such as the sweat galnd
What is the principal neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Acetycholine which acts on both muscarininc and nicotinic cholinergic receptors.
Where is acetylcholine released from?
All pre-ganglionic neurons of SNS and PNS. Only post ganglionic in PNS.
What are the effects of the sympathetic nervous system?
Increases HR + BP, Dilation of the pupils, constriction of the sphincters in the GI tract, decreased urinary output, increased sweat galnd secretion, dialtion of the coronary arteries, gluconeogenesis, gylcogenolysis and immune suppression
What are the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Constriction of pupils, decreased HR + BP, relaxation of sphincters in GI tract, constriction of the coronary arteries, increased urinary output, decreased sweat gland secretion, glycogenesis and immune activity and lipogenesis
Difference between ganglia and cell body?
Ganglia is the cell bodies of the PNS. Cell body is in the CNS.
Where do the autonomic nerves arise from the spinal cord?
Lateral aspect of ventral horn of the grey matter of the spinal cord.
What is the sympathetic chain/trunk?
Chain of sympathetic ganglia connected by myelinated axons which lie outside the spinal cord in the peri-vertebral space. It runs from the base of the skull to the coccyx
What is the para-vertebral ganglia?
Ganglia of the sympathetic chain.
What are the pre-vertebral ganglia?
Ganglia external to the sympathetic chain, typically near organs. It receives input via the sphlancic nerve.
What are the types of pre-vertebral ganglia?
Aorticorenal ganglia: innervates adrenal glands and kidneys
Coeliac ganglia: innervates foregut
Superior mesenteric ganglia: innervates midgut
Inferior mesenteric ganglia: innervates hindgut
What is a sphlancic nerve?
Provides a route for the pre-sympathetic chain ganglia synapsing to leave the sympathetic chain and synapse with pre-vertebral ganglia.
How does the spinal cord communicate with the sympathetic trunk?
Sympathetic trunk is connected to the ventral ramus of the spinal nerve via the white ramus communicans. This is myelinated and formed of pre-ganglionic fibres.
When does a pre-ganglionic neurone become a post-ganglionic neurone?
Pre-ganglionic neuron synapses with either a paravertebral ganglia or a pre-vertebral ganglia which is external to the sympathetic chain.
What is the route of the pre-ganglionic neuron?
There are 2 routes
1)Enters sympathetic trunk via white rami communicanes. Synapses with paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic chain. It is now a Post ganglionic neurons which exit via the grey rami communicans, a collection of unmyelinated post ganglionic neurons. It can ascend, descend or exit at the same level.
2) Leaves the spinal cord and travels via the sphlanchnic nerve to enter and synapse with pre-vertebral ganglia.
Where does the parasymapthetic system originate?
Pre-ganglionic neurons arise from the craniosacral region of the spinal cord and have long pre-ganglionic neurons and short post ganglionic neurons. Ganglia are close to effector. Causes release of acetylcholine.
Where do the pre-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic system exit?
Brainstem nuclei and leave the cervical region of the spinal cord and sacrum level 1 and 2.
What occurs from T1-T4 of the sympathetic chain?
Pre-ganglionic neurons synapse with the sympathetic chain and post ganglionic neurons have effectors to control the head, neck heart and respiratory system