B1 W2 + partial W3 recall Flashcards
What is the cap on the 5’ end?
Pyramidine bases
cytosine, thymine and uracil
Purine bases
Adenine and guanine
Large ribsomal subunit
Joins amino acids together
Small ribosomal subunit
holds the mRNA and allows tRNA to bind to it
Genetic recombination
Rearrangement of chromosomes to introduce variation
Mitotic spindle
Derived from microtubule proteins extending from the centriole organelle creating the spindle threads. It attaches to the chromosome via the kinetechore
Missense substitution
Causes a different amino acid to be produced
Has shorter p arm; longer q arm
Where does RNA polymerase bind?
Promoter region
Number of chromosomes in haploid cells
What is DNA condensed into before mitosis?
How is DNA contained in the nucleus?
Number of chromosomes in diploid cells
Short tandem repeats
Repeated DNA sequence with varied length and no of repeats
Hardy Weinburg equilibrium
Allele frequencies remain constant so evolution does not occur
Short interfering RNA
Double stranded RNA that attach to mRNA sequence to silence the gene
The phase in the cell cycle when DNA is replicated
Interphase synthesis
The phase in the cell cycle when the cell makes more proteins and grows larger
Interphase Gap 1
The stage of the cell cycle in which DNA is synthesised
What is the site of DNA cross over on the chromosome?
The chiasmata
Purine bases
Adenine and guanine
Cytosine, thymine and uracil
What is mesenchyme?
Mesenchyme is the embryonic mesoderm within a gelatinous ground substance where connective tissue, the circulatory system and lymphatic system is derived from
What is the origin of the lymphatic system?
What is the origin of the circulatory system?
What is the origin of connective tissue?
Which proteins make up tight junctions?
Inner cell mass of the embryo
Eukaryotic pathogens
Protists/protozoa such as malaria and helminths
Unicellular eukaryotic pathogen
Granulocytes involved in the type 1 allergic response where IgE induces degranulation. It has a bilobed nucleus
Bacteria with a spherical shape
Bacteria with characteristic rod shape
Contains high levels of glycine to coil into a triple helix
Produces collagen
Blastocoel cavity formation
Morula pumps out Na+ ions
No membrane bound nucleus, 60s ribosomes and extrachromosomal plasmid DNA
Formed of sugars and amino acids which make up the bacterial cell wall. Found in gram negative bacteria
Piwi RNA
RNA which form an RNA silencing complex with Piwi proteins.
Proteins associated with DNA
Phase where cell checks DNA has been copied
Interphase Gap 2
Point of attachment for a centromere to a chromosome
Caps mRNA at the 5’ end to protect it
Site of crossover for homologous chromosomes in recombination
Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium
Allele frequencies remain constant generationally due to no migration, mutation or natural selection
Short interfering RNA
Double stranded RNA which attaches to mRNA to silence it
Chromosomal scaffold
Chromosome shape when chromosome is supercoiled and associated with non histone proteins
What causes abnormal gamete number?
Chromosomal disjunction when homologous chromosome pairs fail to separate and there is unequal chromosomal segregation
DNA strand which mRNA forms an RNA copy
Sense strand
Start codon for translation
RNA interference
Blocking gene expression through miRNA, piRNA or siRNA
Section of DNA which separates nucleosomes
Linker DNA
Genetic linkage
Tendency for chromsomes close together to be inherited
Amino acid for start codon