Anatomy of the Head and Neck Flashcards
What is the vascularisation of the larynx?
Superior and inferior laryngeal artery and veins
What does the recurrent laryngeal nerve innervate?
Innervates all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid muscles.
What does the hypoglossal nerve innervate?
All the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles except for the palatoglossus muscle which is innervated by the vagus nerve.
What does the superior thyroid artery supply?
A branch of external carotid artery that supplies thyroid gland, cricothyroid and infrahyoid muscles.
What does the ascending pharyngeal artery supply?
Pharynx and middle ear. Branch of the external carotid between the internal and external carotid artery
Superior laryngeal nerve innervates
A branch of the vagus nerve which innervates the cricothyroid muscle
Scalene muscles function
Elevate the ribs for inspiration
Great auricular nerve supply
Branch of the cervical plexus which provides sensory innervation to the skin of the external ear, parotid gland and posterior auricular region
Supraclavicular nerve
Branch of the cervical plexus which supplies the skin surrounding the clavicle
What is cervical plexus?
The anastomosis of the first 4 cervical nerves ( C1-C4) which gives off the phrenic nerve, supraclavicular nerve, greater auricular nerve and transverse cervical nerve.
Ansa cervicalis
Neural loop in the neck from the cervical plexus. Formed of C1 and C2 and the inferior root C3 and C4.
What are the muscle attachments of the hyoid bone?
Styloid muscle from the styloid process
Digastric muscle from the mastoid to the hyoid and mandible
Mylohyoid from mandibe
Geniohyoid from the mandible
Digastric muscle
Anterior belly: digastric process of mandible depression on lower mandible border
Posterior belly: mastoid notch
They connect and attach to the hyoid bone via an intermediate tendon.
Fan-shaped muscle on the floor of the mouth. Originates from mandible and attaches to the hyoid bone.
Inside mandibular surface to hyoid bone. Raises the hyoid bone or mandible if they aren’t fixed. If hyoid is fixed, it raises the mandible. If the mandible is fixed, it raises the hyoid.
Hyoid bone to sternum. Continuation of the thyrohyoid muscle. Responsible for elevating the larynx
From hyoid bone to the scapula. Middle portion has a fascia sling which connects it to the midclavicle. It is below the sternocleoidomastoid muscle
Originates from thyroid cartilage and attaches to the hyoid bone to become sternohyoid and insert into the sternum.
Infrahyoid musles
Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid and thyrohyoid. Supply is the superior thyroid artery and the ansa cervicalis.
Anterior triangle
Bounded by the inferior mandible border, midline of the neck and anterior border of sternocloeidomastoid. Consists of the submental triangle, submandibular triangle and carotid triangle.
Submental triangle
Unpaired portion of the anterior neck triangle bordered by the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles.
Muscular triangle
Bordered by the midline, superior belly of omohyoid and sternocleoidomastoid
Scalene muscles
Posterior neck muscles which originate from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. Attach to the ribs to aid elevation in inspiration.
Different scalene muscles
Anterior scalene C to upper surface of rib 1
Middle scalene: C to upper surface of rib 1, posterior to subclavian artery
Posterior scalene: C to rib 2
Splenius capitus
From C7-T4 vertebral processes to attach to the mastoid process and the occipital bone. Responsible for retracting the head.
Levator scapulae
From the scapula to the cervical vertebrae to elevate the scapula
Which vessels are present in the anterior triangle?
Common carotid artery with external and internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve and reccurrent laryngeal nerve
Posterior triangle of the neck
Neck muscles posterior to the sternocloeidomastoid
Anterior triangle of the neck
Neck muscles anterior to the sternocleidomastoid
Submental triangle
Bounded by the two digastric bellies and contains the submandibular gland. Begins from the symphysis menti of the mandible
Submental veins
Located in the submental traingle. It drains into the facial veins and supply the submental lymph nodes along with the anterior jugular veins
Carotid triangle
Bordered by the digastric muscle, sternocleoidomastoid and omohyoid
Carotid sinus
Dilation at the base of the internal carotid artery which includes the baroreceptors and glossopharyngeal nerve
Does the muscular trangle contain any vessels?
Cranial nerve 11 (accessory nerve)
Gives rise to the greater auricular nerve, greater occipital nerve, transverse cervical nerves and supraclavicular nerves.
Posterior triangle
Bordered by the trapezius muscle anteriory, middle 1/3 of clavicle and posterior border of sternocleoidomastoid
Which vessels run through the posterior triangle?
Spinal accessory nerve