Vocab 68 Flashcards
Causar mareo o náuseas (to make dizzy or nauseous):
Ejemplo: El movimiento del barco me marea.
(The movement of the boat makes me dizzy.)
Here’s a concise summary of the meanings of marear in English:
To cause dizziness or nausea.
To confuse or overwhelm.
To bother or annoy.
(Reflexive: marearse) To feel dizzy or nauseous oneself.
Confundir o distraer (to confuse or overwhelm):
Ejemplo: Me mareas con tantas preguntas.
(You confuse me with so many questions.)
Here’s a concise summary of the meanings of marear in English:
To cause dizziness or nausea.
To confuse or overwhelm.
To bother or annoy.
(Reflexive: marearse) To feel dizzy or nauseous oneself.
Molestar o fastidiar (to bother or annoy):
Ejemplo: Deja de marearme con tus historias.
(Stop bothering me with your stories.)
Here’s a concise summary of the meanings of marear in English:
To cause dizziness or nausea.
To confuse or overwhelm.
To bother or annoy.
(Reflexive: marearse) To feel dizzy or nauseous oneself.
Marearse (to feel dizzy or nauseous):
Ejemplo: Me mareo cuando leo en el coche.
(I feel dizzy when I read in the car.)
Here’s a concise summary of the meanings of marear in English:
To cause dizziness or nausea.
To confuse or overwhelm.
To bother or annoy.
(Reflexive: marearse) To feel dizzy or nauseous oneself.
Mareo (dizziness or nausea):
Ejemplo: Sentí un mareo al levantarme rápidamente.
(I felt dizzy when I stood up quickly.)
Here’s a concise summary of the meanings of marear in English:
To cause dizziness or nausea.
To confuse or overwhelm.
To bother or annoy.
(Reflexive: marearse) To feel dizzy or nauseous oneself.
“Soy incapaz de lastimar a alguien intencionadamente.”
English: “I am incapable of hurting someone intentionally.”
“Está incapacitado para caminar debido a una lesión en la pierna.”
“He is incapacitated from walking due to a leg injury.”
ser incapaz de = be incapable of = identidad
estar incapacitado/a = be in capacitated from = estado
Spanish: “Eres incapaz de guardar un secreto, por eso no te cuento nada.”
English: “You are incapable of keeping a secret, that’s why I don’t tell you anything.”
Spanish: “Está incapacitada para trabajar después del accidente de coche.”
English: “She is incapacitated from working after the car accident.”
ser incapaz de = be incapable of = identidad
estar incapacitado/a = be in capacitated from = estado
Spanish: “Es incapaz de entender por qué su actitud molesta a los demás.”
English: “He is incapable of understanding why his attitude bothers others.”
“El soldado quedó/estuvo incapacitado para el servicio militar tras la herida.”
English: “The soldier became incapacitated for military service after the injury.”
ser incapaz de = be incapable of = identidad
estar incapacitado/a = be in capacitated from = estado
tras = after
la herida = the injury
Spanish: “Fui incapaz de concentrarme con tanto ruido alrededor.”
English: “I was incapable of concentrating with so much noise around.”
Spanish: “Después de la cirugía, estuvo incapacitado para conducir durante dos semanas.”
English: “After the surgery, he was incapacitated from driving for two weeks.”
ser incapaz de = be incapable of = identidad
estar incapacitado/a = be in capacitated from = estado
la cirugía = the surgery
la primera planta
la primera planta = el primer piso
El agua está muy fresca.
La lechuga es fresca.
El agua está muy fresca. fresca significa fría here.
La lechuga es fresca. = fresh
but in Ecuador, it’s always ser fresco/a
estar en algodón
Tu hermana es muy bonita y simpática. Está en algodón.
Spanish: “Mi sobrina está en algodón, siempre tiene una sonrisa para todos.”
English: “My niece is so sweet and lovely, she always has a smile for everyone.”
“estar en algodón” con el significado de ser bonita y simpática,
la sobrina = niece
Spanish: “Esa chica nueva en la oficina está en algodón, es muy amable con todos.”
English: “That new girl in the office is so sweet and lovely; she’s very kind to everyone.”
“estar en algodón” con el significado de ser bonita y simpática,
Spanish: “No me sorprende que todos hablen de ella, está en algodón y se lleva bien con cualquiera.”
English: “I’m not surprised everyone talks about her; she’s so sweet and gets along with everyone.”
“estar en algodón” con el significado de ser bonita y simpática,
Spanish: “Estaba tan nervioso durante la entrevista que apenas pude pronunciar una palabra.”
English: “I was so nervous during the interview that I could barely pronounce a word.”
la entrevista = the interview
apenas = barely
- Spanish: “El discurso fue tan impactante que nadie pudo pronunciar una palabra al final.”
English: “The speech was so moving that no one could pronounce a word at the end.”
impactante = moving
- Spanish: “Le costó pronunciar una palabra en español cuando llegó al país por primera vez.”
English: “He struggled to pronounce a word in Spanish when he first arrived in the country.”
Costar (sin reflexivo):
* Se refiere a que algo requiere esfuerzo, trabajo, o es difícil de realizar.
* Ejemplo: “Le costó aprender español.”
* Traducción: “It was difficult for him to learn Spanish.”
- Spanish: “En el escenario, olvidó todo el texto y no pudo pronunciar una palabra.”
English: “On stage, he forgot all the lines and couldn’t pronounce a word.”
el escenario = the stage
todo el text = all the lines