Vocab 28 Flashcards
Te pusiste la camiseta al revés.
(You put your shirt on inside out.)
The phrase “al revés” in Spanish means “backwards”, “the other way around”, “upside down”, or “inside out”, depending on the context. It’s a versatile expression used for directions, positions, or reversed situations.
El texto está al revés; no se puede leer bien.
(The text is upside down; it can’t be read properly.)
The phrase “al revés” in Spanish means “backwards”, “the other way around”, “upside down”, or “inside out”, depending on the context. It’s a versatile expression used for directions, positions, or reversed situations.
Pensé que el problema era mío, pero fue al revés.
(I thought the problem was mine, but it was the other way around.)
The phrase “al revés” in Spanish means “backwards”, “the other way around”, “upside down”, or “inside out”, depending on the context. It’s a versatile expression used for directions, positions, or reversed situations.
¿Por qué colocaste la silla al revés?
(Why did you place the chair backwards?)
The phrase “al revés” in Spanish means “backwards”, “the other way around”, “upside down”, or “inside out”, depending on the context. It’s a versatile expression used for directions, positions, or reversed situations.
Leí el libro al revés, empezando por el final.
(I read the book backwards, starting from the end.)
The phrase “al revés” in Spanish means “backwards”, “the other way around”, “upside down”, or “inside out”, depending on the context. It’s a versatile expression used for directions, positions, or reversed situations.
Las cosas no siempre son como parecen; a veces están al revés.
(Things aren’t always as they seem; sometimes they’re the other way around.)
The phrase “al revés” in Spanish means “backwards”, “the other way around”, “upside down”, or “inside out”, depending on the context. It’s a versatile expression used for directions, positions, or reversed situations.
Aceptó el trabajo de mala gana porque no tenía otra opción.
(She accepted the job reluctantly because she had no other option.)
“De buena gana” conveys a positive attitude or eagerness.
“De mala gana” reflects reluctance, annoyance, or lack of enthusiasm.
Los niños recogieron sus juguetes de mala gana.
(The children picked up their toys unwillingly.)
“De buena gana” conveys a positive attitude or eagerness.
“De mala gana” reflects reluctance, annoyance, or lack of enthusiasm.
Aceptaron la invitación de buena gana.
(They gladly accepted the invitation.)
“De buena gana” conveys a positive attitude or eagerness.
“De mala gana” reflects reluctance, annoyance, or lack of enthusiasm.
Siempre responde de buena gana a las preguntas de los estudiantes.
(He always answers the students’ questions willingly.)
“De buena gana” conveys a positive attitude or eagerness.
“De mala gana” reflects reluctance, annoyance, or lack of enthusiasm.
Prefiero viajar de día porque es más seguro.
(I prefer to travel during the day because it’s safer.)
The phrase “de día” in Spanish means “during the day” or “in daylight.” It is used to describe actions or situations that occur in the daytime, contrasting with “de noche” (at night).
El paisaje se ve más bonito de día.
(The scenery looks more beautiful in daylight.)
The phrase “de día” in Spanish means “during the day” or “in daylight.” It is used to describe actions or situations that occur in the daytime, contrasting with “de noche” (at night).
Trabaja de día y estudia de noche.
(He works during the day and studies at night.)
The phrase “de día” in Spanish means “during the day” or “in daylight.” It is used to describe actions or situations that occur in the daytime, contrasting with “de noche” (at night).
La ciudad de día es muy ruidosa, pero tranquila por la noche.
(The city is very noisy during the day but quiet at night.)
The phrase “de día” in Spanish means “during the day” or “in daylight.” It is used to describe actions or situations that occur in the daytime, contrasting with “de noche” (at night).
De día hace mucho calor, pero de noche refresca.
(It’s very hot during the day, but it cools down at night.)
The phrase “de día” in Spanish means “during the day” or “in daylight.” It is used to describe actions or situations that occur in the daytime, contrasting with “de noche” (at night).
De hoy en adelante, seré más puntual con mis tareas.
(From now on, I’ll be more punctual with my assignments.)
The phrase “de hoy en adelante” in Spanish translates to “from today onward” or “from now on” in English. It is used to express a change or resolution starting from the current moment and continuing into the future.
Prometo que de hoy en adelante seré más responsable con mi trabajo.
(I promise that from today onward, I’ll be more responsible with my work.)
The phrase “de hoy en adelante” in Spanish translates to “from today onward” or “from now on” in English. It is used to express a change or resolution starting from the current moment and continuing into the future.
De hoy en adelante, evitaremos los errores del pasado.
(From now on, we’ll avoid the mistakes of the past.)
The phrase “de hoy en adelante” in Spanish translates to “from today onward” or “from now on” in English. It is used to express a change or resolution starting from the current moment and continuing into the future.
De hoy en adelante, voy a dedicar más tiempo a mis estudios.
(From today onward, I’ll dedicate more time to my studies.)
The phrase “de hoy en adelante” in Spanish translates to “from today onward” or “from now on” in English. It is used to express a change or resolution starting from the current moment and continuing into the future.