Vocab 30 Flashcards
Yo tragué un trozo de pan sin masticarlo bien.
(I swallowed a piece of bread without chewing it well.)
“tragar” (to swallow)
masticar = to chew
Tú tragaste agua al nadar en el lago.
(You swallowed water while swimming in the lake.)
“tragar” (to swallow)
Él tragó una pastilla sin beber agua.
(He swallowed a pill without drinking water.)
“tragar” (to swallow)
pastilla = pill
Nosotros tragamos todo lo que el maestro nos dijo sin cuestionarlo.
(We swallowed everything the teacher told us without questioning it.)
“tragar” (to swallow)
cuestionar = to question
Vosotros tragasteis el jugo muy rápido porque hacía calor.
(You all swallowed the juice very quickly because it was hot.)
“tragar” (to swallow)
Ellos tragaron su orgullo y pidieron disculpas.
(They swallowed their pride and apologized.)
“tragar” (to swallow)
“Pidieron disculpas” means “they apologized” or “they asked for forgiveness” in English. It comes from the verb “pedir” (to ask) and “disculpas” (apologies).
Yo vagué por las calles sin rumbo fijo.
(I wandered through the streets without a fixed destination.)
“vagar” (to wander or to roam)
rumbo = destination
Tú vagaste por el bosque durante horas buscando el camino.
(You wandered through the forest for hours looking for the path.)
“vagar” (to wander or to roam)
Él vagó por la playa pensando en su futuro.
(He wandered along the beach thinking about his future.)
“vagar” (to wander or to roam)
Nosotros vagamos por el centro de la ciudad antes de decidir qué hacer.
(We roamed around downtown before deciding what to do.)
“vagar” (to wander or to roam)
Vosotros vagasteis por el mercado disfrutando del ambiente.
(You all wandered through the market enjoying the atmosphere.)
“vagar” (to wander or to roam)
Ellos vagaron por el desierto sin encontrar agua.
(They roamed through the desert without finding water.)
“vagar” (to wander or to roam)
Yo me acerqué al perro con cuidado para no asustarlo.
(I approached the dog carefully so as not to scare it.)
“acercarse” (to approach or to get closer)
Tú te acercaste al maestro para hacerle una pregunta.
(You approached the teacher to ask him a question.)
“acercarse” (to approach or to get closer)
Él se acercó a la ventana para ver quién estaba afuera.
(He approached the window to see who was outside.)
“acercarse” (to approach or to get closer)
Nosotros nos acercamos al río para disfrutar del paisaje.
(We got closer to the river to enjoy the view.)
“acercarse” (to approach or to get closer)
Vosotros os acercasteis al escenario para ver mejor el concierto.
(You all moved closer to the stage to see the concert better.)
“acercarse” (to approach or to get closer)
el escenario = the stage
Ellos se acercaron al auto para verificar si estaba abierto.
(They approached the car to check if it was unlocked.)
“acercarse” (to approach or to get closer)
Yo arranqué el coche y salí hacia el trabajo.
(I started the car and headed to work.)
“arrancar” (to start or to pull out)
Tú arrancaste las malas hierbas del jardín.
(You pulled out the weeds from the garden.)
“arrancar” (to start or to pull out)