Vocab 49 Flashcards
Yo paro de trabajar a las seis de la tarde.
(I stop working at six in the evening.)
Translation: To stop, to halt
Infinitive form: Parar de + verb = stop doing
Pretérito (Pasado simple)
Tú paraste el coche en la esquina.
(You stopped the car at the corner.)
Translation: To stop, to halt
Infinitive form: Parar de + verb = stop doing
Él parará de correr cuando se canse.
(He will stop running when he gets tired.)
Translation: To stop, to halt
Infinitive form: Parar de + verb = stop doing
Nosotros pararíamos el proyecto si no tenemos apoyo.
(We would stop the project if we don’t have support.)
Translation: To stop, to halt
Infinitive form: Parar de + verb = stop doing
Presente del subjuntivo
Espero que ellos paren de gritar durante la reunión.
(I hope they stop shouting during the meeting.)
Translation: To stop, to halt
Infinitive form: Parar de + verb = stop doing
Imperativo (Mandato)
¡Para el video y escucha atentamente!
(Stop the video and listen carefully!)
Translation: To stop, to halt
Infinitive form: Parar de + verb = stop doing
atentamente = carefully, with attention
Yo repaso mis apuntes antes del examen.
(I review my notes before the exam.)
Translation: To review, to go over
Infinitive form: Repasar
apuntes = notes
Pretérito (Pasado simple)
Tú repasaste la lección anoche.
(You reviewed the lesson last night.)
Translation: To review, to go over
Infinitive form: Repasar
Ella repasará el documento para encontrar errores.
(She will go over the document to find mistakes.)
Translation: To review, to go over
Infinitive form: Repasar
encontrar = to find
Nosotros repasaríamos el proyecto si tuviéramos más tiempo.
(We would review the project if we had more time.)
Translation: To review, to go over
Infinitive form: Repasar
Presente del subjuntivo
Espero que ustedes repasen el material con cuidado.
(I hope you all review the material carefully.)
Translation: To review, to go over
Infinitive form: Repasar
Imperativo (Mandato)
¡Repasa tus ejercicios antes de entregarlos!
(Review your exercises before submitting them!)
Translation: To review, to go over
Infinitive form: Repasar
entregar = to submit
Esto tiene que ver con tu responsabilidad en el proyecto.
(This has to do with your responsibility in the project.)
Translation: To have to do with, to be related to
Infinitive form: Tener que ver con
Pretérito (Pasado simple)
La decisión tuvo que ver con los resultados de la reunión.
(The decision had to do with the results of the meeting.)
Translation: To have to do with, to be related to
Infinitive form: Tener que ver con
El problema tendrá que ver con el sistema de seguridad.
(The problem will have to do with the security system.)
Translation: To have to do with, to be related to
Infinitive form: Tener que ver con
La queja tendría que ver con un malentendido.
(The complaint would have to do with a misunderstanding.)
Translation: To have to do with, to be related to
Infinitive form: Tener que ver con
Presente del subjuntivo
Dudo que eso tenga que ver con nuestra discusión anterior.
(I doubt that has to do with our previous discussion.)
Translation: To have to do with, to be related to
Infinitive form: Tener que ver con
Imperativo (Mandato)
¡No digas nada si no tiene que ver con el tema!
(Don’t say anything if it doesn’t have to do with the topic!)
Translation: To have to do with, to be related to
Infinitive form: Tener que ver con
Yo acabo de terminar mi tarea.
(I have just finished my homework.)
Translation: To have just (done something)
Infinitive form: Acabar de
Pretérito (Pasado simple)
Tú acabaste de comer cuando te llamé.
(You had just finished eating when I called you.)
Translation: To have just (done something)
Infinitive form: Acabar de