Vocab 44 Flashcards
La esponja absorbe mucha agua rápidamente.
(The sponge absorbs a lot of water quickly.)
absorber = to absorb
Ella limpió el derrame con una esponja y un poco de jabón.
(She cleaned the spill with a sponge and some soap.)
el derrame = the spill, the leakage
Después de usarla, enjuaga bien la esponja y déjala secar.
(After using it, rinse the sponge well and let it dry.)
enjuagar = to rinse off
El derrame de petróleo causó daños graves al medio ambiente.
(The oil spill caused severe damage to the environment.)
el derrame = the spill, the leakage
Limpiamos el derrame de leche con una toalla.
(We cleaned the milk spill with a towel.)
el derrame = the spill, the leakage
El derrame cerebral puede ser una emergencia médica grave.
(A stroke can be a serious medical emergency.)
el derrame = the spill, the leakage
Un derrame de productos químicos ocurrió en la fábrica.
(A chemical spill occurred at the factory.)
el derrame = the spill, the leakage
El médico explicó las causas del derrame en el pulmón.
(The doctor explained the causes of the leakage in the lung.)
el derrame = the spill, the leakage
El lavaplatos está roto, así que tenemos que lavar todo a mano.
(The dishwasher is broken, so we have to wash everything by hand.)
el lavaplatos = the dishwasher
a mano = by hand
Compramos un lavaplatos nuevo para la cocina.
(We bought a new dishwasher for the kitchen.)
el lavaplatos = the dishwasher
Trabajé como lavaplatos en un restaurante el verano pasado.
(I worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant last summer.)
el lavaplatos = the dishwasher
No olvides encender el lavaplatos antes de irte a dormir.
(Don’t forget to turn on the dishwasher before going to sleep.)
el lavaplatos = the dishwasher
encender = to turn on
apagar = to turn off
irse a dormir = go to sleep
El lavaplatos utiliza menos agua que lavar los platos a mano.
(The dishwasher uses less water than washing dishes by hand.)
el lavaplatos = the dishwasher
Tengo una mancha de café en mi camisa.
(I have a coffee stain on my shirt.)
la mancha = the stain
Es difícil quitar las manchas de tinta de la ropa.
(It’s hard to remove ink stains from clothes.)
la mancha = the stain
quitar = to remove
tinta = ink
La pared tiene una mancha oscura; creo que es moho.
(The wall has a dark stain; I think it’s mold.)
la mancha = the stain
oscuro/a = dark
moho = mold
¿Cómo puedo eliminar esta mancha de grasa del mantel?
(How can I remove this grease stain from the tablecloth?)
la mancha = the stain
grasa = grease
el mantel = tablecloth
Después de jugar en el jardín, tenía manchas de barro en las manos.
(After playing in the garden, I had mud stains on my hands.)
la mancha = the stain
barro = mud
La mancha de nacimiento en su brazo es muy pequeña.
(The birthmark on his arm is very small.)
la mancha = the stain
Mi abuelo aprendió el oficio de carpintero cuando era joven.
(My grandfather learned the trade of carpentry when he was young.)
El oficio means “the trade”, “the job”, or “the task”, depending on the context. It often refers to a skilled manual job, a profession, or an official duty.
carpintero = carpentry
Ella se dedica al oficio de diseñadora de modas.
(She works in the trade of fashion design.)
El oficio means “the trade”, “the job”, or “the task”, depending on the context. It often refers to a skilled manual job, a profession, or an official duty.
Los oficios tradicionales, como herrero o alfarero, son muy valorados.
(Traditional trades, such as blacksmith or potter, are highly valued.)
El oficio means “the trade”, “the job”, or “the task”, depending on the context. It often refers to a skilled manual job, a profession, or an official duty.
herrero = blacksmith
alfarero = potter
El oficio del maestro requiere mucha paciencia y dedicación.
(The profession of teaching requires a lot of patience and dedication.)
El oficio means “the trade”, “the job”, or “the task”, depending on the context. It often refers to a skilled manual job, a profession, or an official duty.
El alcalde recibió un oficio oficial de la gobernación.
(The mayor received an official document from the governor’s office.)
El oficio means “the trade”, “the job”, or “the task”, depending on the context. It often refers to a skilled manual job, a profession, or an official duty.
el alcalde = the mayor
Cada oficio tiene sus herramientas específicas.
(Every trade has its specific tools.)
El oficio means “the trade”, “the job”, or “the task”, depending on the context. It often refers to a skilled manual job, a profession, or an official duty.
Cambiaré las sábanas de la cama mañana.
(I will change the bed sheets tomorrow.)
La sábana means “the sheet” in English, specifically referring to a bed sheet.
La sábana está arrugada; necesito plancharla.
(The sheet is wrinkled; I need to iron it.)
La sábana means “the sheet” in English, specifically referring to a bed sheet.
arrugado/a = wrinkled
Me gusta dormir con sábanas de algodón porque son más suaves.
(I like sleeping with cotton sheets because they are softer.)
La sábana means “the sheet” in English, specifically referring to a bed sheet.
El niño se escondió debajo de la sábana para jugar.
(The child hid under the sheet to play.)
La sábana means “the sheet” in English, specifically referring to a bed sheet.
Compramos un juego de sábanas nuevas para nuestra habitación.
(We bought a set of new sheets for our bedroom.)
La sábana means “the sheet” in English, specifically referring to a bed sheet.
debajo de + sustantivo = Physical location under something
bajo + sustantivo = Figurative or formal under/below
En verano uso solo una sábana ligera para dormir.
(In summer, I only use a light sheet to sleep.)
La sábana means “the sheet” in English, specifically referring to a bed sheet.
Bajo la autoridad del presidente, se tomó la decisión.
(Under the authority of the president, the decision was made.)
debajo de + sustantivo = Physical location under something
bajo + sustantivo = Figurative or formal under/below
El puente quedó bajo el nivel del agua tras la tormenta.
(The bridge was below the water level after the storm.)
debajo de + sustantivo = Physical location under something
bajo + sustantivo = Figurative or formal under/below
El gato está debajo de la silla. (The cat is under the chair.)
debajo de + sustantivo = Physical location under something
bajo + sustantivo = Figurative or formal under/below
El país está bajo el control militar. (The country is under military control.)
debajo de + sustantivo = Physical location under something
bajo + sustantivo = Figurative or formal under/below
Podemos hablar del problema ahora, pero lo que pasó después es otro cuento.
(We can talk about the problem now, but what happened afterward is another story.)
“Es otro cuento” translates to “That’s another story” in English.
This phrase is often used idiomatically to indicate that a situation, explanation, or topic is unrelated or more complicated and requires separate attention. It implies that the current discussion won’t delve into that matter.
Encontrar el dinero fue fácil, pero usarlo bien es otro cuento.
(Finding the money was easy, but using it well is another story.)
“Es otro cuento” translates to “That’s another story” in English.
This phrase is often used idiomatically to indicate that a situation, explanation, or topic is unrelated or more complicated and requires separate attention. It implies that the current discussion won’t delve into that matter.
Dijeron que terminarían el proyecto hoy, pero que lo hagan es otro cuento.
(They said they’d finish the project today, but actually doing it is another story.)
“Es otro cuento” translates to “That’s another story” in English.
This phrase is often used idiomatically to indicate that a situation, explanation, or topic is unrelated or more complicated and requires separate attention. It implies that the current discussion won’t delve into that matter.
Entender las reglas es una cosa, pero jugar bien es otro cuento.
(Understanding the rules is one thing, but playing well is another story.)
“Es otro cuento” translates to “That’s another story” in English.
This phrase is often used idiomatically to indicate that a situation, explanation, or topic is unrelated or more complicated and requires separate attention. It implies that the current discussion won’t delve into that matter.
Me ofreció ayuda, pero que cumpla su promesa es otro cuento.
(He offered me help, but keeping his promise is another story.)
“Es otro cuento” translates to “That’s another story” in English.
This phrase is often used idiomatically to indicate that a situation, explanation, or topic is unrelated or more complicated and requires separate attention. It implies that the current discussion won’t delve into that matter.
Ella parecía interesada al principio, pero lo que piensa ahora es otro cuento.
(She seemed interested at first, but what she thinks now is another story.)
“Es otro cuento” translates to “That’s another story” in English.
This phrase is often used idiomatically to indicate that a situation, explanation, or topic is unrelated or more complicated and requires separate attention. It implies that the current discussion won’t delve into that matter.
No ganó el premio, pero por lo menos lo intentó.
(He didn’t win the prize, but at least he tried.)
Por lo menos is often interchangeable with “al menos”, which also means “at least”, but por lo menos is slightly more conversational and emphasizes a small consolation or relief.
Por lo menos deberías llamar para decir que llegarás tarde.
(At the very least, you should call to say you’ll be late.)
Por lo menos is often interchangeable with “al menos”, which also means “at least”, but por lo menos is slightly more conversational and emphasizes a small consolation or relief.
No terminó todo el trabajo, pero por lo menos empezó.
(She didn’t finish all the work, but at least she started.)
Por lo menos is often interchangeable with “al menos”, which also means “at least”, but por lo menos is slightly more conversational and emphasizes a small consolation or relief.
Hace frío, pero por lo menos no está lloviendo.
(It’s cold, but at least it’s not raining.)
Por lo menos is often interchangeable with “al menos”, which also means “at least”, but por lo menos is slightly more conversational and emphasizes a small consolation or relief.
Por lo menos tenemos suficiente comida para la semana.
(At least we have enough food for the week.)
Por lo menos is often interchangeable with “al menos”, which also means “at least”, but por lo menos is slightly more conversational and emphasizes a small consolation or relief.
No puedo viajar este año, pero por lo menos tengo vacaciones.
(I can’t travel this year, but at least I have vacation time.)
Por lo menos is often interchangeable with “al menos”, which also means “at least”, but por lo menos is slightly more conversational and emphasizes a small consolation or relief.