Vocab 66 Flashcards
Me sorprende que te hayas atrevido a hablar en público.
(I’m surprised that you have dared to speak in public.)
atreverse a = to dare
present / future tense verb that triggers subjunctive in the main clause
+ haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
+ the past participle of the main verb
= present perfect subjunctive
Es posible que nos hayamos atrevido a intentar algo nuevo.
(It’s possible that we have dared to try something new.)
atreverse a = to dare
present / future tense verb that triggers subjunctive in the main clause
+ haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
+ the past participle of the main verb
= present perfect subjunctive
No creo que se hayan atrevido a decir la verdad.
(I don’t think they have dared to tell the truth.)
atreverse a = to dare
present / future tense verb that triggers subjunctive in the main clause
+ haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
+ the past participle of the main verb
= present perfect subjunctive
Ojalá me haya atrevido a enfrentar mis miedos.
(I hope I have dared to face my fears.)
atreverse a = to dare
enfrentar = to face
present / future tense verb that triggers subjunctive in the main clause
+ haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
+ the past participle of the main verb
= present perfect subjunctive
Es increíble que os hayáis atrevido a escalar esa montaña.
(It’s incredible that you all have dared to climb that mountain.)
atreverse a = to dare
present / future tense verb that triggers subjunctive in the main clause
+ haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
+ the past participle of the main verb
= present perfect subjunctive
Dudo que se haya atrevido a contradecir al jefe.
(I doubt that he/she has dared to contradict the boss.)
atreverse a = to dare
contradecir = to contradict
present / future tense verb that triggers subjunctive in the main clause
+ haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
+ the past participle of the main verb
= present perfect subjunctive
- “Me sorprendería que tú dijeras eso.”
“I would be surprised if you said that.” - “Me habría sorprendido que tú hubieras dicho eso.”
“I would have been surprised if you had said that.”
- (said is in the future of the main clause) “Me sorprendería que tú dijeras eso.”
“I would be surprised if you said that.” - (said is in the past of the main clause) “Me habría sorprendido que tú hubieras dicho eso.”
“I would have been surprised if you had said that.”
flashear = to imagine, to fantasize (Argentina)
mi cabeza está revuelta
my head is scrambled
Me hizo mucha ilusión que tú fueras a verme al partido
Me hizo mucha ilusión = I was excited
Hiciste el conteo regresivo anoche?
Did you do countdown last night?
cuando antes
cuando antes = as soon as possible
seguido por
followed by
Cautela significa precaución, prudencia o cuidado al actuar o hablar, especialmente para evitar riesgos, errores o consecuencias negativas. Es similar a las palabras en inglés “caution,” “carefulness,” o “wariness.”
Te dije que no trajeras nada. No hacía falta!
No hacía falta! = it wasn’t necessary
Me he alegrado de que te propusieras ir al gimnasio al menos tres veces por semana.
proponerse = to intend to do
Me alegraba de que te esforzaras por reducir el tiempo que pasas en redes sociales.
esforzarse = to make efforts
con tal de que seas feliz, te daré lo que quieras
con tal de que = as long as
No recibía visitas a no ser que se solicitase con anterioridad
a no ser que = unless
con anterioridad = beforehand