Vocab 52 Flashcards
Por favor, apártate del camino para que puedan pasar.
(Please move away from the path so they can pass.)
The verb apartarse means “to move away,” “to step aside,” or “to withdraw” in English.
Me aparté de la discusión porque no quería problemas.
(I stepped away from the argument because I didn’t want any trouble.)
The verb apartarse means “to move away,” “to step aside,” or “to withdraw” in English.
Ellos se apartarán del proyecto si no reciben apoyo.
(They will withdraw from the project if they don’t receive support.)
The verb apartarse means “to move away,” “to step aside,” or “to withdraw” in English.
Nos apartábamos siempre que había peligro.
(We used to move away whenever there was danger.)
The verb apartarse means “to move away,” “to step aside,” or “to withdraw” in English.
Es mejor que te apartes si no estás de acuerdo con la decisión.
(It’s better for you to step aside if you don’t agree with the decision.)
The verb apartarse means “to move away,” “to step aside,” or “to withdraw” in English.
Si no se hubieran apartado, habrían estado en peligro.
(If they hadn’t moved away, they would have been in danger.)
The verb apartarse means “to move away,” “to step aside,” or “to withdraw” in English.
Yo callo cuando no tengo nada importante que decir.
(I stay quiet when I have nothing important to say.)
The verb callar means “to be quiet,” “to silence,” or “to stop talking” in English. When used reflexively (callarse), it means “to keep quiet” or “to shut up” (depending on the tone).
Tú callaste durante toda la reunión.
(You were silent during the entire meeting.)
The verb callar means “to be quiet,” “to silence,” or “to stop talking” in English. When used reflexively (callarse), it means “to keep quiet” or “to shut up” (depending on the tone).
Ella callará si le pides que lo haga amablemente.
(She will be quiet if you ask her kindly.)
The verb callar means “to be quiet,” “to silence,” or “to stop talking” in English. When used reflexively (callarse), it means “to keep quiet” or “to shut up” (depending on the tone).
Nosotros callábamos porque no queríamos interrumpir.
(We were quiet because we didn’t want to interrupt.)
The verb callar means “to be quiet,” “to silence,” or “to stop talking” in English. When used reflexively (callarse), it means “to keep quiet” or “to shut up” (depending on the tone).
¡Cállate! Estamos tratando de escuchar las noticias.
(Be quiet! We are trying to listen to the news.)
The verb callar means “to be quiet,” “to silence,” or “to stop talking” in English. When used reflexively (callarse), it means “to keep quiet” or “to shut up” (depending on the tone).
Si ellos no se hubieran callado, no habríamos podido concentrarnos.
(If they hadn’t stayed quiet, we wouldn’t have been able to focus.)
The verb callar means “to be quiet,” “to silence,” or “to stop talking” in English. When used reflexively (callarse), it means “to keep quiet” or “to shut up” (depending on the tone).
Me detengo a pensar antes de tomar decisiones importantes.
(I stop to think before making important decisions.)
The verb detenerse means “to stop” or “to halt” in English. It is a reflexive form of detener, which also means “to stop” or “to detain”, but detenerse emphasizes stopping oneself or coming to a halt.
Te detuviste en la puerta porque olvidaste algo.
(You stopped at the door because you forgot something.)
The verb detenerse means “to stop” or “to halt” in English. It is a reflexive form of detener, which also means “to stop” or “to detain”, but detenerse emphasizes stopping oneself or coming to a halt.
Él se detendrá si ve que alguien necesita ayuda.
(He will stop if he sees that someone needs help.)
The verb detenerse means “to stop” or “to halt” in English. It is a reflexive form of detener, which also means “to stop” or “to detain”, but detenerse emphasizes stopping oneself or coming to a halt.