Nahe Flashcards
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Monzingen
Frühlingsplätzchen (A Little Spring Place): Emrich-Schönleber
Halenberg: Emrich-Schönleber, Schäfer-Frölich
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Schlossböckelheim
Felsenberg (Rock Mountain): Schäfer-Frölich
Kupfergrube (Copper Mine): Dönnhoff
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Oberhausen
Brücke (Bridge): Dönnhoff
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Niederhausen
Hermannshöhle: Dönnhoff
Hermannsberg: Gut Hermannsberg
Kertz: Gutsverwaltung Niederhausen-Schlossböckelheim
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Norheim
Kafels: Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach
Dellchen: Dönnhoff
Kirschheck (Cherry Stem): Dönnhoff, Dr. Crusius
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Traisen
Bastei: Dr. Crusius, Gutsverwaltung Niederhausen-Schlossböckelheim
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Bad Kreuznach
Brückes (bridges): Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach
Krötenpfuhl (toad pool): Dönnhoff, Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach
Kahlenberg (bald mountain): Dönnhoff, Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Langenlonsheim
Rothenberg (red mountain): Tesch, Burgermeister Schweinhardt
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Laubenheim
St. Remigiusberg: Tesch
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Dorsheim
Burgberg (town mountain): Diel, Kruger-Rumpf
Goldloch (gold hole): Diel, Kruger-Rumpf
Pittermännchen: Diel, Johan Baptist Schäfer
Important Einzellagen and Producers of Münster-Sarmsheim
Dautenpflänzer: Kruger-Rumpf, Göttelmann
Pittersberg: Kruger-Rumpf, Göttelmann
What are the two large towns that anchor the eastern end of the Nahe?
Bad Münster and Bad Kreuznach
What is the Traiser Bastei?
The vineyard site at the foot of the Roterfels (the highest cliff in Europe north of the Alps), notable for its red soils. Primarily farmed by Dr. Crusius.
Who owns Oberhauser Brücke?
Who owns Niederhauser Hermannsberg?
Gut Hermannsberg
What is the bereiche of the Nahe?
What are the öchsle for Riesling in the Nahe?
73, 87, 92, 120, 150
How is the Nahetal divided?
Niedernahe: Bingerbruck (at the intersection with the Rhine) to Bad Kreuznach
Mittelnahe: Bad Münster am Stein to Schlossböckelhiem
Obernahe: Schlossböckelheim to Martinsstein
Nahe Tributaries
Trollbach Guldenbach Gräfenbach Ellerbach Alsenz Glan
Nahe: Geological features and Climate
Rheingau and Hünstruck ranges to the north and west, protecting against rain and wind.
Upstream forests: Bingerwald, Woonwald, Idarwald
One of the driest regions in Germany, with rain falling only in the summer months and tapering before harvest.
Nahe: Soils by subzone
Widespread: Marine sand and gravel, marl and clay, loess
Niedernahe: quartzite and slate
Mittel and Obernahe: porphyry (igneous rock with feldspar or quartz), melaphyre (dark porphyry, basalt-like), variegated sandstone
Bad Kreuznach & Alsenz and Glan Valleys: weathered sandstone, loess, loam, and clay