B&K.2+3_P.066 Flashcards
अग्नि m.
अग्नि m. SC vāḍavaḥ वाडवः [वडवाया अपत्यं वडवानां समूहो वा अण्] 1 Submarine fire. -2 A Brāhmaṇa; तस्मै वाडवाय प्रचुरतरं धनं दत्त्वा Dk.1.5. -3 A stud-horse. -4 N. of a grammarian. -वः, -वम् The lower world. -वम् 1 A stud or collection of mares. -2 A particular मुहूर्त. -3 A kind of coitus. -Comp. -अग्निः, -अनलः the submarine fire. -हरणम् the fodder given to a stud-horse; P.VI.2.65 com. -हारकः a sea-monster.
वाञ्छाविघात m.
वाञ्छाविघात m. [ND] SEEMS TO MEAN ‘a destruction that is wished for by the person being destroyed’, ‘a willing destruction’, etc.
vighātaḥ विघातः 1 Destruction, removing, warding off; क्रिया- दघानां मघवा विघातम् Ki.3.52. -2 Killing, slaying. -3 An obstacle, impediment, interruption; opposition, prevention; क्रियाविघाताय कथं प्रवर्तसे R.3.44; अध्वरविघात- शान्तये 11.1. -4 A blow, stroke. -5 Abandoning, leaving. -6 Failure, want of success. -Comp. -सिद्धिः f. the removal of obstacles.
साम्यं नयति +ACC
साम्यं नयति + ACC = ‘he leads ACC into a state of concord/agreement’
विलोभित mfn.
विलोभित mfn. (fr. Causal) allured, beguiled, deceived, flattered, praised
√विलुभ् 4 P. To be disturbed or deranged, be disordered; दधद्विलुभितं वातैः केशरं वह्निपिङ्गलम् Bk.9.4. PPP विलुब्ध -Caus. 1 To allure, entice, attract; स्मर यावन्न विलोभ्यसे दिवि Ku. 4.2; अङ्गनास्तमधिकं व्यलोभयन् (मुखैः) R.19.1. -2 To divert, amuse, entertain; क्व दृष्टिं विलोभयामि Ś.6; ललित- लताविलोभ्यमाननयनो भवानुत्कण्ठां विनोदयतु V.2.
कैवर्त m.
कैवर्त m. kaivartaḥ कैवर्तः [के जले वर्तते वृत्-अच्; केवर्तः ततः स्वार्थे अण् Tv.] A fisherman; मनोभूः कैवर्तः क्षिपति परितस्त्वां प्रति मुहुः (तनू- जालीजालम्) Śānti.3.16; Ms.8.26; (as to his descent see Ms.1.34). ; कैवर्त m. (see kev-) a fisherman (born of a prostitute by a kṣatriya- or of an āyogava- female by a niṣāda- father)
तिमि m.
तिमि m. timiḥ तिमिः 1 The ocean. -2 A kind of whale or fish of an enormous size; (अस्ति मत्स्यस्तिमिर्नाम शतयोजनमायतः ।); अमी शिरोभिस्तिमयः सरन्ध्रैरूर्ध्वं वितन्वन्ति जलप्रवाहान् R.13.1. -3 A fish in general; गरीयसे$पकाराय तिमीनां बडिशं यथा Śiva. B.26.45. -4 The figure of a fish produced by drawing two lines, one intersecting the other at right angles. -5 The sign of Pisces (मत्स्य, मीन). -Comp. -कोषः the ocean. -घातिन् m. a fisherman; Ks.6.185. -जम् a kind of pearl. -ध्वजः N. of a demon (Śambara) killed by Indra with the assistance of Daśaratha. (It was in the fight with this demon that Kaikeyī saved the life of Daśaratha while in a swooning fit and got from him two boons which she afterwards used to send Rāma into exile); दानवेन्द्रं हतं दृष्ट्वा तिमिध्वजसुतं रणे Rām.2.44.11. -मालिन् the ocean.
निर्मूलता f.
निर्मूलता f. rootlessness, baselessness
निःशेषता f.
निःशेषता f. complete destruction ; THE STATE OF HAVING NO REMNANT LEFT OF ONESELF
स्वैर adj.
स्वैर adj. svaira स्वैर a. [स्वस्य ईरम् ईर्-अच् वृद्धिः] 1 Following one’s own will or fancy, self-willed, wanton, uncontrolled, unrestrained; बद्धमिव स्वैरगतिर्जनमिह सुखसंगिनमवैमि Ś. 5.11; अव्याहतैः स्वैरगतैः स तस्याः R.2.5. -2 Free, unreserved, confidential; सत्वभङ्गभयाद्राज्ञां कथयन्त्यन्यथा पुरः । अन्यथा विवृतार्थेषु स्वैरालापेषु मन्त्रिणः ॥ Mu.4.8. -3 Slow, mild, gentle; Mu.1.2. -4 Dull, lazy. -5 Dependent on one’s will, voluntary, optional. -रम् Wilfulness, wantonness; तत्रापि निरवरोधः स्वैरेण विहरन् Bhāg.5.14.31. -रम् -ind. 1 At will or pleasure, as one likes, at perfect ease; सार्थाः स्वैरं स्वकीयेषु चेरुर्वेश्मस्वि- वाद्रिषु R.17.64. -2 Of one’s own accord, spontaneously. -3 Slowly, gently, mildly; मोहे मोहे रामभद्रस्य जीवं स्वैरं स्वैरं प्रेरितैस्तर्पयेति U.3.2. -4 Lowly, in an under-tone, inaudibly (opp. स्पष्ट); पश्चात्स्वैरं गज इति किल व्याहृतं सत्य- वाचा Ve.3.9. -Comp. -आलापः confidential talk. Mu.4.8. -कथा unreserved conversation. -चारिन् a. free, independent. -विहारिन् a. unimpeded. -वृत्त, -वृत्ति, -आचार a. acting as one likes, following one’s own will, self-willed.
विकासिन् mfn.
विकासिन् mfn. Flowering, blossoming; expanding, developing ;
vikāsaḥ विकासः 1 Blowing, expanding, blooming, budding. -2 Increase, growth; पुरा रूढे स्नेहे परिचयविकासादुपचिते U.6.28; see विकाश also.
√कस् cl.1 P. kasati- () ,TO OPEN (WR P. 18) to go, move, approach ; (perf. cakāsa- equals śuśubhe- commentator or commentary) to beam, shine : Intensive canīkasīti-, canīkasyate- (see kaś-, kaṃs-, niḥ-kas-,and vi-kas-.)
उद्दाम adj.
PARALLEL ETYMOLOGY TO उच्छृङ्खल adj. @ ‘II+III.’62.16
उद्दाम adj. uddāma उद्दाम a. 1 Unbound, unrestrained, unchecked, free, bold; भवन्ति नोद्दामगिरां कवीनाम् Śi.4.1. -2 (a.) Strong, powerful, violent; कर्मणोद्दामदण्डानामेव स्याद्वशवर्तिनी (लक्ष्मीः) Pt.3.148; Māl.3,7; ˚देहपरिदाहमहाज्वराणि 6.13. (b) Furious, intoxicated; स्त्रोतस्युद्दामदिग्गजे R.1.78; Śi.11.19; U.3.6. -3 Dreadful, formidable; ˚शरीरसंनिवेशः Māl.3. -4 Self-willed. -5 Luxuriant, large, great, excessive; उद्दामानि प्रथयति शिलावेश्मभिर्यौवनानि Me.25; उद्दामोत्कलिकाम् Ratn.2.4,4.22; गन्धोद्दामा धरा exhaling great smell; Mk.5.22. -6 Proud, haughty; पौलस्त्यविजयोद्दाम Mv.3.45 elated. -7 Unlimited, extra-ordinary. -मः 1 N. of Yama. -2 N. of Varuṇa. -मम् ind. Violently, fiercely, strongly; अद्योद्दामं ज्वलिष्यतः U.3.9.
वाडव m.
वाडव m. vāḍavaḥ वाडवः [वडवाया अपत्यं वडवानां समूहो वा अण्] 1 Submarine fire. -2 A Brāhmaṇa; तस्मै वाडवाय प्रचुरतरं धनं दत्त्वा Dk.1.5. -3 A stud-horse. -4 N. of a grammarian. -वः, -वम् The lower world. -वम् 1 A stud or collection of mares. -2 A particular मुहूर्त. -3 A kind of coitus. -Comp. -अग्निः, -अनलः the submarine fire. -हरणम् the fodder given to a stud-horse; P.VI.2.65 com. -हारकः a sea-monster.
अपि स्यात्पितृहा वैरी सोऽपि दानविलोभितः ।
गत्वा विश्वासभावं स शत्रोरात्मानमर्पयेत् ।।
अपि स्यात्पितृहा वैरी सोऽपि दानविलोभितः ।
गत्वा विश्वासभावं स शत्रोरात्मानमर्पयेत् ।।
“A foe, even one who has killed his/your father, even he will be corruptible through bribery/gifts. Having reached a state of trust, he will deliver himself to his enemy (I.E. YOU)”
√अर्पय् / √अर्पय CS X Causal arpayati-, to cause to move, throw, cast etc. ; to cast through, pierce ; to put in or upon, place, insert, fix into or upon, fasten etc. ; to place on, apply etc. ; to direct or turn towards etc. ; to deliver up, surrender, offer, reach
√ऋ cl.1.3.5.P. ṛcchati-, iyarti-, ṛṇoti-, and ṛṇvati- (only Vedic or Veda) ; āra-, ariṣyati-, ārat-, and ārṣīt-, to go, move, rise, tend upwards
√अर्पय् / √अर्पय CS X अर्पयति
√अर्पय् / √अर्पय CS X अर्पयति Causal arpayati-, to cause to move, throw, cast etc. ; to cast through, pierce ; to put in or upon, place, insert, fix into or upon, fasten etc. ; to place on, apply etc. ; to direct or turn towards etc. ; to deliver up, surrender, offer, reach
√ऋ cl.1.3.5.P. ṛcchati-, iyarti-, ṛṇoti-, and ṛṇvati- (only Vedic or Veda) ; āra-, ariṣyati-, ārat-, and ārṣīt-, to go, move, rise, tend upwards
√वृज् cl.1.7. P. वर्जति , वृणक्ति PPP वृक्त
HERE वर्जयति IS CS X OF √वृज् cl.1.7. P. वर्जति , वृणक्ति == Causal varjayati- (; mc. also te-; Potential varjayīta- ; Aorist avavarjat-), to remove, avoid, shun, relinquish, abandon, give up, renounce etc. ; to spare, let live ; to exclude, omit, exempt, except (yitvā-with accusative = excepting, with the exception of) etc.: Passive voice of Causal varjyate-, to be deprived of. lose (instrumental case) (see varjita-):
DO NOT CONFUSE WITH √व्रज् cl.1 P. व्रजति PPP व्रजित
√वृज् cl.1.7. P. वर्जति , वृणक्ति varjati-, vṛṇ/akti- PPP वृक्त ; cl.2 A1. () वृक्ते vṛkte- (Vedic or Veda and also v/arjate-and vṛṅkt/e-; imperative vṛṅktām-[ varia lectio vṛktām-] ; vṛṅgdhvam- ; perfect tense vavarja-, vavṛje-[ grammar also vavṛñje- vāvṛje-; vavṛjy/uḥ-, vavṛktam- parasmE-pada f. -varj/uṣī-]; Aorist avṛk- ; vark-[2. 3. sg. ], varktam-, avṛjan- Potential vṛjyām- ; /avṛkta- ; avṛkṣam-, ṣi- ; avārkṣīs- ; avarjīt-, avajiṣṭa- grammar; future varjitā- ; varjiṣyati- ; varkṣyati-, te- ; infinitive mood v/ṛje-, vṛñj/ase-, vṛj/adhyai- ; vajitum-or vṛñjitum- grammar; ind.p. vṛktv/ī- ; -v/ṛjya-, -vargam- etc.) , to bend, turn ; to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (especially sacrificial grass) ; to wring off or break a person’s (accusative) neck ; to avert, remove ; (A1.) to keep anything from (ablative or genitive case), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate ; (A1.) to choose for one’s self, select, appropriate : Passive voice vṛjy/ate-, to be bent or turned or twisted etc.: Causal varjayati- (; mc. also te-; Potential varjayīta- ; Aorist avavarjat-), to remove, avoid, shun, relinquish, abandon, give up, renounce etc. ; to spare, let live ; to exclude, omit, exempt, except (yitvā-with accusative = excepting, with the exception of) etc.: Passive voice of Causal varjyate-, to be deprived of. lose (instrumental case) (see varjita-): Desiderative vivṛkṣ/ate- (), vivarjiṣati-, te- (grammar), to wish to bend or turn etc.: Intensive varīvṛjyate-, varvarkti- (grammar; parasmE-pada v/arīvṛjat- ), to turn aside, divert: Causal of Intensive varīvarj/ayati- (p.f. yantī-), to turn hither and thither (the ears)