B&K.2+3_P.004 Flashcards
भवन n.
भवन n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) a place of abode, mansion, home, house, palace, dwelling (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ f(ā-).)
SO भवने (LOC) = ‘at home; in a mansion’
नित्यशस् ind.
नित्यशस् ind. always, constantly, eternally ; nityaśas नित्यशस् ind. Constantly, always, eternally; अनन्य- चेताः सततं यो मां स्मरति नित्यशः Bg.8.14; Ms.2.96;4.15. ; nityaśas ad. constantly.
शुभाशुभमात्मकर्मन् (n.)
शुभाशुभमात्मकर्मन् (n.) = ‘one’s own actions for good or for bad’
कृतान्तवशात् (ABL)
कृतान्तवशात् (ABL) = ‘by the will of destiny; by the will of impersonally/mechanically operating “karma”’
कृतान्त m. “the inevitable result of actions done in a past existence”, destiny, fate ; कृतान्त m. death personified, Name of yama- (god of death)
माविलम्बम् ind
माविलम्बम् (मा + विलम्बम् ) ind. without delay, shortly, quickly (in commands). ; माविलम्बम् bitam- See under 1. mā-, . ; māvilambam ad. without de lay (in commands); -vilambitam, (pp.) n. ad. id.
माविलम्बम् () ind. without delay, shortly, quickly (in commands). ; माविलम्बम् bitam- See under 1. mā-, . ; māvilambam ad. without de lay (in commands); -vilambitam, (pp.) n. ad. id.
विलम्ब् A1. -lambate- (rarely P.), to hang on both sides to (accusative) ; to hang down, hang on, be attached to (locative case) etc. ; to sink, set, decline ; to continue hanging, linger, delay, tarry, hesitate (“with”or”to”, prati-) etc.: Causal lambayati-, to hang on (locative case) (read -lambya-with Bombay edition) ; to cause to linger or loiter, detain, delay ; to spend (time) unprofitably, waste, lose ; to put off, procrastinate
अध्यर्ध (adj.)
अध्यर्ध (adj.) (अधि + अर्ध ) अध्यर्ध mf(ā-)n. “having an additional half”, one and a half.