B&K.2+3_P.046 Flashcards
रिपुरक्त n.
रिपुरक्त n. an enemy’s blood
रक्त PPP √रञ्ज् rakta रक्त p. p. [रञ्ज्-करणे क्तः] 1 Coloured, dyed, tinged, painted; आभाति बालातपरक्तसानुः R.6.6. -2 Red, crimson, blood-red; सान्ध्यं तेजः प्रतिनवजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः Me.36; so रक्ताशोक, रक्तांशुक &c. -3 Enamoured, impassioned, attached, affected with love; यावद् वित्तौपार्जनसक्तस्तावन्निजपरिवारो रक्तः Charpaṭa-Pañjarikā 3; अयमैन्द्रीमुखं पश्य रक्तश्चुम्बति चन्द्रमाः Chandr.5.58 (where it has sense 2 also). -4 Dear, liked, beloved. -4 Lovely, charming, sweet, pleasant; श्रोत्रेषु संमूर्छति रक्तमासां गीतानुगं वारिमृदङ्गवाद्यम् R.16.64; रक्तं च नाम मधुरं च समं स्फुटं च Mk. 3.4. -6 Fond of play, sporting, playful. -7 Nasalized (said of a vowel). -क्तः 1 Red colour. -2 Safflower. yours; यौष्माकीणे समन्तात् प्रसरति नितरां दिक्षु कीर्तेर्विताने Sūkti.5.86.
तत्स्त्रीनेत्राम्बुभिः INST. PL. N. ‘by/with waters from the eyes (i.e. TEARS) of his (i.e. The enemy’s) women’
अम्बु n. water
निर्मर्याद adj.
निर्मर्याद adj. nirmaryāda a. boundless; know ing no bounds, impious, wicked; -mala, a. spotless, unsullied, pure, clear, limpid: -tâ, f., -tva, n. purity, -svâdu-salila, n. clear and sweet water; -mâmsa, a. fleshless; lean; -mâna, n. measuring; measure; fashioning, forming, creating; composition, work.
अर्ह adj.
अर्ह adj. arha अर्ह a. 1 Respectable, worthy of respect, deserving; अर्हावभोजयन् विप्रो दण्डमर्हति माषकम् Ms.8.392. -2 Worthy of, having a claim to, entitled to, with acc., inf., or in comp; नैवार्हः पैतृकं रिक्थं पतितोत्पादितो हि सः Ms.9.144; संस्कारमर्हस्त्वं न च लप्स्यसे Rām.; तस्मान्नार्हा वयं हन्तुं धार्तराष्ट्रान् स्वबान्धवान् Bg.1.37. प्रदक्षिणक्रियार्हायाम् R.1.76; so मान˚, वध˚, दण्ड˚ &c. -3 Being required, obliged, or allowed (with inf.). -4 Becoming, proper, fit; केवलं यानमर्हंस्यात् Pt.3; with gen. also; स भृत्यो$र्हो महीभुजाम् Pt.1.87-92; or in comp.; तदर्हेण प्रायश्चित्तेन 1.275; so नृप˚, यज्ञ˚ Ak. -5 Worth (in money), costing; see below. -6 Capable, powerful; न त्वां कुर्मि दशग्रीव भस्म भस्मार्हतेजसा Rām. 5.22.2. -र्हः [अर्ह्-घञ्] 1 N. of Indra. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -3 Price (as in महार्ह); महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः Ku.5.12; (महानर्हो यस्याः Malli.). रत्नैर्महार्हैस्तुतुषुर्न देवाः Subhāṣ. -4 Fitness, propriety. -5 Motion, course (गति). -र्हा Worship, adoration; Ki.2.58; प्रदक्षिणक्रियार्हायां तस्यां त्वं साधु नाचरः R.1.76. -6 Gold; Nighaṇṭa.
उत्कृष्ट adj.
उत्कृष्ट adj. utkṛṣṭa उत्कृष्ट p. p. 1 Drawn up or out, raised, elevated; दस्यूत्कृष्टा जनपदाः Bhāg.12.3.32. -2 Extracted. -3 Excellent, eminent, superior, best, highest; Ms.5.163, 7.126,8.281; बल˚ Pt.3.36 superior in strength; so ज्ञान˚ गुण˚, &c. -4 Much, excessive, very great, increased; जिह्वालौल्य˚ Pt.1. -5 Tilled; ploughed. -6 Scratched; ऐरावतविषाणाग्रैरुत्कृष्टकिणवक्षसम् Rām.6.4.5. -7 Plucked, cut out,; उत्कृष्टपर्णकमला Rām.5.19.15 (‘उत्कृष्टानि त्रुटितानि पर्णानि यस्याः सा’ इति टीका). -8 Attracted; Mb.14.59.1. -Comp. -उपाधिता state of high illusion -भूमः a good soil. -वेदनम् marrying a man of a higher caste; वसनस्य दशा ग्राह्या शूद्रयोत्कृष्टवेदने Ms.3.44.
यात्रालक्षण n.
यात्रालक्षण n. [ND] POSSIBLY ‘marching (यात्रा) for good luck (लक्षण i.e. Success)’ OR ‘marching (यात्रा) for observation (लक्षण)’ (?) NO MEANINGS FOR EITHER अलक्षण OR आलक्षण SEEM TO WORK HERE. HERTEL (P. 177.6) PRINTS THE SAME TEXT HERE - AS DOES JHA (P. 409) , WHO TRANSLATES IT AS ‘marching for victory’.
कार्त्तिक m.
कार्त्तिक m. (fr. kṛttikā- q.v;with or without māsa-), Name of a month corresponding to part of October and November (the twelfth month of the year, when the full moon is near the Pleiades) ; कार्त्तिक m. Name of skanda- (See kārttikeya-) ; कार्त्तिक m. of a varṣa- ; कार्त्तिक m. of a medical author ; कार्त्तिक mn. Name of the first year in Jupiter’s period of revolution ; कार्त्तिक n. Name of a tīrtha-
चैत्र m.
चैत्र m. Caitraḥ चैत्रः [चि ष्ट्रण्; चित्रमेव स्वार्थे अण्; चित्रायां भवः अण् वा] 1 NAME of a lunar month in which the full moon stands in the constellation Citrā (corresponding to March-April). -2 A Buddhist mendicant. -3 One of the seven ranges of mountains dividing the continent into Varṣas. -त्रम् A temple, monument for the dead. -Comp. -आवलिः f. the full-moon-day of Caitra. -सखः an epithet of the god of love.
अवस्कन्दप्रदान n.
अवस्कन्दप्रदान n. [ND] = ‘guerilla warfare’ (JHA P. 409 [ALSO EXPLAINED IN THE FOLLOWING COUPLET]) (LIT. ‘giving a sudden assault’)
अवस्कन्द m. assault, attack, storm ; अवस्कन्दन n. idem or ‘m. assault, attack, storm ; अवस्कन्दन n. descending ; अवस्कन्दन n. bathing ; अवस्कन्दन n. (in law) accusation. ; अवस्कन्दन n. (also) attack, onset, rushing on (prati-), ; avaskanda m. assault, surprise; -in, a. covering; assailing; -skara, m. privy: -mandira, n. id.
प्रदान n. (for 2.See below) giving, bestowal, presentation (especially of an offering in the fire;also Name of the sacred text recited on this occasion)
√अवस्कन्द् अव + √स्कन्द् (ind.p. -skandya-) to jump down from (ablative) ; to approach hastening from (ablative) ; to storm, assault (as a city etc.)
WR (P. 190) SAYS THE BASIC MEANING FOR √स्कन्द् IS “to leap”
√स्कन्द् skand स्कन्द् 1 Ā (स्कन्दते) 1 To jump. -2 To raise. -3 To pour out, emit.
√स्कन्द् skand स्कन्द् I. 1 P. (स्कन्दति, स्कन्न) 1 To leap, jump. -2 To rise, ascend, jump upwards. -3 To fall, drop; स्यन्त्वा स्यन्त्वा दिवः शम्भोर्मूर्ध्रि स्कन्त्वा भुवं गताम् Bk.22.11; Ms.7.84. -4 To burst or leap out. -5 To perish, come to an end; चस्कन्दे तप ऐश्वरम् Bhāg.5.9.3. -6 To be spilled, ooze. -7 To emit, shed. -8 To go, move. -9 To become dry. -1 To perish. -Caus. (स्कन्दयति-ते) 1 To pour out, effuse, shed, emit (as the seminal fluid); एकः शयीत सर्वत्र न रेतः स्कन्दयेत् क्वचित् Ms.2.18;9.5. -2 To omit, neglect, pass by. -II. 1 U. (स्कन्दयति-ते) To collect.
अवस्कन्द m.
अवस्कन्द m. assault, attack, storm ; अवस्कन्दन n. idem or ‘m. assault, attack, storm ; अवस्कन्दन n. descending ; अवस्कन्दन n. bathing ; अवस्कन्दन n. (in law) accusation. ; अवस्कन्दन n. (also) attack, onset, rushing on (prati-), ; avaskanda m. assault, surprise; -in, a. covering; assailing; -skara, m. privy: -mandira, n. id.
अव + स्कन्द m. skandaḥ स्कन्दः [स्कन्द्-अच्] 1 Leaping. -2 Quicksilver. -3 N. of Kārtikeya; सेनानीनामहं स्कन्दः Bg.1.24; R.2. 36;7.1; Me.45. -4 N. of Śiva. -5 The body. -6 A king. -7 The bank of a river. -8 A clever man. -9 A kind of disease common to children. -1 Effusion, spilling. -11 Perishing, destruction. -Comp. -अंशकः quicksilver. -जननी N. of Parvatī. -जित् N. of Viṣṇu. -पुत्रः a son of Skanda (euphemistic term for a thief); प्रथममेतत् स्कन्दपुत्राणां सिद्धिलक्षणम् Mk.3.12/13. -पुराणम् one of the 18 Purāṇas. -मातृ f. N. of Durgā. -षष्ठी 1 a festival in honour of Kārtikeya on the sixth day of Chaitra. -2 The 6th day of the light half of the कार्तिक month.
स्कन्ध m. (according to to , from skand-in the sense of “rising”?) the shoulder, upper part of the back or region from the neck to the shoulder-joint (in men and animals) etc.
√स्कन्द् (confer, compare skandh-and skund-) cl.1 P. () skandati- (mc. also te-; cask/anda- etc.; caskande- etc.; Aorist askan-, sk/an- ; /askān-, skān- ; askāntsīt- ; askadat- grammar; preceding skadyāt- ; future skanttā- ; skantsyati- ; infinitive mood skanditum- grammar; -sk/ade-, -sk/adas- ; ind.p. skanttvā- grammar; -sk/andya-or -sk/adya- ; -sk/andam- ), to leap, jump, hop, dart, spring, spurt out, be spilt or effused (especially said of semen) etc. ; (A1.) to emit seminal fluid ; to leap upon, cover (said of animals) ; to drop, fall down, perish, be lost : Passive voice skadyate- (perf. caskade-or caskande-; Aorist askandi-) grammar : Causal skandayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist acask/andat-), to cause to jump or leap (in explaining skanda-) ; to pour out, effuse, shed, spill, emit (especially seminal fluid) ; to omit, neglect etc. ; to cause to coagulate, thicken : Desiderative ciskantsati-, grammar : Intensive canīskadyate-, canīskandīti- (grammar), k/aniṣkan-, -caniṣkadat- ; (), to leap, jump, hop etc. [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin scando,de-scendo;scAlaforscant(s)la.]
प्रणिधि m.
प्रणिधि m. praṇidhiḥ प्रणिधिः 1 Observing, spying out. -2 Sending out spies. -3 A spy, an emissary; अध्यापितस्योशनसापि नीतिं प्रयुक्तरागप्रणिधिद्विषस्ते Ku.3.6; R.17.48; Ms.7.153; 8.182. -4 An attendant, a follower. -5 Care, attention. -6 Solicitation, entreaty, request; ‘प्रणिधिः प्रार्थने चरे’ Yādava. -7 A method of driving an elephant; Mātaṅga L.12.6.8. (There are three kinds of प्रणिधिs : by speech, feet and look.)
व्याप्त adj.
व्याप्त adj. vyāpta व्याप्त p. p. 1 Spread through, penetrated, pervaded, extended over, permeated, covered. -2 Pervading, extending over all. -3 Filled with, full of. -4 Encompassed, surrounded. -5 Placed, fixed. -6 Obtained, possessed. -7 Comprehended, included. -8 Invariably accompanied (in logic); as in धूमो वह्निना व्याप्तः. -9 Famous, celebrated. -1 Expanded, stretched out.
प्रणिधिव्याप्त adj.
प्रणिधिव्याप्त adj. = ‘thoroughly scouted out (in advance = अग्रतः)’, ‘pervaded by spying (in advance = अग्रतः)’
वीवध m.
वीवध m. vīvadhaḥ वीवधः [BASICALLY MEANS ‘THE TRANSPORT ASPECT OF LOGISTICS’ GIVEN MOST OF THE FOLLOWING DICTIONARY ENTRY] 1 A yoke for carrying burdens. -2 A burden. -3 Store of corn etc.; रुध्यध्वं निर्विषासूञ्शिशुयुवतिजानान् वीवधांश्चाद्रियध्वम् Mv.6.16; Śi.2.64. -4 A way, road; अज्ञातवीवधासारतोयशस्यो व्रजेत्तु यः Pt.3.41.
आसार m.
आसार m. āsāraḥ आसारः [आ-सृ-घञ्]
{{{ MAYBE THE BASIC IDEA IS ‘flow’ OR ‘stream’ ==> HENCE THE IDEA OF A ‘stream or flow of supplies’ ???}}}
HERE = -5 Provision, food; अज्ञानविविधासारतोय- शस्यो व्रजेत्तु यः Pt.3.41,51.
1 A hard or sharp-driving shower (of anything); आसारसिक्तक्षितिबाष्पयोगात् R.13.29; Me.17; पुष्पासारैः 43; so तुहिन˚, रुधिर˚ &c.; बाष्पासारा M.3.2 flooded or suffused with tears; धारासारैर्वृष्टिर्बभूव H.3 it rained in torrents. -2 Surrounding an enemy. -3 Attack, incursion. -4 The army of an ally or king (whose dominions are separated by other intervening states); पार्ष्णिग्राहासरौ अन्तःकोपं आटविकं वा समुत्थापयितुकामः Kau. A.1.16. -5 Provision, food; अज्ञानविविधासारतोय- शस्यो व्रजेत्तु यः Pt.3.41,51.