B&K.2+3_P.035 Flashcards
विभूषण n.
विभूषण n. vibhūṣaṇam विभूषणम् Ornament, decoration; विशेषतः सर्वविदां समाजे विभूषणं मौनमपण्डितानाम् Bh.2.7; R.16.8.
जरद्गव m.
जरद्गव m. (equals go-jara-) an old bull or ox, Vedic or Veda () ; जरद्गव m. Name of a vulture
A single जरद्गव is said to comprise the ‘wealth’ of Lord Śiva.
शर्व m.
शर्व m. (fr. ś/uru-) Name of a god who kills people with arrows (mentioned together with bhava- and other names of rudra– śiva-) ; शर्व m. Name of the god śiva- (often in the later language; especially in the form kṣitimūrti-; dual number śarva- and śarvāṇī- see )
पथ्य mfn.
पथ्य mfn. “belonging to the way”, suitable, fit, proper, wholesome, salutary (literally and figuratively; especially said of diet in a medical sense)
पथ्य mfn.
पथ्य mfn. “belonging to the way”, suitable, fit, proper, wholesome, salutary (literally and figuratively; especially said of diet in a medical sense)
हरिण adj.
हरिण adj. hariṇa हरिण a. (-णी f.) [हृ-इनन्]
1 Pale, whitish; न चाश्वेन विनिर्यासि विवर्णो हरिणः कृशः Mb.1.1.61; रूपेण पश्ये हरिणेन पश्य N.22.134. -2 Reddish or yellowish white. -3 Having rays; विश्वरूपं हरिणं जातवेदसम् Praśna U.1. 8. -णः 1 A deer, an antelope; (said to be of five kinds:– हरिणश्चापि विज्ञेयः पञ्चभेदो$त्र भैरव । ऋष्यः खड्गो रुरुश्चैव पृषतश्च मृगस्तथा Kālikā P.); अपि प्रसन्नं हरिणेषु ते मनः Ku. 5.35. -2 The white colour. -3 A goose. -4 The sun. -5 Viṣṇu. -6 Śiva. -Comp. -अक्ष a. deer-eyed, fawneyed. (-क्षः) N. of Śiva. (-क्षी f.) ‘deer-eyed’, a woman with beautiful eyes. -अङ्कः 1 the moon. -2 camphor. -कलङ्कः, -धामन् m. the moon. -नयन, -नेत्र, -लोचन a. deer-eyed, fawn-eyed. -नर्तकः a Kinnara. -लाञ्छनः the moon. -हृदय a. deer-hearted, timid.
शरस्तम्ब m.
शरस्तम्ब m. a clump or thicket of reeds
NOTE स्तम्ब m. AND NOT स्तम्भ m. HERE!!!
शर m. = ‘arrow’ OR ‘reed’ - AND HERE IT MEANS ‘reed’ :
śaraḥ शरः [शॄ-अच्] 1 An arrow, a shaft; क्व च निशितनिपाता वज्रसाराः शरास्ते Ś.1.1; शरश्च त्रिविधो ज्ञेयः स्त्री पुमाँश्च नपुंसकः । अग्रस्थूलो भवेन्नारी पश्चात्स्थूलो भवेत् पुमान् । समो नपुंसको ज्ञेयः Dhanur. 62-63. -2 A kind of white reed or grass (Mar. देवनळ, बोरू); कुशकाशशरैः पर्णैः सुपरिच्छादितां तथा Rām.3.15.22; शरकाण्डपाण्डुगण्डस्थला M.3.8; मुखेन सीता शरपाण्डुरेण R.14.26; Śi.11.3. -3 The cream of slightly curdled milk, cream; आपो वा अर्कस्तद्यदपां शर आसीत् सम- हन्यत सा पृथिवी Bṛi. Up.1.2.2. -4 Hurt, injury, wound. -5 The number ‘five’; cf. शराग्नि q. v. -6 (In astr.) The versed sine of an arc. -7 Kuśa grass; तथा शरेष्वपि MS.8.3.33 (शरशब्दस्यापि कुशेषु प्रयोगो दृश्यते ŚB. on ibid.); भृशरसं शरसंहितकान्तिके Rām. ch.4.7. -रम् Water. -Comp. -अग्निः the number ‘thirtyfive’; शराग्निपरिमाणं च तत्रासौ वसते सुखम् Mb.13.17.26. -अग्ऱ्यः an excellent arrow. -अभ्यासः, -आघातः archery. -असनम्, -आस्यम् an arrowshooter, a bow; शरासनं तेषु विकृष्यतामिदम् Ś.6.28; R.3.52; Ku.3.64. -आक्षेपः flight of arrows. -आरोपः, -आवापः a bow; तान् गृहीतशरावापान् Mb.1.189.13; आवापः also means quiver; चिच्छेद कार्मुकं दीप्तं शरावापं च सत्वरम् Mb. 6.9.61. -आवरः a quiver; शरावरौ शरैः पूर्णौ Rām.3. 64.49. (-रम्) a coat of mail; तच्चाग्निसदृशं दीप्तं रावणस्य शरावरम् Rām.3.51.14. -आवरणम् a shield; शितनिस्त्रिंश- हस्तस्य शरावणधारिणः Mb.6.61.28. -आश्रयः a quiver. -आसः a bow; Bhāg. -आहत a. struck by an arrow. -इषीका an arrow. -इष्टः the mango tree. -उपासनम् archery practice; स्मारी शरोपासनवेदिकेव N.14.54. -ओघः a shower or multitude of arrows. -काण़्डः 1 a reedstalk. -2 a shaft of an arrow. -क्षेपः the range of an arrow-shot. -घातः shooting with arrows, archery. -जम् fresh butter. -जः N. of Kārtikeya. -जन्मन् m. an epithet of Kārtikeya; उमावृषाङ्कौ शरजन्मना यथा R.3.23. -जालम् a multitude or dense mass of arrows; शरजालावृते व्योम्नि च्छायाभूते समन्ततः Mb.4.59.3. -दुर्दिनम् a shower of arrows; Rām. -धिः a quiver; सहशरधि निजं तथा कार्मुकम् Ki.18.16. -पातः an arrow’s flight. ˚स्थानम् a bow shot. -पुङ्खः, -पुङ्खा the feathered end of an arrow. -प्रवेगः a swift arrow. -फलम् the blade or barb of an arrow. -भङ्गः N. of a sage whom Rāma visited in the Daṇḍaka forest; अदः शरण्यं शरभङ्ग- नाम्नस्तपोवनं पावनमाहिताग्नेः R.13.45. -भूः N. of Kārtikeya. -भृष्टिः f. the point of an arrow. -मल्लः a bow-man, an archer. -यन्त्रकम् the string on which the palm-leaves of a manuscript are filed. -वनम् (वणम्) 1 a thicket of reeds; आराध्यैनं शरवणभवं देवमुल्लङ्घिताध्वा Me.47. °reee;उद्भवः, ˚भवः epithets of Kārtikeya. -2 a bed of Kuśa grass; शरवणमेवेदं कुशवनमिति ŚB. on MS.8.3.33. -वर्षः a shower or volley of arrows. -वाणिः 1 the head of an arrow. -2 an archer. -3 a maker of arrows. -4 a foot-soldier. -वृष्टिः f. a shower of arrows. -व्रातः a mass or multitude of arrows. -संधानम् taking aim with an arrow; शरसंधानं नाटयति Ś.1. -संबाध a. covered with arrows; किमुक्तैः शर- संबाधाम् U.4.28 (v. l.). -स्तम्बः a clump of reeds.
DISTINGUISH स्तम्ब m. ‘clump of grass’ (HERE) FROM स्तम्भ m. ‘column, pillar’ (SEE BELOW):
stambaḥ स्तम्बः [स्था-अम्बच् किच्च पृषो˚ Uṇ.4.96] 1 A clump of grass &c; ब्रह्मस्तम्बनिकुञ्जपुञ्जितधनज्याघोषघोरं धनुः Mv.3. 48; आरण्यकोपात्तफलप्रसूतिः स्तम्बेन नीवार इवावशिष्टः R.5.15. -2 A sheaf of corn; as in स्तम्बकरिता q. v. -3 A cluster, clump or bunch (in general); (कीचक)स्तम्बाडम्बरमूकमौकुलिकुलः क्रौञ्चावतो$यं गिरिः U.2.29; R.15.19. -4 A bush, thicket. -5 A shrub or plant having no decided stem. -6 The post of which an elephant is tied. -7 A post; column; पांशुस्तम्बा बलानां तुरगखुरपुटक्षोदलब्धात्मलाभाः Mu. 5.23. -8 Stupefaction, insensibility; (probably for स्तभ in these two senses). -9 A mountain. -Comp. -करि a. forming sheaves or clusters. (-रिः) corn, rice. -करिता forming sheaves or clusters, abundant or luxuriant growth; न शालेः स्तम्बकरिता वप्तुर्गुणमपेक्षते Mu.1.3. -गहन a. overgrown with thickets; Kau. A.2.2. -घनः 1 a small hoe for weeding clumps of grass. -2 a sickle for cutting corn. -3 a basket for holding the heads of wild rice. -घ्नः, -घातः, -हन्, -हननम्, -नी a sickle for cutting corn, a hoe. -पुरम् N. of a city (ताम्रलिप्त).
stambhaḥ स्तम्भः [स्तम्भ्-अच्] 1 Fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, motionlessness; रम्भा स्तम्भं भजति Vikr.18.29; Ki.12. 28; गात्रस्तम्भः स्तनमुकुलयोरुत्प्रबन्धः प्रकम्पः Māl.2.5; तत्संकल्पो- पहितजडिम स्तम्भमभ्येति गात्रम् 1.35;4.2. -2 Insensibility, stupefaction, stupor, numbness, paralysis. -3 Stoppage, obstruction, hindrance; सो$पश्यत् प्रणिधानेन संततेः स्तम्भ- कारणम् R.1.74; वाक्स्तम्भं नाटयति Māl.8. -4 Restraint, curbing, suppressing; कृतश्चित्तस्तम्भः प्रतिहतधियामञ्जलिरपि Bh.3.6. -5 Prop, support, fulcrum; नासिराबन्धनार्थाय न शराः स्तम्भहेतवः Rām.2.23.3. -6 A pillar, column, post. -7 A stem, trunk (of a tree). -8 Stupidity. -9 Absence of feeling or excitability. -1 The suppression of any force or feeling by supernatural or magical means. -11 Stiff-neckedness; जन्मकर्मवयोरूपविद्यैश्वर्य- धनादिभिः । यद्यस्य न भवेत् स्तम्भस्तत्रायं मदनुग्रहः Bhāg.8.22.26. -12 Filling up, stuffing. -Comp. -उत्कीर्ण a. carved out of a post of wood (as a statue). -कर a. 1 paralysing, benumbing. -2 obstructing. (-रः) a fence. -कारणम् cause of obstruction or impediment. -पूजा worship of the posts of temporary pavilions erected for marriages or other occasions of solemnity.
उच्छ्वास m.
उच्छ्वास m. ucchvāsaḥ उच्छ्वासः 1 Breath, exhalation, breathing out; मुखोच्छ्वासगन्धम् V.4.22; Ṛs.1.3; Me.14. -2 Support of life, being alive; तदद्याप्युच्छ्वासो भवति U.3.3; R.158. -3 A sigh. -4 Consolation, encouragement; Amaru.13. -5 Expiring, dying. -6 An air-hole. -7 A division or chapter of a book, as of the Harṣa-charita; cf. अध्याय. -8 Froth, foam; सिन्धोरुच्छ्वासे पतयन्तमुक्षणम् Rv.9.86.43. -9 Swelling up, rising, increasing.
उद्भ्रान्त adj.
NOTE THAT THE NOUN भ्राम m. = roaming about, unsteadiness
उद्भ्रान्त adj. udbhrānta उद्भ्रान्त p. p 1 Agitated, bewildered, distracted; विमूढसंज्ञो दुष्टाश्वैरुद्भ्रान्तैरिव सारथिः Mb.3.2.6. ˚चेतनाम् R.12.74; gone mad; Mv.4. -2 Terrified, frightened; मारीचोद्भ्रान्तहारीताः R.4.46; U.6. -3 Whirled, flourished, waved (as a sword). -4 Come on by breaking (the earth); स तमभ्रमिवाविष्टमुद्भ्रान्तमिव मेदिनीम् Rām.7.31.14. -5 Wandering upwards. -न्तम् 1 Flourishing a sword. -2 (-˚न्तकम्) Rising (in the air). -3 Excitement, agitation.
√भ्रम् i भ्रमति , iv भ्राम्यति PPP भ्रांत / भ्रान्त -
भ्रम् cl.1 P. () bhramati- (Epic also te-) and cl.4 P. (), bhrāmyati- (Potential bhramyāt- ; perfect tense babhrāma-,3. plural babhramuḥ-or bhremuḥ- etc.; future bhramitā- grammar; bhramiṣyati- ; Aorist abhramīt- ; infinitive mood bhramitum-or bhrāntum- etc.; ind.p. bhramitvā-, bhrāntvā-, -bhrāmya- ), to wander or roam about, rove, ramble (with deśam-,to wander through or over a country;with bhikṣām-,go about begging) etc. ; to fly about (as bees) ; to roll about (as the eyes) ; to wag (as the tongue) ; to quiver (as the fetus in the womb) ; to move to and fro or unsteadily, flicker, flutter, reel, totter ; to move round, circulate, revolve (as stars) ; to spread, be current (as news) ; to waver, be perplexed, doubt, err : Passive voice Aorist abhrāmi- (impersonal or used impersonally,with te-,”you have wandered or roamed about”) : Causal bhrāmayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist abibhramat-: Passive voice bhrāmyate-), to cause to wander or roam, drive or move about, agitate etc. ; (with paṭaham-or ha-ghoṣaṇām-), to move a drum about, proclaim by beat of drum ; to cause to move or turn round or revolve, swing, brandish etc. ; to drive through (accusative) in a chariot ; to disarrange ; to cause to err, confuse ; to move or roam about (Aorist abibhramat-; Bombay edition ababhramat-) : Desiderative bibhramiṣati- grammar : Intensive bambhramīti-, bambhramyate- (also with pass. meaning) and bambhrānti- (only grammar), to roam about repeatedly or frequently, wander through, circumambulate [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin fremere; German bre0men,brimmen,brummen; English brim,brim-stone.]
पृष्ठ n. (पृष्ठतः & पृष्ठे) VS. पृष्ट adj.
पृष्ठ n. (पृष्ठतः & पृष्ठे) VS. पृष्ट adj. :
पृष्ठ n. (पृष्ठतः & पृष्ठे) ‘back’, HENCE ‘from behind (पृष्ठतः), in the rear (पृष्ठे)’
पृष्ट adj. PPP √प्रछ् = ‘asked’
स्वास्थ्य n.
स्वास्थ्य n. svāsthyam स्वास्थ्यम् 1 Self-reliance, selfdependence. -2 Fortitude, resoluteness, firmness; स्वास्थ्यं भद्र भजस्वार्य त्यज्यतां कृपणा मतिः Rām.4.1.12. -3 Sound state, health. -4 Prosperity, well-being, confortableness. -5 Ease. satisfaction, spirits; लब्धं मया स्वास्थ्यम् Ś.4.
स्वास्थ्य n.
स्वास्थ्य n. svāsthyam स्वास्थ्यम् 1 Self-reliance, selfdependence. -2 Fortitude, resoluteness, firmness; स्वास्थ्यं भद्र भजस्वार्य त्यज्यतां कृपणा मतिः Rām.4.1.12. -3 Sound state, health. -4 Prosperity, well-being, confortableness. -5 Ease. satisfaction, spirits; लब्धं मया स्वास्थ्यम् Ś.4.
√व्रज् cl.1 P. () vr/ajati
√व्रज् cl.1 P. () vr/ajati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense vavr/āja- etc.; Aorist avrājīt- ; future vrajitā- grammar; vrajiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood vrajitum- ; ind.p. vrajitvā-, -vr/ajya-, -vrājam- etc.)
CAN ALSO MEAN: ‘to find; to achieve’ (AS HERE) AS WELL AS ‘ to go, walk, proceed, travel, wander, move , etc.’
उद्धारित mfn.
उद्धारित mfn. taken out, drawn forth, extricated ; उद्धारित mfn. released. ; uddhārita उद्धारित 1 a. Taken out, drawn forth, extricated, released.
तथापि indc
तथापि (तथा + अपि ) indc. = ‘although, even so, and yet, but still, in spite of that, etc.’