B&K.2+3_P.061 Flashcards
चान्द्रायण n.
चान्द्रायण n. cāndrāyaṇam चान्द्रायणम् [चन्द्रस्यायनमिवायनमत्र पूर्वपदात् संज्ञायां णत्वम् संज्ञायां दीर्घः स्वार्थे अण् वा Tv.] A religious observance or expiatory penance regulated by the moon’s age (the period of its waxing and waning); (in it the daily quantity of food, which consists of fifteen mouthfuls at the full moon, is diminished by one mouthful every day during the dark fortnight till it is reduced to zero at the new moon, and is increased in like manner during the bright fortnight); cf. Y.3.324 et seq. and Ms.11.217.
पञ्चगव्य n.
पञ्चगव्य n. the 5 products of the cow (viz. milk, coagulated or sour milk, butter, and the liquid and solid excreta)
सचैलम् ind.
सचैल mfn. equals -cela- ( sacailam am- ind.) ; सचैलम् ind. sacaila ADV. ‘with clothes on’ ; सचेल mfn. having clothes, clothed, dressed ; sacela सचेल a. Dressed.
चेल n. celam चेलम् 1 A garment; कुसुम्भारुणं चारु चेलं वसाना Jagannātha. -2 (At the end of comp.) Bad, wicked, vile; भार्याचेलम् ‘a bad wife.’ -Comp. -आशकः a moth. -क्नोपम् ind. So as to wet the clothes (rain) P. III.4.33. -गङ्गा N. of a river near Gokarṇa. -चीरा a piece torn off from a garment; विपन्नं गलमुद्बध्य दृढया चेलचीरया Rāj. T.4.574. -निर्णेजकः, -प्रक्षालकः a washerman; श्ववतां शौण्डिकानां च चेलनिर्णेजकस्य च Ms.4.216.
प्राघूर्ण m.
प्राघूर्ण m. (literally”one who goes forth deviously”) wanderer, guest ; prāghūrṇa m. [going forth devious ly, wanderer], guest: -ka, m. id.; i-ka, m. id.; n. hospitable reception.
√घूर्ण् VI [घूर्णते, घूर्णति ghūrṇ घूर्ण् 1 Ā., 6. P. [घूर्णते, घूर्णति, घूर्णित] To roll about, move to and fro, whirl, turn round, shake, reel, stagger; योषितामतिमदेन जुघूर्णुर्विभ्रमातिशयपूंषि वपूंषि Śi.1.32; भयात्केचिदघूणिषुः Bk.15.32,118; Śi.11.18; अद्यापि तां सुरतजागरघूर्णमानाम् Ch. P.5; भूपालाः कमलाविलासमदिरोन्मील- न्मदाघूर्णिताः Bv.4.42. -Caus. (घूर्णयति-ते) To cause to shake, reel or roll about; नयनान्यरुणानि घूर्णयन् Ku.4.12; Śi.2.16; Bh.1.89 (with prepositions like आ, वि the root retains the same meaning).
निकर m.
निकर m. nikaraḥ निकरः [निकॄ भावादौ अप्] 1 A heap, pile. -2 A flock, multitude, collection; पपात स्वेदाम्बुप्रसर इव हर्षाश्रुनिकरः Gīt. 11;Śi.4.58; Ṛs.6.18. -3 A bundle. -4 Sap, pith, essence. -5 A suitable gift, honorarium. -6 A treasure. ; nikara m. dense mass, multitude; -kartana, n. cutting off; robbing; -karsha, m. diminution, depreciation; low degree; -kasha, m. rubbing in, friction; harrow; touchstone; n. streak of gold on the touch stone: -grâvan, m. touchstone; -kashana, m. n. touchstone; -kashâ, in. ad. near (ac.).
रुदित n.
रुदित n. rudita pp.; n. weeping, wailing, howling. ; रुदित mfn. wept, lamented etc. weeping, crying, lamenting ; रुदित mfn. wet with tears ; रुदित n. weeping, crying, lamentation
अभिनवसेवकविनय m.
अभिनवसेवकविनय m. DIVIDE THUS:
(अभिनव)सेवक + विनय = ‘the flattery of a new servant’
विपक्ष adj.
विपक्ष adj. vipakṣa विपक्ष a. 1 Hostile, inimical, adverse, contrary. -2 Impartial. -क्षः 1 An enemy, adversary, opponent; गुणास्तस्य विपक्षे$पि गुणिनो लेभिरे$न्तरम् R.17.75; Śi.11.59. -2 A rival or fellow wife; प्रेमगर्वितविपक्षमत्सरात् R.19. 2. -3 A disputant; हृतोत्तरं तत्त्वविचारमध्ये वक्तेव दोषैर्गुरुभि- र्विपक्षम् Ki.17.43. -4 (In logic) A negative instance, an instance on the opposite side, (i. e. that is which the साध्य or major term is not found); निश्चितसाध्याभाववान् विपक्षः T. S.; Mu.5.1. -5 (In gram.) An exception. -6 Impartiality, indifference. -7 The day of transition from one-half of a lunar month to another. -Comp. -भावः, वृत्तिः f. hostility; विपक्षभावे चिरमस्य तस्युषः R.3.62. -रमणी a female rival.
निष्ठुर adj.
निष्ठुर adj. niṣṭhura निष्ठुर a. [नि-स्था-उरच् षत्वटुत्वे] 1 Hard, rugged, coarse, rough. -2 Severe, sharp, smart (as a bow); जज्ञे जनै- र्मुकुलिताक्षमनाददाने संरब्धहस्तिपकनिष्ठुरचोदनाभिः Śi.5.49. -3 Cruel, harsh, hard-hearted (said of persons or things); व्यवसायः प्रतिपत्तिनिष्ठुरः R.8.65;3.62. -4 Motionless, stiff. -5 Contumelious. -6 Harsh, jarring; प्रक्षिप्य व्यनदन्नादं वज्रनिष्पेषनिष्टुरम् Bhāg.1.55.19. -रम् A harsh speech, abusive language.
प्रणिधि m.
प्रणिधि m. praṇidhiḥ प्रणिधिः 1 Observing, spying out. -2 Sending out spies. -3 A spy, an emissary; अध्यापितस्योशनसापि नीतिं प्रयुक्तरागप्रणिधिद्विषस्ते Ku.3.6; R.17.48; Ms.7.153; 8.182. -4 An attendant, a follower. -5 Care, attention. -6 Solicitation, entreaty, request; ‘प्रणिधिः प्रार्थने चरे’ Yādava. -7 A method of driving an elephant; Mātaṅga L.12.6.8. (There are three kinds of प्रणिधिs : by speech, feet and look.)
प्रणिधि m.
प्रणिधि m. praṇidhiḥ प्रणिधिः 1 Observing, spying out. -2 Sending out spies. -3 A spy, an emissary; अध्यापितस्योशनसापि नीतिं प्रयुक्तरागप्रणिधिद्विषस्ते Ku.3.6; R.17.48; Ms.7.153; 8.182. -4 An attendant, a follower. -5 Care, attention. -6 Solicitation, entreaty, request; ‘प्रणिधिः प्रार्थने चरे’ Yādava. -7 A method of driving an elephant; Mātaṅga L.12.6.8. (There are three kinds of प्रणिधिs : by speech, feet and look.)