B&K.2+3_P.063 Flashcards
परिवेष्ट्य (verb form)
परिवेष्ट्य = ‘having surrounded (the tree with their army of owls)’ = GD FROM √परिवेष्ट् Caus. -veṣṭayati-, to wrap up, cover, clothe, surround, embrace etc. ; to cause to shrink up, contract (Bombay edition saṃ-v-). [USED HERE IN JUST THE SAME WAY AS WE SAY THAT A GENERAL ‘INVESTED’ {=”BESIEGED, SURROUNDED”} A FORTRESS IN SOME PAST WAR…]
वन्दिन् m.
वन्दिन् m. वन्दिन् mfn. praising, honouring (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’) (see 1. bandin-,”a praiser”,”bard”) ; vandin वन्दिन् m. A panegyrist, bard, an encomiast, a herald; धर्मच्छेदात् पटुतरगिरो वन्दिनो नीलकण्ठाः V.4.13; (the bards form a distinct caste sprung from a Kṣatriya father and a Śūdra mother). -2 A captive, prisoner.
स्तूयमानो वन्दिभिः = ‘being praised by his court poets’
व्यापाद्य mfn ADJECTIVE
व्यापाद्य mfn ADJECTIVE. = ‘needing to be killed’ = GD व्यापादय् व्यापादय्
तन्न यावद्दुर्गं समाश्रयन्ति तावदेव पृष्ठतो गत्वा व्यापाद्या भवन्ति । = ‘So while they do not (yet) take shelter in (another) fortress, during this time they are to be killed (by us) having come (upon them) from behind’
वृति f. (वृत्ति in B&K is an error)
वृति f. HERE I THINK IT MEANS “a trellis upon which tender growing plants can lean for support”
a hedge, fence, an enclosed piece of ground or place enclosed for particular cultivation (especially that of the Piper Betel, which in many parts of India is surrounded and screened by mats)
सामग्री f.
सामग्री f. (fr. sam-agra-) totality, entirety, completeness, (especially) a complete collection or assemblage of implements or materials, apparatus, baggage, goods and chattels, furniture, effects ; सामग्री f. a means for (kā te sāmagrī-,”what means have you at your disposal?”) ; sāmagrī सामग्री [समग्रस्य भावः ष्यञ् स्त्रीत्वपक्षे ङीषि यलोपः Tv.] 1 A collection or assemblage of materials, apparatus, furniture; इतीयं सामग्री भवति हरभक्तिं स्पृहयताम् Bh.3.155. -2 Effects, goods. -3 Stock, provision.
प्रस्ताव m.
प्रस्ताव m. prastāvaḥ प्रस्तावः 1 Beginning, commencement. -2 An introduction. -3 Mention, allusion, reference; नाममात्रप्रस्तावः Ś.7. -4 An occasion, opportunity, time, season; fit or proper time; त्वराप्रस्तावोयं न खलु परिहासस्य विषयः Māl.9. 45; शिष्याय बृहतां पत्युः प्रस्तावमदिशद् दृशा Śi.2.68. -5 The occasion of a discourse, subject, topic. -6 The prologue of a drama; see प्रस्तावना below. -7 The prelude or introductory words of a Sāman; लोकेषु पञ्चविधं सामोपासीत पृथिवी हिंकारो$ग्निः प्रस्तावः˚ Ch. Up.2.2.1. -8 An introductory praise. (प्रस्तावे ind. on a suitable occasion, seasonably. प्रस्तावेन 1 incidentally, occasionally. -2 suitably). -Comp. -यज्ञः a conversation in which each interlocutor takes a part. -सदृश a. suited to the occasion, appropriate.
प्रस्ताव m.
प्रस्ताव m. prastāvaḥ प्रस्तावः 1 Beginning, commencement. -2 An introduction. -3 Mention, allusion, reference; नाममात्रप्रस्तावः Ś.7. -4 An occasion, opportunity, time, season; fit or proper time; त्वराप्रस्तावोयं न खलु परिहासस्य विषयः Māl.9. 45; शिष्याय बृहतां पत्युः प्रस्तावमदिशद् दृशा Śi.2.68. -5 The occasion of a discourse, subject, topic. -6 The prologue of a drama; see प्रस्तावना below. -7 The prelude or introductory words of a Sāman; लोकेषु पञ्चविधं सामोपासीत पृथिवी हिंकारो$ग्निः प्रस्तावः˚ Ch. Up.2.2.1. -8 An introductory praise. (प्रस्तावे ind. on a suitable occasion, seasonably. प्रस्तावेन 1 incidentally, occasionally. -2 suitably). -Comp. -यज्ञः a conversation in which each interlocutor takes a part. -सदृश a. suited to the occasion, appropriate.
दशा f.
दशा f. daśā = -6 State, condition, circumstances; दशा 1 The threads at the end of a piece of woven cloth, the fringe of a garment, the skirt, edge or hem of a garment; रक्तांशुकं पवनलोलदशं वहन्ती Mk.1.2; छिन्नां इवाम्बरपटस्य दशाः पतन्ति 5.4. -2 The wick of a lamp; श्रेयोदशाग्रे स्फुरन् Bh.3.129; Ku.4.3. -3 Age or time of life; see दशान्त below. -4 A period or stage of life; as बाल्य, यौवन, &c.; दारक्रियायोग्यदशं च पुत्रम् R.5.4. -5 A period in general. -6 State, condition, circumstances; नीचैर्गच्छत्युपरि च दशा चक्रनेमिक्रमेण Me.111; विषमां हि दशां प्राप्य दैवं गर्हयते नरः H.4.3. -7 State or condition of mind. -8 The result of actions, fate. -9 The aspect or position of planets (at birth). -1 The mind, understanding. -Comp. -अंशः, भागः bad days, straitened condition; परिमृष्टो दशान्तेन दशभागेन सेव्यते Rām.3.72.8. -अधिपतिः, -ईशः the sun; (for other meanings see under दशन्). -अन्तः 1 the end of a wick. -2 the end of life; निर्विष्टविषयस्नेहः स दशान्तमुपेयिवान् R.12.1. (where the word is used in both senses.) -अन्तरम् different states, vicissitudes of life; Ś.4.2. -अन्तरः, इन्धनः a lamp, -कर्षः, -कर्षिन् m. 1 the end of garment. -2 a lamp. -पाकः, -विपाकः 1 the fulfilment of fate; शुभं दशापाकम् Bṛi. S.95.61. -2 a changed condition of life. -फलम् future fate of a man; अशुभेष्वशुभं दशाफलम् Bṛi. S.7.26. -विपर्यासः ill-luck, misfortune.
विरोध m.
विरोध m. virodhaḥ विरोधः 1 Opposition, obstruction, impediment. -2 Blockade, siege, investment. -3 Restraint, check. -4 Inconsistency, incongruity, contradiction; विरोधो न विद्यते ब्रह्माद्वितीयमेव सत्यम् । (-त्रिपाद्विभूतिमहानारायणोपनिषत् 4.2.) -5 Antithesis, contrast. -6 Enmity, hostility; विरोधो विश्रान्तः U.6.11; Pt.1.332; R.1.13. -7 A quarrel, disagreement. -8 A calamity, misfortune. -9 (In Rhet.) An apparent incongruity which is merely verbal and is explained away by properly construing the passage; it consists in representing objects as antithetical to one another though in the nature of things they are not so; representing things as being together though really they cannot be together; (this figure is largely used by Bāṇa and Subandhu; पुष्पवत्यपि पवित्रा, कृष्णो$प्यसुदर्शनः, भरतो$पि शत्रुघ्नः being familiar instances;) it is thus defined by Mammaṭa :– विरोधः सो$विरोधे- $पि विरुद्धत्वेन यद्वचः K. P.1; this figure is also called विरोधाभास). -Comp. -उक्तिः f., -वचनम् contradiction, opposition. -उपमा (in Rhet.) a comparison founded on opposition; शतपत्रं शरच्चन्द्रस्त्वदाननमिति त्रयम् । परस्परविरोधीति सा विरोधोपमा मता ॥ Kāv.2.33. -कारिन् a. fomenting quarrels. -कृत् a. opposing. (-m.) an enemy. -परिहारः reconciliation; Kull. on Ms.7.152.
भूति f.
भूति f. bhūti भूति f. [भू-क्तिन्] 1 Being, existence. -2 Birth, production. -3 Well-being, welfare, happiness, prosperity; प्रजानामेव भूत्यर्थं स ताभ्यो बलिमग्रहीत् R.1.18; नरपतिकुलभूत्यै 2.75; स वो$स्तु भूत्यै भगवान् मुकुन्दः Vikr.1.2. -4 Success, good fortune. -5 Wealth, riches, fortune; विपत्प्रतीकारपरेण मङ्गलं निषेव्यते भूतिसमुत्सुकेन वा Ku.5.76. -6 Grandeur, dignity, majesty. -7 Ashes; भृतभूतिरहीनभोगभाक् Śi.16.71 (where भूति means ‘riches’ also); स्फुटोपमं भूतिसितेन शंभुना 1.4. -3 Decoration of elephants with coloured stripes; भक्तिच्छेदैरिव विरचितां भूतिमङ्गे गजस्य Me.19. -9 The superhuman power attainable by the practice of penance or magical rites; सूक्ष्मात् सूक्ष्मतमो$णीयान् शीघ्रत्वं लघिमागुणः । महिमाशेषपूज्यत्वात् प्राप्तिर्नाप्राप्यमस्य यत् ॥ प्राकाम्यस्य व्यापित्वादीशित्वं चेश्वरो यतः । वशित्वाद्वशिमा नाम योगिनः सप्तमो गुणः ॥ यत्रेच्छा स्थानमप्युक्तं यत्र कामावसायिता ॥ Mārk. P.4.31-33. -1 Fried meat. -11 The rutting of elephants. -तिः m. 1 An epithet of Śiva. -2 Of Viṣṇu. -3 Of a class of Manes. -Comp. -अर्थम् ind. for the sake of prosperity. -कर्मन् n. any auspicious or festive rite. -काम a. desirous of prosperity. (-मः) 1 a minister of state. -2 an epithet of Bṛihaspati. -कालः a happy or auspicious hour. -कीलः 1 a hole, pit. -2 a meat. -3 a cellar, an underground room. -कृत् m. 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 a class of Manes. -कृत्यम् see भूतिकर्मन्; श्रोत्रियः श्रोत्रियं साधुं भूतिकृत्येष्वभोजयन् Ms.8.393. -गर्भः an epithet of Bhavabhūti. -दः an epithet of Śiva. -विधानम् the lunar mansion called धनिष्ठा. -भूषणः an epithet of Śiva. -वाहनः an epithet of Śiva. -सृज् a. creating welfare.
वेतसवृत्ति mfn.
वेतसवृत्ति mfn. acting or pliant as a reed
वेत m. vetaḥ वेतः A cane, reed.
अशङ्कमान adj.
अशङ्कमान adj. aśaṅkamāna adj. not doubting (FOLLOWED BY INDIRECT STATEMENT), thinking SOMETHING TO BE THE CASE without a doubt, being certain of the fact that X IS Y, ETC.
उपप्रदान n.
उपप्रदान n. upapradānam उपप्रदानम् 1 Delivering over, entrusting. -2 A bribe, present; Rām.6.13.7. उपप्रदानैर्मार्जारो हितकृत्प्रा- र्थ्यते जनैः Pt.1.95. -3 A tribute.
यत्कतमेन … । तन्न …
यत्कतमेन … । तन्न …
“By having gone by road have the crows disappeared? [WE NEED TO KNOW THIS BECAUSE] While they are still not ensconced in their new location [BY HAVING TRAVELED BY THAT ROAD], during that time we need to follow them up and kill them.”
व्यक्तम् INDC
व्यक्तम् INDC clearly, manifestly, certainly, no doubt, evidently, to be sure, for certain