B&K.2+3_P.016 Flashcards
गोप्तृ adj.
= “Kubera (‘the Lord of Wealth’)” HERE ; गोप्तृ adj. goptṛ गोप्तृ a. (-प्त्री f.) [गुप् तृच्] 1 A protector, preserver, guardian; तस्मिन्वनं गोप्तरि गाहमाने R.2.14;1.55; M.5. 2; Bg.11.18. -2 One who hides or conceals; स्वरन्ध्र- गोप्ता Y.1.311. -m. An epithet of Visnu. ; गोप्तृ mf(tr/ī- )n. (gaRa yājakādi- ) one who preserves or protects or defends or cherishes (superl. g/opiṣṭha-. ) etc. (n(ptṛ-). )
महेश्वर m.
महेश्वर m. a great lord, sovereign, chief ; महेश्वर m. a god (opp. to prakṛti-) ; महेश्वर m. Name of various gods (especially of śiva- and of kṛṣṇa-; plural of the loka-pāla-s or guardians of the world, viz. indra-, agni-, yama- and varuṇa-)
करीश्वर m.
(“Always in rut, the emaciated elephant is praised indeed - the un-giving, fat-bodied ass, however, is indeed blameworthy.” THE [ŚLEṢA] HERE IS PROBABLY NOT WORTH PRESSING. BUT THE FIRST LINE COULD MEAN “Always generous, the Sun (even) when eclipsed/cloud-covered, is praiseworthy, [but the ass…]” NO REAL POINT TO THAT READING, THOUGH.)
करीश्वर m. = ‘lord of elephants’ (करिन् = ‘elephant’ [FROM कर ‘hand/trunk’] + ईशवर m. ‘lord’)
BUT ALSO CONCEIVABLY [ŚLEṢA] = ‘the lord of the Sun’s rays’, I.E. the Sun
सदादान mfn.
(“Always in rut, the emaciated elephant is praised indeed - the un-giving, fat-bodied ass, however, is indeed blameworthy.” THE [ŚLEṢA] HERE IS PROBABLY NOT WORTH PRESSING. BUT THE FIRST LINE COULD MEAN “Always generous, the Sun (even) when eclipsed/cloud-covered, is praiseworthy, [but the ass…]” NO REAL POINT TO THAT READING, THOUGH.)
सदादान n. (See 1. dāna-) “always giving”, liberality ; सदादान mfn. always liberal ; सदादान mfn. (See 2. dāna-) always exuding rut-fluid (as an elephant) ; सदादान mfn. an elephant in rut ; सदादान mfn. Name of airāvata- (the elephant of indra-) ; सदादान mfn. of gaṇeśa-
[ŚLEṢA : दान n. = (1) gift, (2) rut]
परिक्षीण adj.
(“Always in rut, the emaciated elephant is praised indeed - the un-giving, fat-bodied ass, however, is indeed blameworthy.” THE [ŚLEṢA] HERE IS PROBABLY NOT WORTH PRESSING. BUT THE FIRST LINE COULD MEAN “Always generous, the Sun (even) when eclipsed/cloud-covered, is praiseworthy, [but the ass…]” NO REAL POINT TO THAT READING, THOUGH.)
परिक्षीण adj. parikṣīṇa परिक्षीण p. p. 1 Vanished, disappeared. -2 Wasted, decayed. -3 Emaciated, worn away, exhausted; सदादानः परिक्षीणः शस्त एव करीश्वरः Pt.2.75. -4 Impoverished, entirely ruined; परिक्षीणः कश्चित् स्पृहयति यवानां प्रसृतये Bh.2.45. -5 Lost, destroyed. -6 Diminished, decreased; प्राण˚ Pt.4.23. -7 (In law) Insolvent.
क्षीण is PPP from √क्षि V क्षिणोति (Gk. φθίνω) ‘to destroy, corrupt, ruin, cause to waste away’
प्रसारितकर adj.
प्रसारितकर adj. ‘(the Sun) with rays/hands (कर) outstretched (प्रसारित)’
[ŚLEṢA : (1) hand (friend), (2) ray (Sun): मित्र HERE CAN MEAN BOTH (1) friend and (2) Sun, SO hand:friend::ray:Sun]
काले पात्रे च
काले पात्रे च = ‘at the (right) time and to the (right) person’
मस्तक m.
[~ कपाल m./n.]
मस्तक m. mastakaḥ मस्तकः कम् [मस्मति परिमात्यनेन मस्-करणे त स्वार्थे क Tv.] 1 The head, skull; अतिलोभा (v. l. तृष्णा) भिभूतस्य चक्रं भ्रमति मस्तके Pt.5.22. -2 The head or top of anything, peak, summit; न च पर्वतमस्तके Ms.4.47; वृक्ष˚, चुल्ली˚ &c. -3 The tuft of leaves growing at the top of palm trees. -Comp. -आख्यः the top of a tree. -उद्भवः the brain. -ज्वरः, -शूलम् an acute head-ache. -पिण्डकः, -कम् a round protuberance on the temples of an elephant in rut. -मूलकम् the neck. -लुङ्गः the membrane surrounding the brain. -स्नेहः 1 the brain. -2 an oily substance appearing on the head.
मस्तक m.
[~ कपाल m./n.]
मस्तक m. mastakaḥ मस्तकः कम् [मस्मति परिमात्यनेन मस्-करणे त स्वार्थे क Tv.] 1 The head, skull; अतिलोभा (v. l. तृष्णा) भिभूतस्य चक्रं भ्रमति मस्तके Pt.5.22. -2 The head or top of anything, peak, summit; न च पर्वतमस्तके Ms.4.47; वृक्ष˚, चुल्ली˚ &c. -3 The tuft of leaves growing at the top of palm trees. -Comp. -आख्यः the top of a tree. -उद्भवः the brain. -ज्वरः, -शूलम् an acute head-ache. -पिण्डकः, -कम् a round protuberance on the temples of an elephant in rut. -मूलकम् the neck. -लुङ्गः the membrane surrounding the brain. -स्नेहः 1 the brain. -2 an oily substance appearing on the head.
पुलिन्द m.
पुलिन्द m. plural () Name of a barbarous tribe ; पुलिन्द m. (sg.) a man or the king of this tribe ; पुलिन्द m. a barbarian, mountaineer
ऋद्धिः f.
ऋद्धिः f. ṛddhiḥ ऋद्धिः f. [ऋध्-भावे क्तिन्] 1 Growth, increase. नियमर्द्धये Bhāg.12.8.9. -2 Success, prosperity; affluence, good fortune. तेषामृद्धिरतीवात्र Bhāg.3.139.8. -3 Elevation, exaltation, greatness. संजीवितः शिशुरसौ मम चेयमृद्धिः U.2.11. -4 (a) Extent, magnitude, excellence; परिच्छिन्नप्रभावर्द्धिर्न मया न च विष्णुना Ku.2.58. (b) Grandeur, magnificence; व्यक्तर्धि वः क्रीडितम् Māl.5.22. -5 Supernatural power or supremacy, perfection. -6 Accomplishment. -7 Prosperity personified as the wife of Kubera. -8 N. of Pārvatī, and of Lakṣmī. -9 N. of a medicinal plant; (Mar. केवणी, मुरुडशेंग) -1 magic; M. W. -Comp. -काम a. desiring increase or prosperity. -साक्षात्क्रिया manifestation of supernatural power.
क्रोड m.
[CAN ~ कोटर m. / n. BUT HERE IT MEANS ‘a wild boar, a hog’]
क्रोड m. kroḍaḥ क्रोडः [क्रुङ् घनीभावे संज्ञायां घञ्] 1 A hog; भ्रातर्येवं विनि- हते हरिणा क्रोडमूर्तिना Bhāg.7.2.1. -2 The hollow of a tree, cavity; हा हा हन्त तथापि जन्मविटपिक्रोडे मनो धावति Udb. -3 The chest, bosom, breast; क्रोडीकृ to clasp to the bosom; क्रोडीकरोति प्रथमं यथा जातमनित्यता । धात्रीव जननी पश्चा- त्तथा शोकस्य कः क्रमः ॥ Nāg.4; Bh.2.35. -4 The middle part of anything; Vikr.11.75; see क्रोड (n.) -5 An epithet of the planet Saturn. -डम्, -डा 1 The breast, chest, the part between the shoulders; Rām.5.24.4. -2 The interior of anything, a cavity, hollow; उदया- स्ताचलावेतौ यत्क्रोडे बाल्यवार्धके Mv.7.23. -3 The breast of a horse. -4 The lap; U.4. -डी A sow; हा वत्स्यामि कथं क्रोडीगर्भे Ks.53.12. -Comp. -अङ्कः, -अङ्घ्रिः, -पादः a tortoise. -कान्ता the earth. -पत्रम् 1 marginal writing. -2 a post script to a letter. -3 a supplement. -4 a codicil to a will.
अञ्जन n.
अञ्जन n. act of applying an ointment or pigment, embellishing, etc., black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids
निशित adj.
निशित adj.niśita निशित a. 1 Sharpened, whetted, sharp; धनुर्गृहीत्वौप- निषदं महास्त्रं शरं ह्युपासा निशितं संधयीत Muṇd.2.2.3; निशित- निपाताः शराः Ś.1.1; नागेन्द्रो निशिताङ्कुशेन Bh. -2 Stimulated. -तम् Iron. -ता Night.
सायक m.
सायक m. sāyakaḥ सायकः [सो-ण्वुल्] 1 An arrow; तत् साधुकृतसंधानं प्रतिसंहर सायकम् Ś.1.11. -2 A sword. -3 The number ‘five’ -4 The latitude of the sky. -Comp. -पुङ्खः the feathered part of an arrow; सक्ताङ्गुलिः सायकपुङ्ख एव R.2.31.