B&K.2+3_P.012 Flashcards
सोत्कण्ठ mf(ā-)n.
सोत्कण्ठ mf(ā-)n. having an ardent desire, ardently longing for (prati-) ; सोत्कण्ठ mf(ā-)n. bewailing, regretting, grieving at (compound)
utkaṇṭha उत्कण्ठ a. [उन्नतः कण्ठो यस्य] 1 Having the neck uplifted, ready, on the point of (doing anything), in comp.; आज्ञावचनोत्कण्ठः Ś.2; रथस्वनोत्कण्ठमृगे वाल्मीकीये तपोवने R.15.11. -2 (Hence) Anxious, eager. -ण्ठः, -ण्ठा A mode of sexual enjoyment.
utkaṇṭhate उत्कण्ठते Den. Ā. 1 To be anxious, pine or be sorry for; Ś.4; Śi.9.54. -2 To yearn, be eagerly desirous of (with gen. or dat.); स्वर्गाय नोत्कण्ठते V.3,4; Mv.6; उत्कण्ठते च युष्मत्सन्निकर्षस्य U.6; 6.21; Māl.4; Bk.5.75. -Caus. (उत्कण्ठयति) To create anxiety or longing, inspire with tender emotions; Bh.1.35; Ghaṭ.5.
कर्पूर adj.
karpūraḥ कर्पूरः रम् [Un.4.9.] Camphor. -Comp. -अश्मन् Crystal. -केलिः N. of a flamingo; H. -खण्डः 1 a field of camphor. -2 a piece of camphor. -तैलम् camphor liniment. -नालिका a kind of food. -मञ्जरी N. of a drama by Rājaśekhara. -मणिः 1 a kind of jewel. -2 a white mineral (used in medicine) -रसः Quicksilver. -स्तवः a reputed panegyric in तन्त्रशास्त्र.
तुहिन adj.
तुहिन adj. tuhina तुहिन a. [तुह्-इनन् ह्रस्वश्च Uṇ.2.52] Cold, frigid. -नम् 1 Snow, ice; Pt.2.59. -2 Dew or frost; तृणाग्र- लग्नैस्तुहिनैः पतद्भिः Ṛs.4.7;3.15. -3 Moonlight. -4 Camphor. -Comp. -अंशुः, -करः, -किरणः, -गुः, -द्युतिः, -रश्मिः, -रुचिः, the moon; Śi.9.3 नाभ्यर्थ्यन्ते तुहिन- रुचिना चन्द्रिकायां चकोराः Sūkti.5.25. -2 camphor. -अचलः, -अद्रिः, -शैलः the Himālaya mountain; स्वदेह- परिवेषेण रक्ष्यते तुहिनाद्रिणा Ks.73.82; ज्वलितेन गुहागतं तम- स्तुहिनाद्रेरिव नक्तमोषधिः R.8.54. -कणः 1 a dew-drop; Amaru.54. -2 a snow-flake. -शर्करा ice.
षोडशी कला
षोडशी कला = ‘a 1/16th part’
गात्र n.
गात्र n. gātram गात्रम् [गै त्रन् गातुरिदम् वा, अण्; cf. Uṇ.4.168] 1 The body; अपचितमपि गात्रं व्यायतत्वादलक्ष्यम् Ś.2.4; तपति तनु- गात्रि मदनः 3.16. -2 A limb or member of the body; गुरुपरितापानि न ते गात्रण्युपचारमर्हन्ति Ś.3.17; Ms.2.29; 5.19. -3 The fore-quarter of an elephant. -त्रा The earth. -Comp. -अनुलेपनी a fragrant unguent applied to the body. -आवरणम् a shield; Mb.7.2.28. -उत्सादनम् cleaning the body with perfumes; Ms.2.211. -कर्षण a. emaciating or weakening the body. -भङ्गः, -भञ्जनम् stretching one’s limbs. -मार्जनी a towel. -यष्टिः f. a thin or slender body; रोमाञ्चलक्ष्येण स गात्रयष्टिं भित्त्वा निराक्रामद- रालकेश्याः R.6.81. -रुहम् the hair on the body; नेत्रे जलं गात्ररुहेषु हर्षः Bhāg.2.3.24. -लता a thin or tender body, slim figure. -वेष्टनम् spasmodic sensation; Charak 6.27. -संकोचिन् m. the pole-cat; (so called because it contracts its body in order to spring); a hedgehog; cf. Vaj.24.36. com. -संप्लवः a small bird, the diver.
निपुणतरम् ज्ञात्वा
निपुणतरम् ज्ञात्वा = ‘having considered rather carefully and then recognized’ (OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT)
न संयक्
न संयक् = ‘not at all’ , WITH संयक् HERE = ‘completely, entirely’ : CONTRAST THIS WITH THE MORE COMMON MEANING OF संयक् = ‘correctly’
सम्यञ्च् mfn. (fr. sami-= sam-2+ 2. añc- see ; Nominal verb samy/an-, samīc/ī-,or sam/īcī-, samy/ak-) going along with or together, turned together or in one direction, combined, united (accusative with dhā-,”to unite or provide with”[ accusative or dative case of Persian and instrumental case or accusative of thing]) , entire, whole, complete, all (samyañcaḥ- sarve-,”all together”) ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. turned towards each other, facing one another ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. lying in one direction, forming one line (as foot steps) ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. correct, accurate, proper, true, right ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. uniform, same, identical ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. pleasant, agreeable ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. in one line, straight (opp. to akṣṇayā-,”obliquely”) ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. completely, wholly, thoroughly, by all means (with na-,”by no means, not at all”) ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. correctly, truly, properly, fitly, in the right way or manner, well, duly (with kṛ-,”to make good [a promise]”) ; सम्यञ्च् mfn. distinctly, clearly ;
samyak ad. (n. of samyañk), RV., E.: in one direction, together; C.: rightly, correctly, truly, duly, properly (sts. pred. in stead of a.); entirely, completely (rare; with na, not at all): -kri, make true (a promise); -sthâ, associate with (lc.): -tâ, f. rightness, correct manner; -tva, n. id.; perfection; -pâlana, n. due protection; -prayoga, m. correct employment: in., ab. by the employ ment of proper means; -samkalpa, m.correct will; -sambodha, m. complete enlighten ment (of Buddha).
सलिलान्तः = सलिलान्तर् (COMPOUND) = सलिल n. ‘water’ + अन्तर् ind. within, between, amongst, in the middle or interior. (As a preposition with locative case) in the middle, in, between, into; (with accusative) between; (with genitive case) in, in the middle. (ifc.) in, into, in the middle of, between, out of the midst of ([ confer, compare Zend $; Latin inter; Gothic undar]).
प्रवाह m.
प्रवाह m. pravāhaḥ प्रवाहः 1 Flowing or streaming forth. -2 A stream, course, current; प्रवाहस्ते वारां श्रियमयमपारां दिशतु नः G. L.2; R.5.46;13.1,48; Ku.1.54; Me.48. -3 Flow, running water. -4 Continuous flow, unbroken succession, continuity. -5 Course of events (rolling onward like a stream). -6 Activity, active occupation. -7 A pond, lake. -8 Course or direction towards. -9 An excellent horse. (प्रवाहेमूत्रितम् means (lit.) making water in a stream; (fig.) doing a useless action).
क्षालन n.
क्षालन n. kṣālanam क्षालनम् [क्षल्-भावे ल्युट्] 1 Washing, cleansing (with water); तत्क्षालनाय यास्यामि तीर्थान्युज्झितमत्सरः Ks.52.239. -2 Sprinkling.
परिष्वङ्ग m.
परिष्वङ्ग m. embracing, an embrace ; परिष्वङ्ग m. touch, contact with (compound)
= परि +
( सु + अङ्ग ) APTE svaṅgaḥ स्वङ्गः An embrace. ; MW स्वङ्ग mfn. having a beautiful body, well-shaped, fair-limbed ; स्वङ्ग n. a good or handsome limb
मूल्यविवर्जित mfn.
मूल्यविवर्जित mfn. devoid of price, priceless, invaluable
HERE मूल्य n. = ‘price’ == अर्घ m. ( arh-), worth, value, price, Mn
मूल्य n. (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ f(ā-).) original value, value, price, worth, a sum of money given as payment (exempli gratia, ‘for example’ dātum mūlyena-,to part with for a certain price, sell; dattvā kiṃcin mūlyena-,having given something in payment; mūlyena- grah-,to buy for a price, buy; mūlyena- mārg-,to seek to buy) etc
अभ्याश adj.
DISTINGUISH अभ्याश (M.) FROM अभ्यास (m.) !!!
BUT NOTE MW’S COMMENT BELOW: “also written 1. abhy-āsa-“ - AND THE FACT THAT THEY ARE BOTH BASICALLY MEANING THE SAME THING: ‘proximate/proximity ; near/neighborhood” …
अभ्याश m. (also written 1. abhy-āsa-) reaching to, pervading
अभ्याश adj. abhyāśa अभ्याश a. Near, proximate. -शः 1 Reaching to, pervading. -2 Proximate neighbourhood, vicinity (also written as अभ्यास q. v.); वायसाभ्याशे समुपविष्टः Pt.2; सहसाभ्यागतां भैमीमभ्याशपरिवर्तिनीम् Mb., Dk.62. -3 Result, consequence. -4 Prospect, hope of gaining; hence oft. used in the sense of ‘quickly’.
FROM अभि + आश m. (1. aś-), reaching, obtaining (see dur-.)
√अश् (in classical Sanskrit only) A1. aśnute- (Aorist 3. plural āśiṣata- ; perf. ānaśe- Vedic forms are: aśnoti-,etc.; subjunctive aśnavat-,etc.; Aorist P. ānaṭ- (2. & 3. sg.,frequently in )and A1. aṣṭa-or /āṣṭa-,3. plural āśata-(frequently in )or /ākṣiṣur-[ ] subjunctive /akṣat-[ ] Potential 1. plural aśema- preceding aśyās-(2. & 3. sg.) etc. Potential A1.1. sg. aśīya-and plural aśīmahi-, Imper. aṣṭu-[ ]; perf. ānaṃśa-(thrice in )or ānāśa-[ ] or āśa-[ ] , 2. plural ānaś/a-3. plural ānaś/uh-(frequently in )or āśuh-[ ] A1. ānaś/o- subjunctive 1. plural a anaśāmahai-[ ] Potential 1. sg. ānasyām-, parasmE-pada ānaśān/a-[ ];Inf. aṣṭave- ) to reach, come to, reach, come to, arrive at, get, gain, obtain etc. ; (said of an evil, aṃhati-, /aṃhas-, gr/āhi-) to visit ; to master, become master of. ; to offer ; to enjoy ; to pervade, penetrate, fill ; to accumulate : Desiderative aśiśiṣate- Intensive aśāśyate-
अभ्यास (m.)
DISTINGUISH अभ्याश (M.) FROM अभ्यास (m.) !!! BUT NOTE THE FACT THAT THEY ARE BOTH BASICALLY MEANING THE SAME THING: ‘proximate/proximity ; near/neighborhood” …
अभ्यास (m.) ‘vicinity, proximity, neighborhood’, hence नगराभ्यास = ‘the vicinity of a city’
The basic meaning of this word is ‘addition, something added onto’ (from अभि + √अस् IVअस्यति ‘to throw at/against/upon’). This same word means ‘reduplication’ in grammatical terminology (e.g. As in the perfect tense, etc.). It also means ‘study’.
abhyāsaḥ अभ्यासः 1 Repetition in general; व्याख्याता व्याख्याता इति पदाभ्यासो$ध्यायपरिसमाप्तिं द्योतयति S. B.; T.4.28 नाभ्यासक्रममीक्षते Pt.1.151; Ms.12.74; Y.3.322. cf. also अन्यायश्च कृते$भ्यासः । MS.1.3.26 -2 Repeated practice or exercise, contiuned practice or use; अविरतश्रमाभ्यासात् K.3, Pt.1.133; अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते Bg.6.35,44 by constant practice (to remain pure and unmodified); 12.12; योग˚ Y.3.51 practice of concentration; hence sometimes used for ‘concentration of mind upon one subject’; ˚निगृहीतेन मनसा R.1.23; so शर˚, अस्त्र˚ &c. -3 Habit, custom, practice; मिथ्योपपदात् कृञो$भ्यासे P.I. 3.71; तद् यथाभ्यासं अभिधीयताम् U.1 therefore address me as is your wont; अमङ्गलाभ्यासरतिम् Ku.5.65; Y.3.68. -4 Discipline in arms, exercise, military discipline. -5 Reciting, study, repeated reading or learning by heart; काव्यज्ञशिक्षयाभ्यासः K. P.1; K.146,2; Ms.5. 4; वेद˚ is of 5 kinds:- वेदस्वीकरणं पूर्वं विचारो$भ्यसनं जपः । तद्दानं चैव शिष्येभ्यो वेदाभ्यासो हि पञ्चधा ॥ Dakṣa. -6 vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood (for अभ्याश); चूतयष्टिरि- वाभ्यासे (शे) मधौ परभृतोन्मुखी Ku.6.2; (अभ्यासे-शे मधौ must mean here speaking to ‘Madhu who was near her’ scil. by having manifested himself before her, which fully preserves the simile of Pārvatī, herself silent, speaking to her lover who was near her through her friend); अर्पितेयं तवाभ्यासे सीता पुण्यव्रता वधूः U.7.17 given in your charge; Śi.3.4; अभ्यासा-शा-दागतः P.II. 1.38 Sk. (ragarded as an Aluk Compound). -7 (In gram.) Reduplication. -8 The first syllable of a reduplicated base, reduplicative syllable; पूर्वो$भ्यासः P.VI. 1.4; अत्र ये द्वे विहिते तयोः पूर्वो$भ्याससंज्ञः स्यात् Sk. -9 (In Math.) Multiplication. -1 (In poetry) Repetition of the last verses or lines (as of a chorus); chorus, burden of a song. -Comp. -गत a. approached, gone near. -परिवर्तिन् a. wandering about or near. -योगः abstraction of mind resulting from continuous deep meditation; अभ्यासयोगेन ततो मामिच्छाप्तुं धनञ्जय Bg. 12.9. -लोपः dropping of the reduplicative syllable. -व्यवायः interval caused by the reduplicative syllable; ˚ये$पि though separated by this syllable.
सिकता f.
सिकता f. (said to be fr. the above, but prob fr. sic-,p.1214) sand, gravel (mostly plural sg. also “a grain of sand”) etc.