B&K.2+3_P.036 Flashcards
विमुक्त adj.
विमुक्त adj.vimukta विमुक्त p. p. 1 Set free, released, liberated. -2 Abandoned, given up, quitted, left, let loose; वाजिनः स्यन्दने भानोर्विमुक्तप्रग्रहा इव Bk.7.5. -3 Freed from. -4 Hurled, discharged; विमुक्तः सर्वपापेभ्यो विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति. -5 Given vent to. -6 = युक्त; कुसुमरसविमुक्तं वस्त्रमागुण्ठितेव Rām.7.59.23 (com.) -7 Launched (as a ship). -8 Dispassionate. -Comp. -कण्ठ a. raising a loud cry, weeping bitterly. -मौनम् ind. breaking silence. -शाप a. released from the consequences of a curse.
उन्मुख adj.
उन्मुख adj. unmukha उन्मुख a. (-खी f.) [उद्-ऊर्ध्वं मुखं यस्य] 1 Raising the face, looking up; ˚दर्शन looking upwards; अद्रेः शृङ्गं हरति पवनः किंस्विदित्युन्मुखीभिः Me.14,15; R.1.39,11.26; आश्रम˚ 1.53. -2 Ready, intent on, on the point of, about to, prepared for; तमरण्यसमाश्रयोन्मुखम् R.8.12 about to retire to the woods; 16.9,3.12; उदयोन्मुख- चन्द्रिका M.5.7; भेदोन्मुखम् V.2.7; Ku.6.48. -3 Eager, waiting for, expecting, looking up to; तस्मिन् संयमिनामाद्ये जाते परिणयोन्मुखे Ku.6.34; लक्ष्मीरिव गुणोंन्मुखी R.12.26,6. 21,11.23. -4 Sounding, speaking or making a sound; परभृतोन्मुखी Ku.6.2 speaking through the cuckoo. -5 Coming from the mouth (मुखोत्पन्न); यस्तून्मुखत्वाद्वर्णानां मुख्यो$भूद् ब्राह्मणो गुरुः Bhāg.3.6.3.
अञ्चितगात्र adj. OR रोमाञ्चित adj.
अञ्चितगात्र = ‘with the body arched in the act of lovemaking’ BUT…
NO. THIS JUST MEANS ‘(possessed of a) horripilated body’. THAT’S ALL.
NOTE Sir M.-W. takes as रोमाञ्चित : अञ्च “curling”(of the hairs of the body, thrill of rapture), only at the end of romāñca- q.v =
रोमाञ्च m. (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ f(ā-).) thrill of the hair ; रोमाञ्च (fr. the prec.) Nom. P. cati-, to feel a thrill of joy or horror ; रोमाञ्चकञ्चुक m. a coat of mail consisting (as it were) of the down of the body erect through delight ; रोमाञ्चकिन् m. Name of a serpent-demon ; सरोमाञ्च mfn. idem or ‘mfn. idem or ‘mfn. having the hair bristling or thrilling with ecstacy ‘ ‘ ( saromāñcam am- ind.) ; सरोमाञ्चम् ind. saromāñca ; सुभाषितरसास्वादजातरोमाञ्चकञ्चुक mfn. having (as it were) armour consisting of bristling (or thrilling) hairs produced by tasting the flavour of delightful words ; romāñca standing of the hairs on the body CC Adi 7.89-90
अञ्चित adj.añcita अञ्चित pp. 1 (a) Curved, bent; ˚उचित Dk.125, bent and raised; किंचिदञ्चितां दृष्टिं संचारयन्ती 143. bent or oblique look; दोर्लीलाञ्चितचन्द्रशेखरधनुः Mv.1.54. bent; ˚सव्यजानुः R.18.51. अञ्चितदक्षिणोरुः Bk.2.31,9.4; ˚लाङ्गूलः (कपिः), ˚स्कन्धः (वृक्षः). (b) Arched and handsome (as eyebrows); ˚अक्षिपक्ष्मन् R.5.76; crisped, curled (as hair); स्वसिताञ्चितमूर्धजा Mb. -2 Gone. -3 Honoured; adorned, graced, graceful, handsome, दोर्दण्डाञ्चितमहिमा अञ्चितामादधानः Mv.7.8 graced, adorned; गतेषु लीलाञ्चित- विक्रमेषु Ku.1.34. cf. also कनकाचलसंकाशदेवतायतनाञ्चिते Śivabhārata IX.53. sportively handsome; ˚ताभ्यां गता- भ्याम् R.2.18, लीलाञ्चितभ्रूलता Dk.124,151; समधुरं मधुरञ्चित- विक्रमः R.9.24 of esteemed or adorable prowess; (अङ्गानि) रोमाञ्चमञ्चिततरं बिभराम्बभूवुः Ki.15.53. -4 Sewn or woven, arranged; अर्धाञ्चिता सत्वरमुत्थितायाः (रशना) R.7.1. half-strung or woven (गुम्फित Malli.). -Comp. -पत्रम् [ब.] a lotus with curved leaves. -भ्रूः a woman having arched or handsome eyebrows.
रोमाञ्चकञ्चुक m.
रोमाञ्चकञ्चुक m. ‘a coat of mail consisting (as it were) of the downy hair of the body standing erect through delight’
सम्पुटिका f.
HERE SEEMS = ‘a small notebook used for writing down poems and witty sayings’
सम्पुटिका f. a box filled with ornaments ; SAME IDEA AS रत्नकोश THEREFORE
संपुट m. saṃpuṭaḥ संपुटः 1 A cavity; स्वात्यं सागरशुक्तिसंपुटगतं (पयः) सन्मौक्तिकं जायते Bh.2.67 v. l.; Kāv.2.288; Mv.1.54; Ṛs.1.21. -2 A casket, covered box. -3 A hemispherical bowl. -4 The space between two bowls; Bhāva P. -5 A hemisphere. -6 A kind of coitus. -7 Credit, balance. -8 The Kurabaka flower. संपुटका sampuṭakā संपुटिका sampuṭikā संपुटका संपुटिका 1 A box, casket; यस्य संपुटिका नास्ति कुतस्तस्य सुभाषितम् (a collection or collected verses); Pt.2.165. -2 A variety of blanket; Kau. A.2.11. -3 A wrapper, envelope.
पुट m. / n. puṭaḥ पुटः टम् [पुट्-क] 1 A fold. -2 A hollow space, cavity, concavity; भिन्नपल्लवपुटो वनानिलः R.9.68;11.23; 17.12; M.3.9; अञ्जलिपुट, नासापुट, कर्णपुट &c. -3 A cup made of a leaf folded or doubled; a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयम् R.2.65; Ms.6.28. -6 Any shallow receptacle. -5 The pod or capsule which envelops young shoots. -6 A sheath, cover, covering -7 An eye-lid (पुटी also in all these senses). -8 A horse’s hoof. -9 A cloth worn to cover the privities. -टः 1 A casket. -2 The contracting of anything. -3 A folding of anything so as to form a cup. -टम् 1 A nutmeg. -2 Two vessels joined together for medical purposes. -Comp. -अञ्जलिः the two hollowed hands put together; श्रीकृष्णपुरतः स्थित्वा तुष्टाव तं पुटाञ्जलिः Brav. P.3.9,23. -उटजम् a white umbrella. -उदकः a cocoa-nut. -ग्रीवः 1 a pot, jar, pitcher. -2 a copper-vessel. -धेनुः a not yet full-grown cow with a calf. -पाकः 1 a particular method of preparing drugs, in which the various ingredients are wrapped up in leaves, and being covered with clay are roasted in the fire; अनिर्भिन्नो गभीरत्वादन्त- र्गूढघनव्यथः । पुटपाकप्रतीकाशो रामस्य करुणो रसः U.3.1. -2 digesting. -3 subliming. -भेदः 1 a town, city. -2 a kind of musical instrument (आतोद्य). -3 ‘parting of the eyelids’, opening; पुटभेदो ललाटस्थनीललोहितचक्षुषः U.6.3. -4 a whirl-pool or eddy. -भेदनम् a town, city; स हस्तिनपुरे रम्ये कुरूणां पुटभेदने (वसन्) Mb.1.1.12; पुट- भेदनं दनुसुतारिरैक्षत Śi.13.26.
गर्ता f.
गर्ता f. = (@’71.21) गर्त m. (equals kart/a- q.v) a hollow, hole, cave, grave
गर्ता f.
गर्ता f. = (@’71.21) गर्त m. (equals kart/a- q.v) a hollow, hole, cave, grave
गर्ताविषम n.
गर्ताविषम n. = ‘a patch of ground made uneven by virtue of the presence of holes or pits’
गर्ता f. a hole, cave ;
विषम n. unevenness, uneven or rough ground or place (sama-viṣameṣu-,”on even and uneven ground”), bad road
उद्यान n.
उद्यान n. udyānam उद्यानम् (-नः also) 1 Going or walking out. उद्यानं ते पुरुष नावयानम् Av.8.1.6. -2 A garden, park, pleasure garden; बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या Me.7,26,35; oft. opp. to वन; cf. दूरीकृताः खलु गुणैरुद्यानलता वनलताभिः Ś.1.17. -3 Purpose, motive. -4 N. of a country to the North of India. -Comp. -पालः, -पालकः, -रक्षकः a gardener, superintendent or keeper of a garden; उद्यानपालसामान्यमृतवस्तमुपासते Ku.2.36.
विशङ्क् A1. -śaṅkate-
विशङ्क् A1. -śaṅkate-, to be apprehensive or distrustful or uneasy ; to be afraid of (ablative) ; to fear, apprehend (accusative) ; to mistrust (accusative) ; to doubt, suspect ; to believe a person to have or to be (two accusative) ; (with anyathā-) to judge wrongly, misjudge
कान्तार m.
कान्तार m. kāntāraḥ कान्तारः रम् 1 A large or dreary forest; गृहं तु गृहिणीहीनं कान्तारादतिरिच्यते Pt.4.81; Bh.1.86; Y.2.38. -2 A bad road. -3 A hole, cavity. -रः 1 A red variety of the sugar-cane. -2 Mountain ebony. -3 A bamboo. -री A kind of sugar-cane -रम् 1 A symptom. -2 A lotus. -3 A class of the six-storeyed buildings. Māna.24.13-14
अन्वेषण n.
अन्वेषण f(ā-)n. seeking for, searching, investigating. ; n. inquiry, etc.
√शोधय् / √शोधय
CS X √शुध् 4 P.
√शोधय् / √शोधय CS X √शुध् 4 P. = -Caus. (शोधयति-ते) 1 To purify, cleanse, wash off. -2 To clear, pay off (as a debt). -3 To refine, filter. -4 To correct. -5 To acquit. -6 To examine, investigate, inquire into.
HERE ‘scour the forest’ == ‘investigate every part of the forest’
śudh शुध् 4 P. (शुध्यति, शुद्ध) 1 To become pure or purified; (fig. also); मृत्तोयैः शुध्यते शोध्यं नदी वेगेन शुध्यति । अद्भिर्गात्राणि शुध्यन्ति मनः सत्येन शुध्यति ॥ Ms.5.18-9. -2 To be auspicious, favourable, or eligible; तिथिरेव तावन्न शुध्यति Mu. 5. -3 To be made clear, have the doubts removed; न शुध्यति मे$न्तरात्मा Mk.8. -4 To be defrayed or cleared; व्ययः शुध्यति Pt. 5. -Caus. (शोधयति-ते) 1 To purify, cleanse, wash off. -2 To clear, pay off (as a debt). -3 To refine, filter. -4 To correct. -5 To acquit. -6 To examine, investigate, inquire into. -With परि, वि, सम् to be purified; रघुपतिरपि जातवेदोविशुद्धां प्रगृह्य प्रियाम् R.12. 14; Ms.5.64.
पल्वल n.
पल्वल n. palvalam पल्वलम् A small pool or pond, a puddle, tank (अल्पं सरः); स पल्वलजले$धुना……कथं वर्तताम् Bv.1.3; R.2.17;3.3. -Comp. -आवासः a tortoise. -कर्षक a. ploughing a pool. -पङ्कः the mud of a pool.
कूटपाश m.
कूटपाश m. a trap
kūṭa कूट a. 1 False; as in कूटाः स्युः पूर्वसाक्षिणः Y.2.8; दुस्तोषः कूटयोगिनाम् Bhāg.2.9.19. -2 Immovable, steady. -3 Despised. -टः, -टम् 1 Fraud, illusion, deception. -2 A trick, fraudulent or roguish scheme; अक्षकूटमधि- ष्ठाय हृतं दुर्योधनेन वै Mb.3.33.3.